Genetic contributions to the etiology of substance abuse and dependence are topics of major interest. Acute and chronic cannabis use can produce drug-induced psychosis resembling schizophrenia and worsen positive symptoms of schizophrenia. The endocannabinoid system is one of the most important neural signaling pathways implicated in substance abuse and dependence. The fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is a primary catabolic enzyme of endocannabinoids. To clarify a possible involvement of FAAH in the etiology of methamphetamine dependence/psychosis or schizophrenia, we examined the genetic association of a nonsynonymous polymorphism of the FAAH gene (Pro129Thr) by a case-control study. We found no significant association in allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphism with either disorder. Because the Pro129Thr polymorphism reduces enzyme instability, it is unlikely that dysfunction of FAAH and enhanced endocannabinoid system induce susceptibility to either methamphetamine dependence/psychosis or schizophrenia. 相似文献
Summary Genomic imprinting is a biological phenomenon determined by an evolutionally acquired, underlying system that may control harmonious development and growth in mammals. It is also relevant to some genetic disorders in man. In this article, lines of biological evidence of imprinting, characteristics of the mouse and human imprinted genes, and findings and mechanisms on the occurrence of several human imprinting disorders are reviewed. 相似文献
The differences reported by various authors in regard to the inhibitory effect of the same antimitotic product on the production of antibodies, may be attributable in particular to the antigen used and to the technique of administration of the product. These differences have made it necessary to work out a test that is not subject to criticism in these respects.
After an investigation of the cytological reactions provoked in the mouse by various antigens, the authors have singled out three of these antigens: human albumin, the poliomyelitis virus and an allogeneic skin graft. The hyperbasophilic cells which are predominantly present in the lymphoid centres are, respectively, lymphocytes for the first, plasmocytes for the second and histiocytes for the third of these antigens.
In view of the different mechanisms of action that are possible with the different antimitotic products the authors used three methods of administration: entirely `before' the antigenic stimulus; total dose administered entirely `after' the antigenic stimulus; total dose administered partially `before' and partially `after' the antigenic stimulus.
Carrier determination and prenatal diagnosis in Norrie disease (ND) has so far not been reported. We describe a kindred with 4 members affected by ND in which a deletion comprising gene locus DXS7 on the short arm of the X chromosome defined by probe L1.28 causes the disorder. This allowed us to predict via chorion villus biopsy that a male foetus of a carrier woman is unaffected. 相似文献
Several lines of evidence indicate that glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK3beta) is one of the candidates for schizophrenia-susceptibility factor. However, it has not been reported the association analysis between GSK3beta gene (GSK3B) and Japanese schizophrenia based on linkage disequilibrium (LD). We provide an association analysis using relatively large samples (381 schizophrenia, and 352 controls) after determination of "tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)." In this LD mapping, we selected and genotyped for eight polymorphisms (seven SNPs and one diallelic (CAA)(n) repeat), which covered the entire region of GSK3B, and determined two "tag SNPs." In the following association analysis using these two "tag SNPs," we could not find association with Japanese schizophrenia. Furthermore, we also include subgroup analysis considering age-at-onset and subtypes, neither could we find associations. Because our samples provided quite high power, these results indicate that GSK3B may not play a major role in Japanese schizophrenia. 相似文献
This study was designed to evaluate the histological changes during ossification and cellular events including osteogenic differentiation responding to collagenous bioresorbable membranes utilized for GBR. Standardized artificial bony defects were prepared at rat maxillae, and covered with a collagenous bioresorbable membrane. These animals were sacrificed at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after the GBR-operation. The paraffin sections were subject to tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) enzyme histochemistry and immunohistochemistry for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteopontin (OP) and osteocalcin (OC). In the first week of the experimental group, woven bone with ALP-positive osteoblasts occupied the lower half of the cavity. The collagenous membrane included numerous ALP-negative cells and OP-immunoreactive extracellular matrices. At 2 weeks, the ALP-, OP- and OC-immunoreactivity came to be recognizable in the region of collagenous membrane. Since ALP-negative soft tissue separated the collagenous membrane and the new bone originating from the cavity bottom, the collagenous membrane appeared to induce osteogenesis in situ. At 3 weeks, numerous collagen fibers of the membrane were embedded in the adjacent bone matrix. At 4 weeks, the membrane-associated and the cavity-derived bones had completely integrated, showing the same height of the periosteal ridge as the surrounding alveolar bones. The collagen fibers of a GBR-membrane appear to participate in osteogenic differentiation. