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We describe a modified keyhole laminoforaminotomy (LF) using anatomic landmarks on the posterior aspect of the cervical vertebral body to decompress the intervertebral foramen with minimal bone removal. Twenty-four procedures were performed at C3-4, C4-5, and C5-6; 12 at C6-7; and 3 at C7-Tl. Facets and laminae structures were identified based on relative surgical perspectives. Bony resection was limited as follows: 1) inferior limit; inferior border of the superior facet; 2) superior limit, superior border of the superior facet; 3) lateral limit, a vertical line linking the junction of the lamina-facet to the lateral end of the superior limit; and 4) lateral aspect of the dural sac. Fluoroscopy was used to confirm that the intervertebral space was reached. The amount of bony removal was quantified for the superior and inferior laminae and facets. The length of the exposed nerve root was measured. The intervertebral foramen was exposed and the intervertebral disc reached in all specimens. Fluoroscopy showed that the center of the exposure remained at the same height with the intervertebral space. The mean length of the nerve root was 4.6 mm; the mean percentage of bony resection was 21.8%, 7.5%, 11.3%, and 11.5% for the superior and inferior laminae and facets, respectively. Opening the intervertebral foramen posteriorly consistently exposed sufficient nerve root length and allowed access to the intervertebral disc. The technique offers the most direct and safest method of decompressing the intervertebral foramen while minimizing bony resection. This simple surgical procedure may help reduce postoperative morbidity.  相似文献   
WT-1 positivity has previously been noted in nonneoplastic endometrial stroma. In this study we examined WT-1 expression in endometrial stromal neoplasms to ascertain whether these tumors are immunoreactive and whether this antibody might be of value in the diagnosis of these lesions. We also stained cases of cellular and highly cellular leiomyomas to investigate whether WT-1 might be of value in distinguishing these from an endometrial stromal neoplasm. We compared WT-1 staining with CD10, desmin, alpha smooth muscle actin, h-caldesmon, and AE1/3, many of these antibodies being commonly used to distinguish between an endometrial stromal and a smooth muscle phenotype. Cases of ESN (n = 5), low grade ESS (n = 14), and cellular or highly cellular leiomyoma (n = 14) were stained with the aforementioned antibodies. Cases were scored on a scale of 0 to 4+, with 4+ cases exhibiting positivity of >50% of cells. Sixteen of 19 endometrial stromal neoplasms were positive with WT-1, most (14 of 16) with 4+ positivity. Staining was nuclear (5 cases), cytoplasmic (5 cases), or combined nuclear and cytoplasmic (6 cases). All endometrial stromal neoplasms exhibited 4+ staining with CD10. Staining for alpha smooth muscle actin was present in most cases (14 of 19) and desmin and h-caldesmon were positive in a smaller number of cases (8 and 2 respectively). There was 4+ positivity with desmin in only 1 case. The 2 cases that were h-caldesmon positive both exhibited 1+ staining (<5% cells positive). Six cases were positive with AE1/3, 1 with 4+ staining. Leiomyomatous neoplasms always exhibited 4+ staining with desmin and alpha smooth muscle actin and in most cases (12 of 14) with h-caldesmon. The other 2 cases exhibited 2+ positivity. Most cases (12 of 14) were positive with WT-1 (7 of 14 with 4+ staining) and CD10 (5 of 14 with 4+ positivity). One case was positive with AE1/3. We conclude that diffuse WT-1 positivity is characteristic of endometrial stromal neoplasms and that this may be of value in diagnosis. However, WT-1 is of limited use in the distinction between an endometrial stromal and a cellular leiomyomatous neoplasm because many of the latter are also positive. This study confirms the value of h-caldesmon in the distinction between an endometrial stromal neoplasm (almost always h-caldesmon negative) and a cellular leiomyomatous neoplasm (h-caldesmon positive). Although CD10 is positive in endometrial stromal neoplasms, the commonly observed immunoreactivity of cellular and highly cellular leiomyomas with this antibody limits its diagnostic usefulness. Desmin is useful as all leiomyomatous neoplasms exhibited diffuse positivity, whereas only a small number of endometrial stromal neoplasms were focally positive and only 1 case exhibited 4+ positivity. Smooth muscle actin is of limited value since most neoplasms studied were positive. The overlapping immunophenotype of endometrial stromal and leiomyomatous neoplasms may reflect the origin of both cell types from a common progenitor within the uterus.