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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often results in a myriad of symptoms across physical, cognitive, and neurobehavioral domains. Despite inherent limitations associated with physical or cognitive impairments, the extant literature suggests that neurobehavioral symptoms tend to be the most distressing symptoms for the family and are more strongly related to poor outcome for the patient. The Neuropsychology Behavior and Affect Profile (NBAP) along with the General Functioning subscale of the Family Assessment Device (FAD-GF) and the Perceived Stress Scale were administered to 153 family members of persons who had sustained a TBI. The results provide new normative data and statistical support for the NBAP as a promising measure of neurobehavioral symptomatology following TBI. The correlation of.54 (p <.01) between FAD-GF and Full Scale NBAP scores provides powerful support for the hypothesis that family dysfunction is related to the presence of neurobehavioral symptoms in the patient. NBAP domains of Depression, Inappropriateness, Pragnosia, and Indifference appear most strongly related to family functioning and also bear a significant relationship to caregiver stress level and patient unemployment, whereas injury severity had little impact on either family functioning or neurobehavioral symptoms. The findings reinforce the significance of neurobehavioral symptoms and fortify their proposed link to family dysfunction post-TBI.  相似文献   
With an incidence of approximately 1 in 500 male newborns, the 47,XXY genotype is one the most common sex chromosome anomalies. It is also the most frequent genetic cause of human infertility. Some non-mosaic 47,XXY patients have sperm production which allows infertility treatment to be offered by ICSI. Therefore, the risk of transmitting a chromosome anomaly to the next generation is an important problem in reproductive genetic counselling of these patients. Here, we report on a twin pregnancy where two karyotypically normal neonates 46,XX and 46,XY were born after the use of ICSI in assisted reproduction of a patient with a non-mosaic 47,XXY syndrome. To date, only 38 evolving pregnancies including the present cases, have been reported after ICSI using sperm from non-mosaic 47,XXY patients. Although these data are scarce, they suggest that the risk of chromosome anomaly in the offspring of these patients is low; hence, their reproductive genetic counselling can be reassuring, and management of the pregnancy can proceed with caution.  相似文献   
To circumvent the reconstructive disadvantages inherent in resorbable polyglycolic acid (PGA)/polylactic acid (PLA) used in cartilage engineering, a nonresorbable, and nonreactive polyurethane sponge (Tecoflex sponge, TS) was studied as both a cell delivery device and as an internal support scaffolding. The in vitro viability and proliferation of porcine articular chondrocytes (PACs) in TS, and the in vivo generation of new articular cartilage and long-term resorption, were examined. The initial cell attachment rate was 40%, and cell density increased more than 5-fold after 12 days of culture in vitro. PAC-loaded TS blocks were implanted into nude mice, became opalescent, and resembled native cartilage at weeks 12 and 24 postimplantation. The mass and volume of newly formed cartilage were not significantly different at week 24 from samples harvested at week 6 or week 12. Safranin O-fast green staining revealed that the specimens from cell-loaded TS groups at week 12 and week 24 consisted of mature cartilage. Collagen typing revealed that type II collagen was present in all groups of tissue-engineered cartilage. In conclusion, the implantation of PAC-TS resulted in composite tissue-engineered articular cartilage with TS as an internal support. Long-term observation (24 weeks) of mass and volume showed no evidence of resorption.  相似文献   
Capillary basement membrane (CBM) thickening is an ultrastructural hallmark in diabetic patients and in animal models of diabetes. However, the wide variety of tissues sampled and diverse methods employed have made the interpretation of thickness data difficult. We showed previously that acellular glomerular BMs in OVE26 transgenic diabetic mice were thickened beyond normal age-related thickening, and in the current study we hypothesized that other microvascular BMs likewise would show increased widths relative to age-matched controls. Accordingly, a series of tissues, including skeletal and cardiac muscle, ocular retina and choriod, peripheral nerve, lung, pancreas, and renal glomerulus was collected from 300-350-day-old normal and transgenic mice. Transmission electron micrographs of cross sections through capillary walls were prepared, and CBM thickness (CBMT) was determined by the "orthogonal intercept" method. Morphometric analyses showed highly variable transgene-related BMT increases in the sampled tissues, with glomerular BM showing by far the greatest increase (+87%). Significant thickness increases were also seen in the retina, pulmonary alveolus, and thoracoabdominal diaphragm. BMT increases were not universal; however, most were modestly widened, and those that were thickest in controls generally showed the greatest increase. Although the pathogenesis of diabetes-related increases in CBM is poorly understood, data in the current study showed that in OVE26 transgenic mice increased BMT was a frequent concomitant of hyperglycemia. Accordingly, it seems likely that hyperglycemia-induced microvascular damage may be a contributing factor in diabetic BM disease, and that microvessel cellular and extracellular heterogeneity may limit the extent of CBM thickening in diverse tissues.