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Psychophysical measures of hue (wavelength) discrimination and spectral sensitivity were collected over a 3-year-period on a rhesus monkey whose right eye had been exposed to intense blue light 10 years prior and had shown a pronounced loss of blue sensitivity in an increment-threshold, spectral-sensitivity task. Hue discrimination, to a somewhat greater degree than spectral sensitivity, revealed large differences between the normal and blue-exposed eye. The difference limens were in some cases 100 nm for the blue-exposed eye compared to 10-15 nm for the normal eye. The hue-discrimination functions from the blue-exposed eye were similar in form to those from human tritanopes (blue-blind humans), and those from the monkey's normal eye were similar to those from normal humans. Detailed functions, where the variable wavelength was shorter as opposed to longer than the reference wavelength, were shown separately for each of the monkey's eyes; those from the blue-exposed eye were very similar to analogous functions from the one case where they have been shown separately for a human tritanope.  相似文献   
Eight cases of a highly aggressive undifferentiated carcinoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are described. The patients, who ranged in age from 30-77 years, had multiple sinonasal symptoms, and each had involvement of the nasal cavity, maxillary antrum, and ethmoid sinus. Six tumors extended into the orbital bones, and five penetrated the cranial cavity. Five patients died of disease from 1 to 41 months after diagnosis (median: 4 months), and three are alive with tumor less than 1 year following diagnosis. Microscopically, the neoplasms formed nests, trabeculae, and sheets containing medium-sized cells with small to moderate amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm. A high mitotic rate, tumor necrosis, and prominent vascular permeation were characteristic. Seven neoplasms were immunoreactive for cytokeratin, five for epithelial membrane antigen, and four for neuron-specific enolase. Ultrastructurally, occasional small desmosomes and rare membrane-bound, dense-core granules were observed. Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma is a distinctive clinicopathologic entity that must be distinguished from other, less aggressive sinonasal neoplasms.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: There is evidence that the specificity of the IgE binding in allergy tests can vary for different populations. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to examine the allergenic specificity of IgE binding in sera from house dust mite (HDM)-atopic subjects in a tropical Australian Aboriginal community. METHODS: Sera shown to contain IgE antibodies to an HDM extract of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus were examined for IgE binding to a panel of nine purified HDM allergens from this mite species by quantitative microtitre assays. IgG antibody binding (IgG1 and IgG4) was also measured. RESULTS: The IgE-binding activity in the sera from the Aboriginal community was not directed to the expected major groups 1 and 2 HDM allergens but instead to the group 4 amylase allergen. There was also little IgE binding to the potentially cross-reactive tropomyosin (Der p 10) or arginine kinase (Der p 20) allergens. The IgG4 antibody was rarely detected and limited to the Der p 4 allergen. IgG1 antibody binding was frequently measured to all the allergens regardless of an individual's atopic status, whereas in urban communities it is restricted to the major allergens and to atopic subjects. CONCLUSION: The high IgE anti-HDM response of Australian Aboriginals predominantly bound Der p 4 and not the Der p 1 and 2 allergens, showing a distinctive allergy that could affect the disease outcome and diagnosis.  相似文献   
We developed a competitive, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the quantitation of toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1). Polyvalent immunoglobulin G from immunized rabbits was used as the capture antibody, and alkaline phosphatase conjugated to purified toxin served as the indicator enzyme. A standard curve was generated with each experiment, from which the concentration of toxin in culture supernatants was extrapolated. The assay was useful for determining toxin concentrations of 0.03 to 0.5 micrograms/ml, which is a substantial, practical improvement over immunodiffusion methods. Staphylococcal enterotoxins A through E were not significantly cross-reactive in the assay, and staphylococcal protein A did not interfere with quantitation of TSST-1. By testing a variety of staphylococcal strains, we found 100% concordance between toxin determinations made with our assay and those made by the investigators from whom the strains were obtained. The competitive, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is a highly reproducible, inexpensive means of determining TSST-1 concentrations and may have broad applicability in the field of toxic shock research.  相似文献   
Risk of infection after penetrating abdominal trauma   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
To identify the risk factors for the development of postoperative septic complications in patients with intestinal perforation after abdominal trauma, and to compare the efficacies of single-drug and dual-drug prophylactic antibiotic therapy, we studied 145 patients who presented with abdominal trauma and intestinal perforation at two hospitals between July 1979 and June 1982. Logistic-regression analysis showed that a higher risk of infection (P less than 0.05) was associated with increased age, injury to the left colon necessitating colostomy, a larger number of units of blood or blood products administered at surgery, and a larger number of injured organs. The presence of shock on arrival, which was found to increase the risk of infection when this factor was analyzed individually, did not add predictive power. Patients with postoperative sepsis were hospitalized significantly longer than were patients without infection (13.8 vs. 7.7 days, P less than 0.0001). Both treatment regimens--cefoxitin given alone and clindamycin and gentamicin given together--resulted in similar infection rates, drug toxicity, duration of hospitalization, and costs.  相似文献   