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence suggests that antipsychotics (APs) that lead to sustained blockade of dopamine D(2) receptors are more likely to induce acute extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) compared to APs that only occupy D(2) receptors transiently. It is unclear, however, whether a similar relationship exists for long-term AP-induced motoric side effects like tardive dyskinesia (TD). The objective of this study was to ascertain whether transient (via daily subcutaneous (s.c.) injections) vs continuous (via osmotic minipump) AP-induced D(2) receptor occupancy differentially affects the development of haloperidol-induced vacuous chewing movements (VCMs), an animal model of TD. Six groups of 12 rats received 0.1, 0.25, or 1 mg/kg of haloperidol or vehicle (n=36) via osmotic minipump (to provide within-day sustained) or daily s.c. injection (within-day transient) for 8 weeks. VCMs were measured on a weekly basis and D(2) occupancy levels were measured in vivo using [(3)H]-raclopride at the end of the experiment. Minipump-treated rats developed HAL dose-dependent D(2) occupancies of 0.1 mg/kg/day (57%), 0.25 mg/kg/day (70%), and 1 mg/kg/day (88%). S.C.-treated rats also developed HAL dose-dependent D(2) occupancies of 0.1 mg/kg/day (83% peak, 3% trough), 0.25 mg/kg/day (89% peak, 0% trough), and 1 mg/kg/day (94% peak, 17% trough). A total of 43% of rats given 0.25 and 1 mg/kg/day of HAL via minipump developed high VCMs compared to only 8% of the rats given the same doses via daily s.c. injections. The 0.1 mg/kg dose did not give rise to VCMs beyond vehicle levels regardless of the route of administration. These findings support the contention that D(2) occupancy levels induced by chronic HAL must be high and sustained through the day before significant risk of VCMs, and perhaps also TD, emerges.  相似文献   
Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) microspheres containing bupivacaine were prepared by the spray-drying process. The average size of drug loaded microspheres was less than 3 microm in diameter, and the percentage of entrapment efficiency was 91 +/- 3%. In vitro drug release kinetic in phosphate buffer at 37 degrees C showed a hyperbolic profile, with a burst-effect during the first hour. Subcutaneous injection of bupivacaine-loaded microspheres in the back of rats caused an increase in drug concentration in plasma. Maximum bupivacaine concentration in plasma was 237 +/- 58 ng/ml at 105 h, and drug was detected in plasma for 16 days. The half-life time of the drug was increased by more than 125 times with regard to that of the drug administered in a solution by intraperitoneal injection. After 30 days of injection, a mass formed by microspheres surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule was observed. Small blood vessels and multinucleate foreign body giant cells with macrophagic function around microspheres were detected. After 60 days of injection a subcutaneous mass was also observed, which was formed of more degraded dispersed microspheres in conjunctive tissue, which had a normal structure. Thus, bupivacaine-loaded poly(epsilon-caprolactone) microspheres could be considered as a device to be used in the treatment of severe pain that is not responsive to opioids for example in cancer-related syndromes or in intractable herpetic neuralgia.  相似文献   
Inflammatory abnormalities may be involved in the inadequate basal oxidant/antioxidant balance and local exercise-induced oxidative stress in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. The time course of oxidative stress and inflammation was investigated in 10 COPD patients and seven healthy subjects before and after local dynamic quadriceps endurance exercise at 40% of maximal strength. Venous samples were collected before, immediately after and up to 48 h after exercise. At rest, levels of an oxidant released by stimulated phagocytes, the superoxide anion, were significantly higher in patients, as were plasma levels of C-reactive protein, tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6, inflammatory markers. An inverse relationship was found between baseline C-reactive protein levels and endurance time in patients. Six hours after exercise, superoxide anion release and levels of protein oxidation products, an index of oxidative stress, increased similarly in both groups, whereas thiobarbituric acid reactive substance levels, another index of oxidative stress, increased significantly only in patients. Plasma nonenzymatic antioxidant and inflammatory cytokine levels were unchanged by the exercise protocol. The increased baseline systemic inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients could be related to disturbed oxidant/antioxidant balance, and, together, these may have triggered the exercise-induced oxidative stress. The absence, however, of local exercise-induced systemic inflammation suggests that additional mechanisms explain local exercise-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
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