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Summary Six subjects exercised for 60 min on a cycle ergometer. Their backs were exposed to an artificial sun with a spectral distribution similar to sunlight and an intensity of 724 W m–2. Each subject took part in four experiments in random order: wearing suits of polyester (insulation value = 0.5 clo), white (WP) or black (BP), or cotton (0.6 clo), white (WC) or black (BC). Measured by partitional calorimetry, the calculated heat losses and gains for the four conditions balanced within less than 10%. The differences between the short-wave radiation gains of subjects in white or black garments were small. This is due to the transparency of the white materials, which allows a larger percentage of the radiation to penetrate the clothing. The surface temperatures of the sun-exposed areas were very high, especially in the black suits. This promotes dry heat loss. Therefore the sweat loss in the black suits and the differences between the black and white clothes became relatively small. The physiological strain in steady-state exercise, as expressed by average heart rates, was 142 (WP), 154 (BP), 151 (WC), and 160 (BC) beats min–1; the sweat losses were 649 (WP), 666 (BP), 704 (WC), and 808 (BC) g. For both of these measures values for white polyester were significantly less than those for black cotton.  相似文献   
Objectives: To elucidate the pressure transfer between intracranial and labyrinthine fluids in patients with well‐defined unilateral Meniere's disease. Study Design: Eleven patients previously exposed to hypobaric pressure agreed to be investigated further with the tympanic membrane displacement (TMD) technique. TMD was used to indirectly analyze perilymph pressure changes as the result of changes in body position. Methods: Repeated measurements for both the diseased and the healthy ears were made with the patients supine and then in a sitting position. The TMD parameters for the maximum inward displacement, the Vi, and the mean volume displacement, the Vm, were calculated and compared. Results: The paired comparison showed statistically significant larger Vi values for both ears in the supine position. A similar tendency was observed for the Vm value. This difference of the Vi was significantly larger for the diseased ear compared with the currently healthy ear. The results were compared to the audiometric and electrocochleographic results previously obtained on the same patients when they were subjected to hypobaric pressure. Patients who experienced the largest differences in hearing level thresholds in the lower frequencies also showed the greatest differences in TMD values as the result of postural changes. Conclusions: Despite the limited number, the statistically supported results suggest a relation between the efficiency of the routes of pressure transfer and the observed effect of hypobaric exposure. The results also indicate that for the patients tested, the routes of communication are more effective in the diseased ear than in the healthy ear—a condition that may relate to the pathogeneses of Meniere's disease.  相似文献   
Forty patients (41 operated shoulders) with subacromial impingement resistant to conservative therapy underwent acomioplasty and were evaluated 6 to 142 months after surgery. Patients requiring rotator cuff repair were excluded from the study. With the UCLA scoring system, results were excellent or good in 28 (68%), fair in five (12%), and poor in eight (20%). Thirty-three (80%) were satisfied with their result. There was a trend toward poorer results in women and in the elderly (aged 60 to 69 years). A striking finding was the statistically significant relationship between result rating and duration of symptoms. Ninety-three percent had an excellent or good result, if they had been symptomatic for greater than 3 years, whereas only 56% reached those ratings with symptom duration less than 3 years. The only complication was a superficial infection. Three patients required manipulation after the procedure. Two required subsequent surgery because of continuing pain. This procedure seems safe and reasonably effective. Careful patient selection must be stressed. Results will be better with a longer preoperative duration of symptoms.  相似文献   
Preventive medicine is an increasingly important area of clinical practice. Conceptually, preventive medicine involves three tasks of the clinician: screening, counseling, and immunization/prophylaxis. This opening article reviews some of the basic tenets underlying screening including basic epidemiologic principles, characteristics of a good screening situation, barriers to screening, and some of the potential hazards of screening.  相似文献   
Summary Correlative echocardiographic and pathological findings in a thoracopagus with conjoined hearts are reported. One twin had tricuspid atresia with discordant atrioventricular connections and concordant ventriculoarterial connections. The morphologic right ventricle was hypoplastic and there was a large muscular ventricular septal defect. The other twin had hypoplasia of the mitral valve anulus and left ventricle with double-outlet right ventricle and pulmonary valve atresia. The tricuspid valve was severely insufficient in part because of a large orifice and redundant, elongated leaflets with abnormal chordal attachments. The left ventricles of these two twins shared a perforated common free wall with at least two large defects allowing mixing of the circulations at that level. Not all anatomic details were established conclusively by fetal echocardiography; however, sufficient diagnostic information was obtained to support a decision not to aggressively resuscitate these twins after elective cesarean delivery at 31 weeks' gestation.  相似文献   
Two siblings with Darier's disease, multiple bone cysts and recurrent "spontaneous" fractures are described.  相似文献   
Ensuring adequate content validity of a certification examination is a major concern in the development and administration of a test. To establish content validity of the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) certification exam, a job analysis study was conducted to provide empirical data about the responsibilities and knowledge areas required for practice at the level of the newly certified oncology nurse. The study involved The Profession of Oncology Nursing: An Inventory of Responsibilities and Knowledge (IRKPON), a questionnaire that was developed based on a review of the literature, professional practice information, interviews with oncology nurses, the original ONCC certification exam table of specifications, and evaluations undertaken by two advisory committees. The IRKPON consisted of three parts: 56 responsibilities clustered into eight job dimensions, 217 knowledge areas grouped into seven knowledge dimensions, and demographic information. The IRKPON was sent to a stratified random sample of 3,000 oncology nurses in the United States, who were asked to rate both the responsibilities and knowledge areas by level of importance. The 1,297 (43%) responding nurses rated 45 of 56 responsibilities (80.4%) as "very important" and 8 of 56 responsibilities (14.3%) as "extremely important"; they also rated 163 of 217 knowledge areas (75.1%) as "very important" and 41 of 217 knowledge areas (18.9%) as "extremely important." These findings identified the specific responsibilities most important to the oncology nurse role at the level of the newly certified nurse, as well as the knowledge areas necessary for competent performance. Subsequent ONCC certification examinations were modified; the test blueprint that guides the construction of the examination was revised, and the passing score was adjusted.  相似文献   
Pleural effusions were made by intrapleural turpentine installation in mice. The fine structure of inflammatory cells from the effusions was normal except for lipid inclusions. The same type of inclusion was previously found in neutrophils from pleural effusions in patients with tuberculous infection, rheumatoid disease, or carcinomatosis. The lipid inclusions observed in neutrophils from an irritative turpentine-induced pleurisy should be considered as "fatty change", and are structurally similar to the rheumatoid arthritis cells seen in patients with different diseases.  相似文献   
Part III of the AHRA Statistical Resource Committee salary survey compares the AHRA data with other studies. Comparisons are also provided between AHRA data from 1984 to 1990, highlighting trends in salary and education level, annual increases, and job satisfaction.  相似文献   
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