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This study explores whether viral load measurements can be used in resource‐limited settings to target those in need of adherence assistance. It was hypothesized that high plasma viral loads (pVLs) (≥500 HIV‐1 RNA copies/mL) were the result of poor antiretroviral therapy adherence and amenable to improvement with adherence assistance.


A single‐arm, multicentre pilot study was conducted from November 2003 to March 2004 on 606 treatment‐experienced patients who had initiated an antiretroviral regimen in Mali and Burkina Faso ≥6 months before study enrolment. In these patients, those whose pVL was ≥500 copies/mL were offered 1 month of modified directly administered antiretroviral treatment (mDAART) with weekly follow‐up visits from pharmacists or adherence counsellors.


An adherence questionnaire was given to all cohort patients and viral load was used to screen for patients with ≥500 copies/mL. mDAART participants included cohort patients with ≥500 copies/mL, who completed the adherence questionnaire. Genotypic analyses were conducted on samples taken prior to and after the intervention. The intervention was considered effective when there was a decrease of ≥1 log10 in pVL.


mDAART was effective in over one‐third of the intervention participants, while in two‐thirds no decrease in pVL was observed. The majority of mDAART participants had major resistance mutations.


pVL measurement was useful to identify patients who needed adherence assistance. However, because it was performed ≥6 months after starting treatment, mDAART came too late for most participants, as they had already developed important resistance mutations that might have been avoided with better laboratory monitoring.  相似文献   


Recent years have witnessed a dramatic increase in consumer online health information seeking. The quality of online health information, however, remains questionable. The issue of information evaluation has become a hot topic, leading to the development of guidelines and checklists to design high-quality online health information. However, little attention has been devoted to how consumers, in particular people with low health literacy, evaluate online health information.


The main aim of this study was to review existing evidence on the association between low health literacy and (1) people’s ability to evaluate online health information, (2) perceived quality of online health information, (3) trust in online health information, and (4) use of evaluation criteria for online health information.


Five academic databases (MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Web of Science, CINAHL, and Communication and Mass-media Complete) were systematically searched. We included peer-reviewed publications investigating differences in the evaluation of online information between people with different health literacy levels.


After abstract and full-text screening, 38 articles were included in the review. Only four studies investigated the specific role of low health literacy in the evaluation of online health information. The other studies examined the association between educational level or other skills-based proxies for health literacy, such as general literacy, and outcomes. Results indicate that low health literacy (and related skills) are negatively related to the ability to evaluate online health information and trust in online health information. Evidence on the association with perceived quality of online health information and use of evaluation criteria is inconclusive.


The findings indicate that low health literacy (and related skills) play a role in the evaluation of online health information. This topic is therefore worth more scholarly attention. Based on the results of this review, future research in this field should (1) specifically focus on health literacy, (2) devote more attention to the identification of the different criteria people use to evaluate online health information, (3) develop shared definitions and measures for the most commonly used outcomes in the field of evaluation of online health information, and (4) assess the relationship between the different evaluative dimensions and the role played by health literacy in shaping their interplay.  相似文献   
目的:观察新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤后,海马发育过程中N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体的远期表达变化。方法:实验于2006-03/06在解放军第三军医大学新桥医院中心实验室完成。选用新生7日龄SD大鼠72只,按随机数字表法分为缺氧缺血性脑损伤组和假手术组,每组36只。各组又分为生后15d(n=6)、22d(n=6)、29d(n=6)、36d(n=12)及43d(n=6)5个时相点。①参照Rice法通过结扎7日龄大鼠左侧颈总动脉,吸入氧气体积分数为0.08的氮氧混合气,制成缺氧缺血性脑损伤模型,出现自发或夹尾左旋则证明模型制作成功。假手术组仅切开颈部皮肤,暴露左侧颈总动脉。②应用免疫组织化学法检测缺氧缺血后不同时点两组大鼠脑海马CA1区N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体NR1亚单位的表达(n=6),测量平均灰度值,灰度值越低,蛋白表达越强;生后36d时相点大鼠(n=6)利用Morris水迷宫测定学习记忆能力;最后应用电镜观察生后36d大鼠海马突触结构。结果:72只大鼠,全部进入结果分析,无脱失。①生后22-43d缺氧缺血性脑损伤组大鼠(缺氧缺血后15-36d)脑海马CA1区NR1平均灰度值分别为167.69±6.48,174.57±4.81,179.30±5.92,176.50±5.93,均显著高于同日龄假手术组148.96±4.91,151.17±6.37,152.06±9.86,156.32±6.86(P均<0.01)。②Morris水迷宫实验中,缺氧缺血性脑损伤组大鼠逃避潜伏期显著长于假手术组(48.87±9.47)s,(11.97±2.20)s,(P<0.01);原平台象限游泳距离/总游泳距离的百分比显著低于假手术组(14.45±3.85)%,(62.20±8.74)%(P<0.01)。③生后36d(缺氧缺血后29d),透射电镜下缺氧缺血性脑损伤组大鼠患侧海马突触后膜致密物较假手术组明显减少。结论:新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤后期存在海马N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体的表达下调,可能对大鼠远期空间学习记忆产生一定影响。  相似文献   
IntroductionMuch controversy exists on the effect of a fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusion on systemic inflammation and endothelial damage. Adverse effects of FFP have been well described, including acute lung injury. However, it is also suggested that a higher amount of FFP decreases mortality in trauma patients requiring a massive transfusion. Furthermore, FFP has an endothelial stabilizing effect in experimental models. We investigated the effect of fresh frozen plasma transfusion on systemic inflammation and endothelial condition.MethodsA prospective predefined substudy of a randomized trial in coagulopathic non-bleeding critically ill patients receiving a prophylactic transfusion of FFP (12 ml/kg) prior to an invasive procedure. Levels of inflammatory cytokines and markers of endothelial condition were measured in paired samples of 33 patients before and after transfusion. The statistical tests used were paired t test or the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.ResultsAt baseline, systemic cytokine levels were mildly elevated in critically ill patients. FFP transfusion resulted in a decrease of levels of TNF-α (from 11.3 to 2.3 pg/ml, P = 0.01). Other cytokines were not affected. FFP also resulted in a decrease in systemic syndecan-1 levels (from 675 to 565 pg/ml, P = 0.01) and a decrease in factor VIII levels (from 246 to 246%, P <0.01), suggestive of an improved endothelial condition. This was associated with an increase in ADAMTS13 levels (from 24 to 32%, P <0.01) and a concomitant decrease in von Willebrand factor (vWF) levels (from 474 to 423%, P <0.01).ConclusionsA fixed dose of FFP transfusion in critically ill patients decreases syndecan-1 and factor VIII levels, suggesting a stabilized endothelial condition, possibly by increasing ADAMTS13, which is capable of cleaving vWF.

