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Twenty-two hydrocephalic patients with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt using a continuously variable flow resistance valve (Orbis-Sigma valve system; Cordis Corporation, USA) were reviewed to discuss usefulness of the shunt system. We divided the cases into two groups according to the demonstration of the cortical sulci in computed tomography (CT) as follows; A: progressive hydrocephalic cases mimicking simple brain atrophy, B: acute or subacute hydrocephalic cases with evidence of increased intracranial pressure. Patients in Group A had begun to present slowly progressive loss of activity, dementia and gait disturbance of various degrees after a long quiescent period following primary central nervous system injury. CT findings of these cases showed they were mimicking simple brain atrophy. Although the period of their deterioration was very long, ranging from 1 month to nine years, clinical signs improved in all cases after the shunt. None showed complications. Group B cases consisted of those with signs of increased intracranial pressure such as consciousness disturbance, nausea and vomiting. These cases showed poor demonstration of the cortical sulci in CT. Eleven out of thirteen cases showed satisfactory clinical improvement, though the size of the ventricle showed a slight decrease following shunt procedure. Only one case showed unilateral subdural effusion. In conclusion, this shunt system is useful for the management of ventricular enlarged cases mimicking simple brain atrophy as well as acute hydrocephalic cases. Troublesome consequences such as subdural effusion and hemorrhage rarely occur even in cases with low cerebrospinal pressure.  相似文献   
K Abe  M Ohta 《Psychopathology》1992,25(4):218-228
Published cases of periodic psychosis of puberty and related papers were reviewed. The clinical picture is near-monthly recurrence of episodes of stupor or excitement lasting about 1 or 2 weeks, which are accompanied by delusion and in some cases also by hallucinations or confusion. This condition was found to occur more commonly in girls than in boys, and in half of the girls reported the episodes tended to start a few days before menses. Adolescents with mental retardation were more commonly affected, and this suggests that organic brain damage may play a role in the etiology in some cases. Short-term prognosis is usually favorable, but at long-term follow-up, nearly half of them were found to be suffering from affective or schizophrenic illness. The clinical importance of recognizing this psychosis early in the course of illness is emphasized.  相似文献   
We reviewed the computed tomography scans of 126 term infants, ages 1-6 months; leukohypodensity was found just under the cerebral cortex (subcortical leukohypodensity [SLD]) in 3 infants (2.4%) at 1-3 months of age. On subsequent computed tomography at over 4 months of age, SLD had disappeared and anterior horn predominant dilatation of the lateral ventricles had appeared. Only 1 patient with a distinct SLD had a poor neurodevelopmental outcome: spastic diplegia. SLD in our patients is believed to be closely related to subcortical leukomalacia because of the similar location and age distribution. Transient SLD may be a mild form of cystic SLD which would require careful computed tomography follow-up examination in early infancy.  相似文献   
Effects of several cytokines on des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin (PIVKA II) synthesis in human hepatoma cells were investigated to know the process of PIVKA II production during a liver allograft rejection. Human recombinant interleukin-6 (IL-6) significantly stimulated the PIVKA II synthesis without any influence on the cell proliferation. The effect was almost completely neutralized by the specific anti-IL-6 antibody. Neither tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-1 (IL-1) nor interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) had such a stimulative effect. IL-6 appears to stimulate PIVKA II production, and would be a candidate of factors that enhance the production of PIVKA II during a liver allograft rejection.  相似文献   
In order to investigate useful protective medicines for the relief of skin injury induced by irradiation, 60 methanol extracts of Chinese traditional medicines were used in the test of protective potency on skin injury. ICR male mice at 6 weeks of age were whole-body irradiated with 1100R by using a soft X-ray generator (30 kVp, 10 mA, 190 R/min). Each methanol extract of these medicines was injected intraperitoneally into mice before or after irradiation. The degrees of skin injury were determined by a score system of skin reaction within the observation period from 21st to 40th day after irradiation. Protective potency of each medicine on skin injury was calculated from the maximum mean scores of administrated group and un-administrated group. As a result of these studies, the protective potency was detected in Unsei-in, Kumibinro-to, Keisi-syakuyaku-chimo-to, Keigai-rengyo-to, Gosyuyu-to, Koso-san, Saiko-seikan-to, Syo-kankyo-to, Syo-saiko-to, Syoma-kakkon-to, Sen-kan-meimoku-to, Zokumei-to, Sokei-kakketu-to, Bokuryo-in, Mao-to and Rikkunsi-to by intraperitoneal injection before irradiation. Of these effective medicines, only Unsei-in and Mao-to are shown to have a significant protective effect by intraperitoneal injection after irradiation.  相似文献   
This report describes an experimental model of chronic tonsillar herniation and its effects on the spinal cord. In ten rats, a small piece of chemically induced mammary cancer was transplanted to the supraoccipital bone. In all cases, the transplanted cancers grew into the posterior fossa, destroying the supraoccipital bone and compressing the cerebellum extradurally. In six of the ten rats, tonsillar herniation was observed at 8–14 weeks after transplantation. Transdural infiltration of the tumor cells was not apparent in any animal. In those rats with tonsillar herniation (n=6), the spinal cord from the C5 to the T8 segments showed enlargement of the central canal without exception. Histological examination revealed the following changes: stretching and thinning of the ependymal cells; swelling of the astrocytic processes; and extracellular edema, predominantly in the dorsal gray matter, but also in the ventral inner portion of the dorsal column. In the control group (n=4) and those rats without tonsillar herniation (n=4), such histological changes of the spinal cord were not observed. Although the lesions can not be regarded as representing mature syringomyelia, they most likely constitute an earlier evolutionary stage.  相似文献   
Trypanosome alternative oxidase (TAO) is the terminal oxidase of the respiratory chain of long slender bloodstream forms (LS forms) of African trypanosoma, which causes sleeping sickness in human and nagana in cattle. TAO is a cytochrome-independent, cyanide-insensitive quinol oxidase and these properties are quite different from those of the bacterial quinol oxidase which belongs to the heme-copper terminal oxidase superfamily. Only little information concerning the molecular structure and enzymatic features of TAO have been available, whereas the bacterial enzyme has been well characterized. In this study, a cDNA encoding TAO from Trypanosoma brucei brucei was cloned into the expression vector pET15b (pTAO) and recombinant TAO was expressed in Escherichia coli. The growth of the transformant carrying pTAO was cyanide-resistant. A peptide with a molecular mass of 37 kDa was found in the cytoplasmic membrane of E. coli, and was recognized by antibodies against plant-type alternative oxidases from Sauromatum guttatum and Hansenula anomala. Both the ubiquinol oxidase and succinate oxidase activities found in the membrane of the transformant were insensitive to cyanide, while those of the control strain, which contained vector alone, were inhibited. This cyanide-insensitive growth of the E. coli carrying pTAO was inhibited by the addition of ascofuranone, a potent and specific inhibitor of TAO ubiquinol oxidase. The ubiquinol oxidase activity of the membrane from the transformant was sensitive to ascofuranone. These results clearly show the functional expression of TAO in E. coli and indicate that ubiquinol-8 in the E. coli membrane is able to serve as an electron donor to the recombinant enzyme and confer cyanide-resistant and ascofuranone-sensitive growth to E. coli. This system will facilitate the biochemical characterization of the novel terminal oxidase, TAO, and the understanding on the mechanism of the trypanocidal effect of ascofuranone.  相似文献   
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