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: This study investigated the mediating role of general and maternal-specific dysfunctional cognitions, in the relationship between non-cognitive risk factors and postnatal depressive symptomatology. METHODS: An Australian community sample comprising 406 postnatal women responded to the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS), the Maternal Attitudes Questionnaire (MAQ), the Vulnerable Personality Style Questionnaire (VPSQ) and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). They also responded to several questions related to perinatal and postnatal experiences. RESULTS: Path analysis demonstrated that different mediational pathways operated for different risk factors. The relationship between having a difficult baby and postnatal depression was fully mediated by maternal-specific dysfunctional cognitions (MAQ scores), whereas the relationship between past history of depression and postnatal depression was partially mediated by general dysfunctional cognitions (DAS scores). Finally, the relationship between a vulnerable personality and depressive symptomatology was mediated by both DAS and MAQ scores. LIMITATIONS: The study employed a correlational design. Thus, all inferences regarding possible causal pathways are tentative. In addition, the generalisability of these findings to other populations needs to be demonstrated in future research. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study are consistent with the view that risk factors may influence postnatal depression indirectly through at least two distinct cognitive mediators (dysfunctional maternal and general cognitions). It may be possible to target therapies more effectively by identifying the relevant mediating mechanism(s) for individuals with different risk profiles.  相似文献   
Oviposition site selection has been recognized as critical both for the survival and population dynamics of mosquitoes. Volatile substances released from larval habitats have been implicated as potential olfactory cues mediating oviposition. In our continuing studies of cues involved in oviposition site selection, we collected material from the larval habitats of Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann and Anopheles vestitipennis Dyar & Knab, i.e., cyanobacterial mats and Typha domingensis Pers. litter, respectively. The volatile compounds were extracted by freeze-drying the material and trapping the volatilized material on a -55 degrees C titanium condenser. For oviposition trials conducted with wild-caught females, the tested volatile materials were pipetted onto filters floating on the surface of distilled water in Teflon beakers that were placed within oviposition cages. For both species, volatile materials in low concentrations increased oviposition, assessed as egg density, whereas there was a shift to reduced oviposition at higher concentrations. Volatile effect was strongly habitat/species-specific as shown by reciprocal treatment tests.  相似文献   
The geographical correlations between the incidence of various cancers and the HLA and ABO antigen frequencies are studied. There is, for example, a positive correlation between breast and colorectal carcinoma and AI, B8 and B12 antigens, and a negative one between prostate carcinoma and B12. The role of the HLA system itself or other genes involved in these associations is discussed. This study gives some evidence of a possible genetic background of susceptibility or resistance to cancer.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Aktion «Gesunde Ernährung» in der Gemeinde-wurde vom Gesundheitsdepartement des Kanton St. Gallen unter der Leitung des kantonalen Präventivmediziners gemeinsam mit den interessierten Gemeinden geplant, koordiniert und durchgeführt.Im Zentrum der Aktion standen gemeindeeigene, individuell gestaltete Aktivitäten von Vereinen, Schulen und des lokalen Gewerbes. Das Gesundheitsdepartement ergänzte die Aktion mit einer Wanderausstellung über Ernährungsfragen, begleitet von einer Ernährungsberaterin. Der Aufbau der Ausstellung erfolgte nach den 10 goldenen Regeln der gesunden Ernährung.Diese Aktion stellt ein konkretes Beispiel der Arbeitsteilung zwischen Kanton und Gemeinde in der Gesundheitsvorsorge dar. Das Beispiel dieser einmaligen Aktion soll Behörden, Vereinen und Einzelpersonen Wege und Methoden aufzeigen, Anliegen der Gesundheitsvorsorge auf längerfristiger Basis in der Gemeinde zu planen.
Healthy Nutrition an experience of health promotion in the county of St. Gall
Summary The drive Healthy Nutrition in communities was planned, co-ordinated und carried out as a joint action by the Health Department of the County of St. Gall, and 37 communities interested in the idea. The drive centred around the activities of the community itself, individuals, clubs, schools and local industry.The County Health Department supplemented the activity with a travelling exhibition about nutrition problems, attended by an advisor to answer questions. The build-up of the exhibition followed the 10 Golden Rules of sound nutrition.This drive was an excellent example of how health-promotion programms can be shared by county und community.This unique action should set an example to other authorities, clubs, and individuals, and show the ways and means needed to provide long-term planning for health promotion in the community.

«Alimentation saine»: le programme du canton de St-Gall
Résumé Un programme «Alimentation saine» a été planifié, coordonné et réalisé en étroite collaboration entre le Service cantonal de médecine préventive et les communes intéressées.Les activités développées par les sociétés locales, les écoles et les commerÇants ont été les éléments essentiels du programme. Le canton a, quant à lui, engagé une diététicienne et mis un bus à disposition ce qui a permis d'organiser une exposition itinérante conÇue selon les 10 règles d'or de l'alimentation saine.Ce programme est une expérience de collaboration entre le canton et les communes pour la promotion de la santé. Il devrait servir d'exemple aux autorités, sociétés locales et individus qui désirent répondre au défi de la promotion de la santé.
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