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Three alleles of the FC27-type allelic family of the MSP2 gene of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum have been sequenced from parasites from the field (The Gambia and Tanzania). These alleles lack the 12 amino acid repeat units which are usual in this family of MSP2 alleles. We have investigated the recognition by sera from an endemic area (The Gambia) of three recombinant MSP2 proteins that have 5, 1 and no copies of this repeat region. Antibody recognition of these recombinant proteins varied according to the number of repeats present. High titre antibody levels were seen with most sera using the recombinant protein with 5 × 12-mer repeats, whereas only low responses were measured using proteins containing 1 or no 12-mer repeats. Several sera entirely failed to recognise the protein which lacked 12-mer repeats. The data suggest that variation in the number of tandem repeat sequences could allow the parasite to avoid high avidity antibody binding and this may allow escape from immune recognition.  相似文献   
Superoxide dismutase mimetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this review we describe the potential role(s) of superoxide in inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   
Children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) were assessed with items from the social skills domain of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) via interviews with their caregivers. Their scores were compared with scores from children in two control groups. The control groups included children matched for IQ to the FAS group (specifically on verbal IQ, henceforth, the VIQ group) and children with IQ scores in the average to above-average range (normal control group). Forty-five children (age range, 5 years 7 months to 12 years 11 months) were assessed ( n /group = 15). All groups differed with regard to social ability, as measured by the VABS (NC > VIQ > FAS), even when the effects of socioeconomic status were held constant. The three subdomains of the VABS social scale (interpersonal relationship skills, use of play and leisure time, and coping skills) were assessed, and results showed that the children with FAS were most impaired on the subdomain that assessed interpersonal relationship skills. An additional measure was constructed by obtaining an age-equivalent score for the VABS social scale and calculating a difference score by subtracting the child's chronological age from his/her age-equivalent score. There was a significant correlation between chronological age and difference scores for children in the FAS group but not for children in the two control groups. Specifically, in older children with FAS, there was an increased discrepancy between their ages and their age-equivalent scores, a discrepancy that was not present in children in the control groups. These results suggest that social deficits in children with FAS are beyond what can be explained by low IQ scores and indicate that there may be arrested, and not simply delayed, development of social abilities in children with FAS.  相似文献   

Continued generation of new B cells within the bone marrow is required throughout life. However, in old age, B lymphopoiesis is inhibited at multiple developmental stages from hematopoietic stem cells through the late stages of new B cell generation. While changes in B cell precursor subsets, as well as alterations in the supporting bone marrow microenvironment, in old age have been known for the last 20 years, only more recently have insights into the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible become clarified. Our recent discovery that B cells in aged mice are pro-inflammatory and can diminish B cell generation within the bone marrow suggests a potential mechanism of inappropriate “B cell feedback” which contributes to a bone marrow microenvironment unfavorable to B lymphopoiesis. We hypothesize that the consequences of a pro-inflammatory microenvironment in old age are (1) reduced B cell generation and (2) alteration in the “read-out” of the antibody repertoire. Both of these likely ensue from reduced expression of the surrogate light chain (λ5 + VpreB) and consequently reduced expression of the pre-B cell receptor (preBCR), critical to pre-B cell expansion and Vh selection. In old age, B cell development may progressively be diverted into a preBCR-compromised pathway. These abnormalities in B lymphopoiesis likely contribute to the poor humoral immunity seen in old age.

The sense of agency is a profoundly important human experience and is strongly linked to volitional action. The importance of this experience is underscored by the fact that many neurological and psychiatric disorders are partially characterized by an abnormal sense of agency (e.g., schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, depression). Healthy participants perceive the temporal interval between a voluntary action and its effect to be shorter than it actually is, and this illusion has been suggested as an implicit index of agency. Here, we investigated whether activating memories of depression alters perception of this action–effect interval, compared to activating memories of the previous day, or a baseline condition in which specific memories were not activated. Results showed that action–effect interval estimates were significantly longer after remembering a depressing episode than after remembering the previous day, or in the baseline condition. Thus, activating memories of depression alters the experience of voluntary actions and effects. We suggest that interval estimation measures could be useful in clinical settings, to implicitly assess the sense of agency in patients with disorders affecting their sense of control. In this way, obtaining action–effect interval estimates, pre-, during, and post-treatment, could aid in tracking treatment-induced changes in the sense of agency.  相似文献   
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