Trial registrations

Trialregister.nl NTR2262, registered 26 March 2010 and Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01143909, registered 14 June 2010.  相似文献   
In this study, the psychological functioning of patients with chronic post-traumatic headache (PTH), chronic combination headache and chronic low back pain without headache, whose time of onset was similar, and a matched group of controls was investigated. The Symptom Checklist 90-Revised (SCL-90-R), State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Form Y (STAI-Y), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used to assess the degree of psychopathology. A MANOVA test indicated highly significant differences between groups. In general, the pain groups fell along a continuum with PTH subjects demonstrating the highest elevations, back pain subjects demonstrating the next highest elevations, and combination subjects demonstrating fewer elevations. A cluster analysis indicated that findings were best classified into four clusters, but no one pain diagnosis predominated in any cluster. Eighty-nine percent of controls were assigned to clusters 1 or 2, which revealed essentially normal scores on all tests. It is suggested that while chronic pain patients demonstrate more psychopathology than non-pain controls, a variety of coping styles exists within each pain group independent of diagnostic categorization.  相似文献   
Most people with a chronic disease actually have more than one, a condition known as multimorbidity. Despite this, the evidence base to prevent adverse disease outcomes has taken a disease-specific approach. Drawing on a conference, Improving Guidelines for Multimorbid Patients, the goal of this paper is to identify challenges to the generation of evidence to support the care of people with multimorbidity and to make recommendations for improvement. We identified three broad categories of challenges: 1) challenges to defining and measuring multimorbidity; 2) challenges related to the effects of multimorbidity on study design, implementation and analysis; and 3) challenges inherent in studying heterogeneity of treatment effects in patients with differing comorbid conditions. We propose a set of recommendations for consideration by investigators and others (reviewers, editors, funding agencies, policymaking organizations) involved in the creation of evidence for this common type of person that address each of these challenges. The recommendations reflect a general approach that emphasizes broader inclusion (recruitment and retention) of patients with multimorbidity, coupled with more rigorous efforts to measure comorbidity and comorbidity burden and the influence of multimorbidity on outcomes and the effects of therapy. More rigorous examination of heterogeneity of treatment effects requires careful attention to prioritizing the most important comorbid-related questions, and also requires studies that provide greater statistical power than conventional trials have provided. Relatively modest changes in the orientation of current research along these lines can be helpful in pointing to and partially addressing selected knowledge gaps. However, producing a robust evidence base to support patient-centered decision making in complex individuals with multimorbidity, exposed to many different combinations of potentially interacting factors that can modify the risks and benefits of therapies, is likely to require a clinical research enterprise fundamentally restructured to be more fully integrated with routine clinical practice.  相似文献   
The midwifery art has emphasised the uniqueness of human beings throughout its Nordic history. The educated Nordic midwife has in the last decade celebrated several hundred years of memories. This article studies how the key ideas of the midwifery art and patterns of ideas become evident in the zeitgeist from the beginning of the 19th century to the millennium in the Nordic countries. The legacy and pattern of ideas of the art of midwifery are interpreted in relation to the texts of the selected historical sources and based on Ricoeur's phenomenological-hermeneutic approach to the text and further to the dedication of understanding and interpretation. The historical sources refer to unprinted primary sources from historical archives and printed secondary and tertiary sources. The patterns of ideas include a tripartite whole: the true cultivation of the head, the philosophy and aesthetics of the hand, the strength of the heart and the drive of calling. These ideas open for unique visions and attest to the evident in modern midwives. Today's midwives have academic training with examinations, and the education is based on scientific evidence. The midwife profession is authorised by the state and supervised by the authorities.  相似文献   
Developing information literacy: a key to evidence-based nursing   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This report describes the evaluation of a curriculum-integrated programme designed to help students develop an awareness of the nursing literature, the skills to locate and retrieve it, and skills required in its evaluation; in other words'information literacy'. Positive changes in student performance on objective measures of information-literacy skills were revealed as well as a significant increase in the levels of confidence of the student in performing those skills. Students who had undertaken the information-literacy programme ('programme' students) performed better on a range of objective measures of information literacy, as well as reporting higher levels of confidence in these skills, than students who had not participated in the programme ('non-programme' students). Evaluation of this programme provides evidence of the potential usefulness of a curriculum-integrated approach for the development of information-literacy skills within nursing education. With these underlying skills, students will be better equipped to consolidate and extend their key information-literacy skills to include research appreciation and application. These are vital for effective lifelong learning and a prerequisite to evidence-based practice.  相似文献   
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