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Annals of Surgical Oncology - Locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC) is a challenging disease to treat. There is consensus that systemic chemotherapy should be the first line of therapy for most...  相似文献   
A novel ER-like mRNA containing a 69 nucleotideinsertion precisely between exon 5 and 6 sequenceswas previously identified in human breast cancer biopsysamples. Data are presented which suggest that the69 nucleotide sequence is normally present in intron5 of the human estrogen receptor gene. Theregion corresponding to and surrounding this 69 nucleotidesequence was cloned and the nucleotide sequence determined.Cloning and sequencing of the corresponding region ingenomic DNA isolated from a breast tumor expressingthe 69 nucleotide inserted ER mRNA, revealed anAG point mutation immediately 3 to the69 nucleotide sequence. This point mutation resulted inthe generation of a consensus splice donor site.A consensus splice acceptor site sequence is normallypresent immediately 5 to the 69 nucleotide sequence.These data are consistent with the 69 nucleotidesequence being recognized as an exon by thesplicing machinery, and resulting in processing of amature ER mRNA containing the 69 nucleotide insert.  相似文献   
This article addresses strategies for designing and implementing a culturally significant and appropriate client education tool for use with non-English-speaking clients or for any client in a culture different from the mainstream. These strategies include: (1) understanding the relationship between culture and behavior, (2) developing a strategic plan, (3) gathering demographic data about the setting, (4) evaluating the characteristics of the learner, and (5) developing culturally specific, unique education learning materials.  相似文献   
Murphy EJ 《The New England journal of medicine》1999,340(8):649; author reply 652-649; author reply 653
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