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France has changed from a country where hepatitis A is endemic to one where residents are at risk of hepatitis A infection: in 20 years, the seroprevalence in 20-year-olds has fallen from 50% to less than 10%. Prophylaxis for close contacts of an index case has therefore become a major problem because their risk of hepatitis A is high. Polyvalent immunoglobulins are recommended in several countries, but no immunoglobulins are approved for this indication in France. Immunoglobulins are also expensive and only slightly efficacious. A vaccine against hepatitis A administered to young children or adolescents can break the epidemic chain and protect adults very effectively by limiting virus circulation. Many countries propose early vaccination to at-risk contacts, with vaccination generally advised within a week of the initial infectious contact. Although more specific and more plentiful data are still necessary before this recommendation can be generalized, it must be taken into account. This medical decision should thus be made on an individualized basis after discussion between the physician and family about the risk.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: A proportion of patients with pure lower motor neuron syndrome (LMNS) progress to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Early detection of this progression is impossible, which delays the patient's access to treatment. Muscle expression of Nogo-A is a new candidate marker of ALS. We tested whether detection of Nogo-A in a muscle biopsy from patients with LMNS predicts progression to ALS. METHODS: Thirty-three patients who had undergone a muscle biopsy during the diagnostic workup of spinal LMNS were observed for 12 months. Nogo-A expression was measured by Western blot in muscle biopsy samples and compared with the final diagnosis. RESULTS: Nogo-A expression was detected in 17 patients and was absent in 16 patients. The detection of Nogo-A in muscle biopsy samples from LMNS patients correctly identified patients who further progressed to ALS with 91% accuracy, 94% sensitivity, and 88% specificity. In patients who later developed typical ALS, Nogo-A may be detected as early as 3 months after the onset of symptoms. INTERPRETATION: Nogo-A test is able to identify ALS early in the course of the disease when diagnosis is difficult, requiring further progression. Use of the test in clinical practice may shorten the delay before introduction of neuroprotective drugs or inclusion in clinical trials.  相似文献   
Myofibrillar myopathies (MFMs) are rare inherited or sporadic progressive neuromuscular disorders with considerable clinical and genetic heterogeneity. In the current study, we have analyzed histopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics in genetically identified MFMs. We performed a morphological and morphometrical study in a cohort of 24 genetically identified MFM patients (12 desmin, 6 αB-crystallin, 4 ZASP, 2 myotilin), and an extensive immunohistochemical study in 15 of these patients, using both well-known and novel antibodies directed against distinct compartments of the muscle fibers, including Z-disc and M-band proteins. Our morphological data revealed some significant differences between the distinct MFM subgroups: the consistent presence of ‘rubbed-out’ fibers in desminopathies and αB-crystallinopathies, an elevated frequency of vacuoles in ZASPopathies and myotilinopathies, and the presence of a few necrotic fibers in the two myotilinopathy patients. Immunohistochemistry showed that in MFM only a subset of Z-disc proteins, such as filamin C and its ligands myotilin and Xin, exhibited significant alterations in their localization, whereas other Z-disc proteins like α-actinin, myopodin and tritopodin, did not. In contrast, M-band proteins revealed no abnormalities in MFM. We conclude that the presence of ‘rubbed-out’ fibers are a suggestive feature for desminopathy or αB-crystallinopathy, and that MFM is not a general disease of the myofibril, but primarily affects a subgroup of stress-responsive Z-disc proteins. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The in utero environment is critical for initiating the ontogeny of several physiological systems, including the immune surveillance. Yet, little is known about adverse early experiences on the offspring's immunity and vulnerability to disease. The present work aimed at investigating the impact of restraint prenatal stress (PS) on the development and responsiveness of in vitro and in vivo cellular and humoral immunity of male progeny aged 7 weeks and 6 months. In adult 6-month-old rats, we detected increased circulating CD8(+)-expressing and NK cells in PS rats as compared to controls, associated with higher mRNA expression of IFN-gamma. In addition, in vitro stimulation with phytohemagglutinin-A induced an increase in both the proliferation of T lymphocytes and the secretion of IFN-gamma in PS rats. Interestingly, these alterations were undetectable in younger PS rats (7-week old), except for a slight increase in the mRNA expression of several pro-inflammatory cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Moreover, in vivo neutralization of IFN-gamma in young rats had no effects in PS group. In conclusion, we report for the first time long-lasting pro-inflammatory consequences of PS in rats.  相似文献   