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: Inhaled corticosteroids play a pivotal role in the treatment of asthma. To observe the mechanisms of glucocorticoids, we focused our study on the comparison of several glucocorticoids' effects on eotaxin expression in the airway epithelial cells. METHODS: Airway epithelial cell line BEAS-2B was cultured in vitro. Cells were preincubated with or without glucocorticoids (becromethasone dipropionate; BDP, budesonide; BUD, fluticasone propionate; FP) and stimulated with TNFalpha and/or IL-4. Protein levels of eotaxin in the supernatants of the cultured cells were determined by ELISA. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: TNFalpha and IL-4 increased the levels of eotaxin in BEAS-2B cells. Combination of these cytokines synergistically upregulated the eotaxin expression as reported previously. Each glucocorticoid significantly inhibited the expression of eotaxin protein induced with TNFalpha and IL-4 and the compared efficacy was in order of FP>BUD>BDP. FP seemed most potent and the inhibitory effect was also observed with relatively low concentration such as 10 (-10)M. Taken together, the comparison of the potency of each glucocorticoid using airway epithelial cells may reflect the efficacy of these drugs in asthmatics. 相似文献
Radiotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for cancers. However, external irradiation provides only small doses to deep-seated cancers, and often causes damage to healthy tissues. It has been reported that 20-30 microm diameter 17Y(2)O(3)-19Al(2)O(3)-64SiO(2) (mol%) glass microspheres are useful for the in situ irradiation of cancers. Yttrium-89 (89Y) in this glass can be neutron bombarded to form the beta-emitter 90Y (half-life=64.1h). When injected in the vicinity of the cancer, such activated glass microspheres can provide a large localized dose of beta-radiation. The Y(2)O(3) content of the glass in the microspheres is limited to only 17 mol%. Chemically durable microspheres with a higher Y(2)O(3) content need to be developed. Phosphorus-31 (31P) with 100% natural abundance can also be activated by neutron bombardment to form the beta-emitter 32P (half-life=14.3d). Chemically durable microspheres containing a high phosphorus content are expected to be more effective for cancer treatment. We prepared pure Y(2)O(3) and YPO(4) microspheres using a high-frequency induction thermal plasma melting technique, and investigated the resulting structure and chemical durability. We successfully prepared smooth, highly spherical polycrystalline Y(2)O(3) and YPO(4) microspheres with diameters in the range 20-30 microm. Both the Y(2)O(3) and YPO(4) microspheres showed high chemical durability in saline solutions buffered at pH=6 and 7. These microspheres are expected to be more effective than the conventional glass microspheres for the in situ radiotherapy of cancer. 相似文献
Kinetic studies on the acid-catalyzed reaction of formaldehyde with diphenyl sulfide (DPS) were carried out in acetic acid in the presence of sulfuric acid. The rate of the initial stage of the reaction was found to be in agreement with the following equation. The relative rates of diphenyl sulfide and its homologous compounds in the reaction with formaldehyde gave a good correlation with BROWN -OKAMOTO 's σ⊕ values and a large ρ value. The polar effects of substituents of the substituted diphenyl sulfides on the rates were found to be considerably large. From these results a plausible mechanism of the reaction has been deduced. 相似文献
In a Finnish kindred consisting of 192 descendants from two marriages of a male ancestor born in 1868, the lumbar spines of 105 of the 170 living members were X-rayed. Spondylolysis was found in 22 individuals. In addition, six of them had spondylolisthesis, four had spina bifida occulta, and two had a transitional lumbar/sacral vertebra. Seven members of the kindred without spondylolysis had spina bifida occulta and 10 had transitional lumbar vertebrae. The pedigree is consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance and incomplete (about 75 %) penetrance for spondylolysis. It raises the question of a common aetiology for several congenital disturbances in the formation of lumbar vertebrae and possibly supports the concept of a variable expressivity of a "spondylolysis gene". 相似文献