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The involvement of the CD2 (T11) molecule, an alternative activation pathway for T lymphocytes, in the regulation of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha/TNF receptor system in human T lymphocytes has been investigated. It has been found that both TNF-alpha synthesis and secretion were induced after incubation of purified T lymphocytes with the appropriate mitogenic combination of antibodies specific for two different epitopes on the CD2 molecule. Moreover, TNF-alpha secretion was also observed by activation of T lymphocytes either through CD3 or CD69 molecular pathways, or with other stimulating agents such as Ca2+ ionophore in combination with phorbol esters. The expression of TNF receptors has been studied in both nonactivated and CD2-activated T lymphocytes. Unstimulated T cells weakly expressed a functional 75-kDa receptor form, whereas they lacked detectable levels of the 55-kDa receptor form. Triggering of T cell activation through the CD2 molecule also markedly increased the expression of the p75-kDa TNF receptor form, but did not exert any inductive effect on the expression of the p55-kDa TNF receptor. In addition, we have found that TNF-alpha enhanced the proliferative response triggered by the mixture of anti-CD2 monoclonal antibodies. Taken together, these results support a role for the CD2 activation pathway in the functional regulation of TNF-alpha/TNF receptor system in T lymphocytes, and reinforce the view of CD2 as an alternative pathway for regulation of the cytokine network that modulates the function of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   
HIV-1 vertical transmission is thought to mainly take place by virus crossing the placental barrier. However, the mechanism by which HIV-1-infects placental cells remains to be elucidated. We have found that purified cytotrophoblasts as well as trophoblastic cell lines are susceptible to infection by different HIV-1 isolates as detected by DNA-PCR and release of infectious virus, although with very low efficiency. Purified trophoblast or trophoblastic cell lines express low levels of chemokine receptors CCR-5 and CXCR-4 but not CD4 on the cell surface. To test if those molecules were used as receptors for HIV-1 infection, placental cells were pretreated with antibodies to CD4, CC-chemokines, C-X-C chemokines. None of those treatments inhibited HIV-1 infection. In contrast, we have found that HIV-1 infection of placental cells was increased in cocultures of infected T-cell blasts and placental cells. More interestingly, antibodies to beta(2) integrins and to LFA-1 were able to significantly block infection of placental cells. Cell surface expression of ICAM-1, an adhesion molecule involved in attachment of leukocytes to placenta, was upregulated in HIV-1-infected placental cells. Placental cells were able to transfer HIV-1 infection to T-cell blasts. This transmission required cell to cell contact and was also inhibited by anti-LFA-1 antibodies. In summary our results suggest that placental trophoblast could be infected by HIV-1 by a mechanism involving T cell to placental contact. Moreover, placental infection enhanced ICAM-1 expression and leukocyte adherence, an event which was required to transfer HIV-1 infection to T cells. This provides an explanation of the virus passing through the placental barrier during in utero HIV-1 vertical transmission.  相似文献   
A frame-shift 9254del5 mutation was independently identified in 12 families, eleven of them with Spanish ancestors, in a BRCA2 screening performed in 841 breast and/or ovarian cancer families and in 339 women with breast cancer diagnosed before the age of 40 at different centers in France and Spain. We sought to analyze in detail the haplotype and founder effects of the 9254del5 and to estimate the time of origin of the mutation. Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers and two BRCA2 polymorphisms were used for the haplotype analyses. The markers were located flanking the BRCA2 gene spanning a region of 6.1 cM. Our results suggest that these families shared a common ancestry with BRCA2 9254del5, which is a founder mutation originating in the Northeast Spanish, with an estimated age of 92 (95% CI 56-141) generations.  相似文献   
