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BACKGROUND/AIMS: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether there are specific prognostic factors to predict the development of secondary pancreatic infection (SPI) in severe acute pancreatitis in order to perform a computed tomography-fine needle aspiration with bacteriological sampling at the right moment and confirm the diagnosis. METHODS: Twenty-five clinical and laboratory parameters were determined sequentially in 150 patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and univariate, and multivariate regression analyses were done looking for correlation with the development of SPI. RESULTS: Only APACHE II score and C-reactive protein levels were related to the development of SPI in the multivariate analysis. A regression equation was designed using these two parameters, and empiric cut-off points defined the subgroup of patients at high risk of developing secondary pancreatic infection. CONCLUSION: The results showed that it is possible to predict SPI during SAP allowing bacteriological confirmation and early treatment of this severe condition.  相似文献   
Summary The prevalence of smoking in pregnancy was analyzed in a survey of women delivering between January and March 1989 in a large maternity clinic in Milan, Northern Italy. Out of the 528 women interviewed, 183 (35%) were current smokers before pregnancy and 99 stopped smoking during pregnancy. The probability of stopping smoking decreased with increasing age and was lower in less educated women, but these findings were not statistically significant. Considering persistent smokers only, the mean number of cigarettes per day fell from 13 before to 8 during pregnancy; this reduction was generally consistent in various subgroups of age and education. The reductions, however, are probably overestimated, since they are based on the women's reports only. Thus, there still appears to be ample scope for intervention on smoking in pregnancy, particularly in older and less educated women.
Zusammenfassung Die Rauchprävalenz während der Schwangerschaft wurde in einer Querschnittstudie bei Frauen untersucht, welche zwischen Januar und März 1989 in einer grossen Frauenklinik in Mailand ein Kind zur Welt brachten. Von 528 befragten Frauen hatten 183 (35%) vor der Schwangerschaft geraucht, und 99 Frauen war es gelungen, während der Schwangerschaft mit Rauchen aufzuhören. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit für letzteres nahm mit zunehmendem Alter ab und war kleiner für Frauen mit geringer Ausbildung (statistisch nicht signifikant). Bei den Raucherinnen wurde eine Reduktion der mittleren Anzahl Zigaretten von 13 Stück vor der Schwangerschaft auf 8 während der Schwangerschaft festgestellt. Diese Reduktion fand sich in allen Alters- und Ausbildungsgruppen. Wahrscheinlich wurde die Reduktion aber überbewertet, weil sich ihre Berechnung nur auf die Aussagen der Frauen abstützte. Für Gesundheitsaktionen, die ein Rauchstopp während der Schwangerschaft zum Ziele haben, besteht immer noch ein grosser Bedarf, besonders bei älteren und weniger ausgebildeten Frauen.

Résumé La prévalence du tabagisme durant la grossese a été étudiée lors d'une enquête des parturientes entre janvier et mars 1989 dans une grande maternité de Milan. Parmi les 528 femmes interrogées, 183 (35%) étaient tabagiques avant la grossesse et 99 avaient arrêté de fumer durant la grossesse. La probalité de cesser l'habitude diminue lorsque l'âge augmente, et est basse chez les femmes dont le niveau d'éducation est bas, sans significantion statistique. En considérant uniquement les parturientes tabagiques, le nombre quotidien de cigarettes fumées passe de 13 avant la grossesse à 8 durant la grossesse; cette diminution se retrouve dans tous les groupes d'âge et tous les niveaux d'éducation. Ces diminutions sont probablement surestimées, puisqu'elles sont basées sur les seules déclarations des parturientes. Cette enquête montre qu'il existe encore une large place por la prévention.
In order to explore the validity of official infant mortality statistics, the number of infant deaths registered in the cohort of live births and resident in Navarra (Spain) from 1985 to 1989, according to data supplied by the Department of Statistics of Navarra, has been compared with that obtained in a retrospective search into the information of the hospitals. Among 24,383 live births of the cohort, 291 were certified as infant deaths. An over-register of 13 cases (4.5%) and an under-register of 26 cases (8.9%) was detected. By excluding those live births with less than six months of gestation, as done by the National Institute of Statistics, the validity is altered, because apart from the errors mentioned, one must add those resulting from the incorrect filling-in of the "number of weeks pregnant"= variable. When correcting these deficiencies, the final statistics (Infant Mortality Risk = 11.17 per 1000 live births) did not differ much from the official figures (IMR = 11.48 per 1000 live births).  相似文献   
Summary Magnesium (Mg) is a conspicuous constituent of hard tissues but its possible role in biomineralization is poorly understood. It is possible that Mg2+ adsorbed onto bioapatites may contribute to the modulation of crystal growth as such inhibitory activity has been reported for synthetic apatites. The present study was undertaken to determine the adsorption isotherms of Mg ions onto synthetic apatites and biominerals in tooth and bone tissues in the presence of other ions of natural occurrence. Synthetic crystals used as adsorbents were hydroxyapatite and, as a better prototype for the biomineral, Mg-containing carbonatoapatite. Human enamel and dentin materials were obtained from extracted, caries-free, permanent teeth. Porcine dentin materials at two developmental stages were obtained from erupted deciduous and unerupted permanent teeth of a 6-month-old slaughtered piglet. Porcine bone was obtained from the cortical portion of the mandible of the same animal. All biomineral samples were pulverized and then treated by plasma ashing (deproteination) at about 60°C. Each