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Bivariate copula regression allows for the flexible combination of two arbitrary, continuous marginal distributions with regression effects being placed on potentially all parameters of the resulting bivariate joint response distribution. Motivated by the risk factors for adverse birth outcomes, many of which are dichotomous, we consider mixed binary-continuous responses that extend the bivariate continuous framework to the situation where one response variable is discrete (more precisely, binary) whereas the other response remains continuous. Utilizing the latent continuous representation of binary regression models, we implement a penalized likelihood–based approach for the resulting class of copula regression models and employ it in the context of modeling gestational age and the presence/absence of low birth weight. The analysis demonstrates the advantage of the flexible specification of regression impacts including nonlinear effects of continuous covariates and spatial effects. Our results imply that racial and spatial inequalities in the risk factors for infant mortality are even greater than previously suggested.  相似文献   
Clinical Autonomic Research - The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates all organs in the body independent of consciousness, and is thus essential for maintaining homeostasis of the entire...  相似文献   
Considering the relatively high heritability of schizophrenia and the fact that it significantly reduces the reproductive fitness of affected individuals, it is not clear how the disorder is still maintained in human populations at a disproportionally high prevalence. Many theories propose that the disorder is a result of a trade‐off between costs and benefits of the evolution of exclusively human adaptations. There have also been suggestions that schizophrenia risk alleles are accompanied with increase in fitness of affected persons or their relatives in both past and current social contexts. The discoveries of novel schizophrenia‐related genes and the advancements in comparative genomics (especially comparisons of the human genome and the genomes of related species, such as chimpanzees and extinct hominids) have finally made certain evolutionary theories testable. In this paper, we review the current understanding of the genetics of schizophrenia, the basic principles of evolution that complement our understanding of the subject, and the latest genetic studies that examine long‐standing evolutionary theories of schizophrenia using novel methodologies and data. We find that the origin of schizophrenia is complex and likely governed by different evolutionary mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, the most recent evidence implies that schizophrenia cannot be comprehended as a trait that has elevated fitness in human evolutionary lineage, but has been a mildly deleterious by‐product of specific patterns of the evolution of the human brain. In other words, novel findings do not support previous hypotheses stating that schizophrenia risk genes have an evolutionary advantage.  相似文献   
Mixed payment systems have become a prominent alternative to paying physicians through fee‐for‐service and capitation. While theory shows mixed payment systems to be superior, causal effects on physicians' behavior when introducing mixed systems are not well understood empirically. We systematically analyze the influence of fee‐for‐service, capitation, and mixed payment systems on physicians' service provision. In a controlled laboratory setting, we implement an exogenous variation of the payment method. Medical and non‐medical students in the role of physicians in the lab (N = 213) choose quantities of medical services affecting patients' health outside the lab. Behavioral data reveal significant overprovision of medical services under fee‐for‐service and significant underprovision under capitation, although less than predicted when assuming profit maximization. Introducing mixed payment systems significantly reduces deviations from patient‐optimal treatment. Although medical students tend to be more patient regarding, our results hold for both medical and non‐medical students. Responses to incentive systems can be explained by a behavioral model capturing individual altruism. In particular, we find support that altruism plays a role in service provision and can partially mitigate agency problems, but altruism is heterogeneous in the population. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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