Quantification of intramyocardial hemorrhage was performed in 69 pigs submitted to various protocols of coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion. The study groups include 1) permanent occlusion; 2) reperfusion after periods of coronary occlusion of 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes; 3) reperfusion with diltiazem and with 4) methoxamine after a 60-minute occlusion period; and 5) permanent reocclusion after a 30-minute period of reperfusion. Red blood cell counts were directly assessed by visual examination of histologic slices of myocardium and in a subgroup of animals by counts of red blood cells labeled with 99m-technetium pertechnetate. Hemorrhage occurs in infarcts reperfused after a duration of 45 minutes or more of coronary occlusion and after a period of reperfusion maintained for at least 30 minutes. Red blood cell counts were maximal in the mid portions of transmural sections of the infarcts, with decreasing values toward epicardium and endocardium. Diltiazem decreased total red blood cell counts, whereas methoxamine increased it and also caused subendocardial hemorrhage. The most powerful predictors of the severity of hemorrhage after sustained reperfusion were infarct size and higher blood pressure.  相似文献   
HLA polymorphisms in Nigerians   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The HLA class I and class II phenotypes of a panel of 114 unrelated Nigerians have been determined. The panel was tested for all the known class I antigens and comparisons of the HLA-A and -B frequencies with those of other African Negroid populations revealed some differences. Only limited comparisons could be made for the HLA-DR and -D frequencies as these are not available for any well-defined African Negroid population. The data concerning the class II antigens of this panel are the most interesting. Half of the DRw11-positive panel members are DQw3 negative and DQw1 positive. In addition, there is dissociation of some HLA-D and -DR specificities, a number of panel members are positive for an HLA-D specificity and are negative for the corresponding HLA-DR specificity. Our results show the value of population studies in the investigation of the relationship between the different HLA class II antigens.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of a commercial ligase-based gene amplification method (LCxMycobacterium tuberculosis test; Abbott Laboratories, USA) for detection ofMycobacterium tuberculosis. The tuberculosis infection rate among clinical samples was 10.6%. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were 23.5%, 100%, 100%, and 91.7%, respectively, with the fluorochrome auramine stain; 32.4%, 100%, 100%, and 92.6%, respectively, with culture; and 76.5%, 95.8%, 68.4% and 97.2%, respectively, with the gene amplification method. When only samples from patients without current or previous treatment were studied, the sensitivity was 36.4% with the auramine stain, 63.6% with culture, and 100% with the gene amplification assay. The mean treatment time for culture-negative and assay-negative samples was greater than that of culture-negative and assay-positive samples. The LCxMycobacterium tuberculosis test is a sensitive method for detection and identification ofMycobacterium tuberculosis. It produces few false-positive results. However, as it can remain positive after the culture becomes negative, it is not recommended for evaluation of treatment efficiency.  相似文献   
In order to characterize the localization of the sigma(1) receptor in the adult rat central nervous system, a polyclonal antibody was raised against a 20 amino acid peptide, corresponding to the fragment 143-162 of the cloned sigma(1) receptor protein. Throughout the rostrocaudal regions of the central nervous system extending from the olfactory bulb to the spinal cord, intense to moderate immunostaining was found to be associated with: (i) ependymocytes bordering the entire ventricular system, and (ii) neuron-like structures located within the parenchyma. Double fluorescence studies confirmed that, throughout the parenchyma, sigma(1) receptor-immunostaining was essentially associated with neuronal structures immunostained for the neuronal marker betaIII-tubulin. In all rats examined, high levels of immunostaining were always associated with neurons located within specific regions including the granular layer of the olfactory bulb, various hypothalamic nuclei, the septum, the central gray, motor nuclei of the hindbrain and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In contrast, only faint immunostaining was associated with neurons located in the caudate-putamen and the cerebellum. Electron microscope studies indicated that sigma(1) receptor immunostaining was mostly associated with neuronal perikarya and dendrites, where it was localized to the limiting plasma membrane, the membrane of mitochondria and of some cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. At the level of synaptic contacts, intense immunostaining was associated with postsynaptic structures including the postsynaptic thickening and some polymorphous vesicles, whereas the presynaptic axons were devoid of immunostaining.These data indicate that the sigma(1) receptor antibody prepared here, represents a promising tool for further investigating the role of sigma(1) receptors.  相似文献   
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