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Transcatheter occlusion of abdominal tumors   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  


Smoking and obesity are risk factors causing a large burden of disease. To help formulate and prioritize among smoking and obesity prevention activities, estimations of health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) for cohorts that differ solely in their lifestyle (e.g. smoking vs. non smoking) can provide valuable information. Furthermore, in combination with estimates of life expectancy (LE), it can be tested whether prevention of obesity and smoking results in compression of morbidity.  相似文献   
王琳  杨惠民  赵知中 《药学学报》1994,29(6):427-432
酞丁安是我国在临床使用的抗病毒化疗药物之一,为了优化其活性,增加其水(脂)溶性,对酞丁安结构中氨基侧链部分及母体进行结构修饰与改造,共合成十个酞丁安类似物,其抗病毒作用表明化合物IIIc,VIIa.与VIIb,显示抗疱疹病毒活性,其中化合物IIIc活性最强,其体外抗病毒活性较酞丁安强10倍,其余化合物均无活性。国家自然科学基金资助课题。  相似文献   
应用计算机利用多元及单元方差统计法分析了多因素、多指标对乌梅质量的影响,着重探讨了梅的采收、加工、植物品种对乌梅质量的影响,明确了最佳采收期和最优加工方法,并为梅植物资源的开发利用提供了依据。  相似文献   
目的:考察室温,37℃下,5-Fu与3种输液配伍的稳定性。方法:用HPLC法测定配伍后24h内5-Fu的含量、pH,同时观察外观。结果;室温,37℃下24h内配伍液的外观澄明,无色变及沉淀,pH及含量无明显变化。结论;室温,37℃下24h内,5-Fu与3种输液可以配伍使用。  相似文献   


In epidemiological research, physical activity is usually assessed by questionnaires. Questionnaires are suitable for large study populations since they are relatively inexpensive and not very time consuming. However, questionnaire information is by definition subjective and prone to recall bias, especially among elderly subjects. The Modified Baecke Questionnaire, developed by Voorrips and coworkers, measures habitual physical activity in the elderly. The questionnaire includes questions on household activities, sports, and leisure time activities, over a time period of one year. The Modified Baecke Questionnaire results in a score to classify people as high, moderate, or low in daily physical activity, based on tertiles.


The validity of the Modified Baecke Questionnaire score was assessed among 21 elderly men and women using the doubly labeled water method as the reference criterion. This method is considered to be the gold standard for measuring energy expenditure in free-living individuals. Energy expenditure on physical activity is estimated by the ratio of total energy expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method and resting metabolic rate measured by indirect calorimetry. This ratio is called the physical activity ratio.


The Spearman correlation coefficient between the questionnaire score and the physical activity ratio (PAR) was 0.54 (95% CI 0.22–0.66). Correct classification by the questionnaire occurred in 71% of participants who were in the lowest tertile of PAR, in 14% of participants in the middle tertile, and in 43% of participants in the highest tertile. Subjects were not wrongly classified in an opposite tertile.


The validity of the Modified Baecke Questionnaire is fair-to-moderate. This study shows that the questionnaire can correctly classify individuals as low or high active, but does a poor job for moderately active individuals.  相似文献   


Many assume that outcomes from physical therapy research in one country can be generalized to other countries. However, no well designed studies comparing outcomes among countries have been conducted. In this exploratory study, our goal was to compare patient demographics and treatment processes in outpatient physical therapy practice in the United States, Israel and the Netherlands.  相似文献   
有关手背静脉的研究较少。我们用成人上肢标本90侧,在手术显微镜下对内径大于0.3mm的手背静脉进行了细致的解剖学观测。手背静脉的分布呈不均匀性,在手背近侧,83.3%的标本静脉主支排列成桡、尺两组,在这两组静脉之间,对应于第Ⅱ掌骨近侧半、第Ⅱ掌骨间隙近侧半和第Ⅲ掌骨近侧半的区域,未见到内径大于0.3mm的静脉支,可称为“乏静脉区”。手背静脉由浅入深可以分为四层,即皮内静脉层、皮下静脉浅层、皮下静脉深层和深静脉层,以皮下为脉深层最为重要。这四层静脉相互重叠和相互交通,其骑跨支平均有3.2±0.6支,内径为0.9±0.3mm。手背静脉与手掌侧静脉通过掌骨间隙的交通支也非常丰富,平均有3.9±1.2支,平均内径为1.0±0.4mm。其中位S冢绷愎羌湎兜D交通支非常恒定《出现率100%),平均管径为1.8::0.3mm,是手背苟脉与革深苗脉之间呆重要的交通支。在手背静脉与手掌静脉的交通支中,70.0%有一个以上的辟脉瓣,其日脉瓣的方向均为由掌侧朝向“授”腊‘胃授唆。  相似文献   
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