Skeletal muscle cells constitute a heterogeneous population that maintains muscle integrity through a high myogenic regenerative capacity. More unexpectedly, this population is also endowed with an adipogenic potential, even in humans, and intramuscular adipocytes have been found to be present in several disorders. We tested the distribution of myogenic and adipogenic commitments in human muscle-derived cells to decipher the cellular basis of the myoadipogenic balance. Clonal analysis showed that adipogenic progenitors can be separated from myogenic progenitors and, interestingly, from myoadipogenic bipotent progenitors. These progenitors were isolated in the CD34(+) population on the basis of the expression of CD56 and CD15 cell surface markers. In vivo, these different cell types have been found in the interstitial compartment of human muscle. In vitro, we show that the proliferation of bipotent myoadipogenic CD56(+)CD15(+) progenitors gives rise to myogenic CD56(+)CD15(-) progenitors and adipogenic CD56(-)CD15(+) progenitors. A cellular hierarchy of muscle and fat progenitors thus occurs within human muscle. These results provide cellular bases for adipogenic differentiation in human skeletal muscle, which may explain the fat development encountered in different muscle pathological situations.  相似文献   
Frontometaphyseal dysplasia is an X-linked trait primarily characterized by a skeletal dysplasia comprising hyperostosis of the skull and modeling anomalies of the tubular bones. Extraskeletal features include tracheobronchial, cardiac, and urological malformations. A proportion of individuals have missense mutations or small deletions in the X-linked gene, FLNA. We report here our experience with comprehensive screening of the FLNA gene in a group of 23 unrelated probands (11 familial instances, 12 simplex cases; total affected individuals 32) with FMD. We found missense mutations leading to substitutions in the actin-binding domain and within filamin repeats 9, 10, 14, 16, 22, and 23 of filamin A in 13/23 (57%) of individuals in this cohort. Some mutations present with a male phenotype that is characterized by a severe skeletal dysplasia, cardiac, and genitourinary malformations that leads to perinatal death. Although no phenotypic feature consistently discriminates between females with FMD who are heterozygous for FLNA mutations and those in whom no FLNA mutation can be identified, there is a difference in the degree of skewing of X-inactivation between these two groups. This observation suggests that locus heterogeneity may exist for this disorder.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nocturnal railway noise on cardiovascular reactivity in young (25.8 ± 2.6 years) and middle-aged (52.2 ± 2.5 years) adults during sleep. Thirty-eight subjects slept three nights in the laboratory at 1-week interval. They were exposed to 48 randomized pass-bys of Freight, Passenger and Automotive trains either at an 8-h equivalent sound level of 40 dBA (Moderate) and 50 dBA (High) or at a silent Control night. Heart rate response (HRR), heart response amplitude (HRA), heart response latency (HRL) and finger pulse response (FPR), finger pulse amplitude (FPA) and finger pulse latency (FPL) were recorded to measure cardiovascular reactivity after each noise onset and for time-matched pseudo-noises in the control condition. Results show that Freight trains produced the highest cardiac response (increased HRR, HRA and HRL) compared to Passenger and Automotive. But the vascular response was similar whatever the type of train. Juniors exhibited an increased HRR and HRA as compared to seniors, but there was no age difference on vasoconstriction, except a shorter FPL in seniors. Noise level produced dose-dependent effects on all the cardiovascular indices. Sleep stage at noise occurrence was ineffective for cardiac response, but FPA was reduced when noise occurred during REM sleep. In conclusion, our study is in favor of an important impact of nocturnal railway noise on the cardiovascular system of sleeping subjects. In the limit of the samples studied, Freight trains are the most harmful, probably more because of their special length (duration) than because of their speed (rise time).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Universities in Cameroon are playing an active part in HIV/AIDS research and much of this research is carried out by students, usually for the purpose of a dissertation/thesis. Student theses/dissertations present research findings in a much more comprehensive manner and have been described as the stepping-stone of a budding scientist's potential in becoming an independent researcher. It is therefore important to verify how students handle issues of research ethics. METHOD: Theses/dissertations on HIV/AIDS that described research studies involving the use of human research participants were screened to verify if research ethics approval and informed consent were obtained and documented. The contents of the consent forms were also qualitatively analyzed. RESULTS: Of 174 theses/dissertations on HIV, ethics approval was documented in 17 (9.77%) and informed consent in 77 (47.83%). Research ethics approval was first mentioned at all in 2002 and highly reported in the year 2007. Evidence of ethics approval was found for the first time in 2005 and informed consent first observed and evidenced in 1997. Ethics approval was mostly reported by students studying for an MD (14.01%) and was not reported in any Bachelors' degree dissertation. Informed consent was also highly reported in MD theses (64.58%) followed by undergraduate theses (31.58%). Voluntary participation and potential benefits of the study were some of the common aspects dealt with in most of the consent forms. The right to discontinue participation in the study and management of residual samples were scarcely ever mentioned. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, and given the current state of the art of research ethics around the world, studentscientists in Cameroon would seem to be merely kidding with research ethics. It is thus essential that training in health research ethics (HRE) be incorporated in the curriculum of universities in Cameroon in order that the next generation of scientists may be better equipped with thorough knowledge and practice of HRE. This, we believe, would be one way of fighting the occurrence of research scandals, which have not yet abated significantly, especially those arising from negligence or inexcusable ignorance.  相似文献   
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