The L3T4 surface molecule defines a subset of murine lymphocytes which are homologous to CD4+ lymphocytes in humans, and are functionally characterized as "helper/inducer" cells. To determine the role of helper/inducer lymphocytes in the host defense against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) encephalitis, we utilized a monoclonal antibody to selectively deplete L3T4+ lymphocytes from BALB/c mice prior to experimental HSV infection. Susceptibility to HSV was only minimally increased by the depletion of L3T4+ cells, although mice receiving anti-L3T4 were profoundly immunosuppressed; splenic lymphocytes did not respond to stimulation by virus antigen in vitro, and L3T4+ lymphocyte-depleted mice failed to produce antibodies to HSV-1. However, mice receiving anti-L3T4 had a prolonged increase in natural killer cell activity following HSV infection as compared to controls. These data demonstrate that L3T4+ lymphocytes contribute minimally to host resistance to acute neural HSV infection, even though elimination of these lymphocytes markedly inhibits the genesis of immune responses.  相似文献   
In order to achieve a clinical pregnancy rate higher than that achieved following initial adoption of in-vitro fertilization embryo transfers, more than one embryo is transferred. This has led to a substantial increase in unwanted multiple pregnancy rates with IVF as compared with natural conception. What is therefore required is a simple, clinically useful embryo scoring system, to reflect embryo developmental potential, which will enable the selection of the optimal number of embryos to transfer in order to achieve the maximum pregnancy rate with a low incidence of high order multiple pregnancies. We believe that the Cumulative Embryo Score (CES) achieves these aims. On the day of embryo transfer the grade of each embryo transferred was multiplied by the number of blastomeres to produce a score for each embryo, and summation of the scores obtained for all the embryos transferred gave the CES. The grouped pregnancy rates obtained rose as the CES increased to maximum of 42. A continued increase in the CES above 42 did not result in any further rise in the pregnancy rate. However, an analysis of all our IVF pregnancies showed that the multiple pregnancy rate continued to rise above a CES of 42. By restricting the CES per embryo transfer to 42, 78% of triplet pregnancies and 100% of the quadruplet IVF pregnancies could have been predicted and potentially avoided.  相似文献   
Silent period (SP) is widely used in transcranial magnetic stimulation studies. Methodologically, SP is usually elicited at stimulus intensities corresponding to a certain percentage of corticomotor threshold. Because this approach might lead to factitious SP changes, the present study was designed to develop, in a stepwise manner, a method for investigating SP independently of corticomotor threshold. First, stimulus–response (S–R) curves of SP against stimulus intensity (SI) were constructed and quantitatively described in healthy volunteers. Second, various methodological issues such as the optimum model for describing the relationship between SP duration and SI and the importance of the type of stimulating coil were addressed. Finally, the proposed method and a commonly used method (eliciting SPs at 130% MT SI) were directly compared for a group of epileptic patients for whom administration of oxcarbazepine resulted in significant corticomotor threshold elevation. Twenty-one subjects (eleven females, median age, 38 years) were studied. SPs were obtained with a figure-of-eight coil using a standardized procedure (recording, FDI). Pilot experiments indicated that at least four trials were required, at each intensity level, to estimate the mean SP duration within 10% of the true mean. Therefore, SPs were determined from the average of four trials with 5% increments from 5 to 100% maximum SI. In a second set of experiments, SPs were obtained for fifteen subjects using a circular coil. In a third set of experiments, eight epileptic patients were studied before and after administration of oxcarbazepine (mean dose 1553 mg, range 900–1800 mg). The S–R curves were fitted to a Boltzman function and to first-order to fourth-order polynomial and sigmoid functions. The Boltzman function described the data accurately (R2=0.947–0.990). In addition, direct comparison of the six models with an F-test proved the superiority of the first. The best-fit parameters of the reference curve, i.e. the maximum and minimum values, the slope, and V50 (the SI at which SP duration is halfway between Min and Max) were 230.8±3.31 ms (x±SEM), –11.51±3.31 ms, 11.56±0.65%, and 49.82±0.65%, respectively. When the curves obtained with the circular coil were compared with those obtained with the figure-of-eight coil, there were differences between V50 (51.69±0.72 vs 47.95±0.82, P<0.001) and SP threshold (31.15 vs 24.77, P<0.01) whereas the other best-fit values did not differ significantly. Oxcarbazepine increased corticomotor threshold from 45.3±5.8% at baseline to 59.4±10.4% (P<0.001). According to the commonly used method, the drug significantly prolonged SP (from 117.6±42.4 ms to 143.5±46.5 ms, P<0.001) and, consequently, enhanced brain inhibition. In contrast, study of the SP curves led to the conclusion that oxcarbazepine does not affect the Max value and slope but significantly increases V50 and SP threshold (from 54.5±4.9% to 59.9±7.2% and from 29.1±6.4% to 34.6±6.8%, respectively, P<0.01). These findings imply that oxcarbazepine does not enhance brain inhibitory mechanisms. Thus, in situations characterized by significant changes in corticomotor threshold the proposed method provides results clearly different from a commonly used approach. It is concluded that S–R curves obtained with a figure-of-eight coil in 5% increments and fitted to a Boltzman function provide an accurate, comprehensive, and clinically applicable method for exploring SP.Presented in part at the meeting of the EFNS, Helsinki, September 2003  相似文献   
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