of the powdered samples was equilibrated in solutions containing various initial concentrations of Mg2+, Ca2+, and Na+ (or K+) as nitrate salts. Following equilibration, concentrations (and activities) of magnesium and calcium ions in the experimental solution were determined. The pH values of the equilibrium solutions were in the range of 6.2–6.5. Experimental data of the Mg adsorption onto hydroxyapatite were interpreted on the basis of a Langmuir-type model for binary systems assuming competition of Mg2+ and Ca2+ for the same adsorption sites on the crystal surfaces of the apatites. According to this model, the adsorbed Mg is expressed as a function of the ionic activity ratio (Mg2+)/(Ca2+) in the equilibrium solution. The model contains two parameters, the adsorption selectivity constant Ks and the maximum number of adsorption sites N (mol/g). The numerical values of Ks were similar for all adsorbents used (synthetic and biological) and indicated the preferential adsorption of Ca2+ probably due to spacial restrictions extending to the very surface of the crystals. The initial level of Mg2+ in the surface pool was different in the various biominerals, probably reflecting the composition of fluid in which the biominerals were formed. Whereas the surface pool of Mg of human enamel was marginal, only 5% of the total Mg, significant fractions of the total Mg in human and porcine dentins (about 20–30%), and porcine bone (about 40%) existed on the crystal surfaces. There were significant differences in the total Mg and the value of the parameter N between young (unerupted) and mature (erupted) dentin minerals. It was ascertained that the occupancy of adsorption sites by Mg ions became greater with maturation of the dentin tissues. The overall results suggest that the Mg-mineral interaction in tooth and bone tissues may be a highly tissue-specific process, presumably reflecting differences in fluid composition (particularly Ca and Mg activities) responsible for biomineralization.  相似文献   
Hepatic hydatidosis is an endemic disease that affects vast segments of the populations of various countries in the Mediterranean region, South America, the Pacific, and temperate zone nations that possess large numbers of sheep. Four hundred and ten patients bearing 561 hydatid cysts were treated at 2 major hospitals in Madrid, Spain in the period 1974–1989. In order to establish the modifications in diagnostic and therapeutic management introduced as a result of modernization of our clinical facilities and improved technological standards, they were divided into 2 groups: group A corresponded to the period 1974–1984, and group B, corresponded to the period 1985–1989. Since no effective parasiticide agent is available, hepatic hydatidosis must be treated surgically. Today's better knowledge and advancements in liver surgery have made it possible to extirpate the cyst completely with little risk and improved results; hepatic resection should only be considered in exceptional cases; aspiration, drainage procedures, or partial resections of the cyst yield inferior results. We have had no relapse of the hydatid disease in the liver or in any other abdominal site.
Resumen La hidatidosis hepática es una enfermedad endémica que afecta a vastos segmentas de las poblaciones de diversos países de la región mediterránea, Sur América, el Pacífico, y las naciones de las zonas templadas que mantienen grandes rebanos de ovejas. Cuatrocientos diez pacientes con 561 quistes hidatídicos fueron tratados en 2 grandes hospitales de Madrid, España en el período 1974–1989. Con el propósito de establecer las modificaciones en el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico ocurridas como resultado de la modernización de nuestras facilidades clínicas y de superiores estándares tecnológicos, dividimos la población total de estos pacientes en 2 grandes grupos: grupo A, correspondiente al período 1974–1984, y grupo B, correspondiente al período 1985–1989. Puesto que no existe un agente parasitocida efectivo, la hidatidosis hepática debe ser tratada quirúrgicamente. El mejor conocimiento actual y el avance en la cirugía hepática han hecho posible la extirpatión completa del quiste con bajo riesgo y mejores resultados; la resection hepática debe ser considerada sólo en casos excepcionales; la aspiración, los procedimientos de drenaje o las resecciones parciales del quiste se asocian con malos resultados. En nuestra experiencia no hemos tenido recurrencia de la enfermedad ni en el hígado ni en otros órganos.

Résumé Le kyste hydatique du foie est une maladie endémique qui touche une partie importante de la population dans différents pays de la région méditerranéenne, en Amérique du Sud, dans le Pacifique, et dans les pays de la zone tempérée qui ont beaucoup de moutons. Quatre cent dix patients porteurs de 561 kystes hydatiques ont été traités dans les deux plus grands hôpitaux de Madrid en Espagne de 1974 à 1989. Pour mesurer les progrès dans le diagnostic et le traitement dus à la modernisation de notre équipement médical et à une meilleure technologie, les patients ont été divisés en 2 groupes chronologiques: groupe A de 1974 à 1984 et groupe B de 1985 à 1989. Comme il n'y a pas actuellement de médicament efficace contre ce parasite, on doit traiter par la chirurgie le kyste hydatique. Aujourd'hui, les connaissances plus étendues et les progrès dans la chirurgie du foie permettent d'enlever complètement le kyste avec peu de risques et avec de meilleurs résultats; la résection du foie ne doit être envisagée que dans de rares cas. Les procédés d'aspiration ou de drainage ou les résections partielles du kyste donne des résultats moins bons. Nous n'avons pas eu de récidive du kyste hydatique, ni au foie ni dans une autre localisation péritonéale.
Summary Two children, aged 18 months and 6 years, who had Recklinghausen's disease, had occlusion of cerebral arteries. One child had no motor deficit but the other had right hemiparesis and partial occlusion of the left posterior cerebral artery, a fact not found in the literature.  相似文献   
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