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Studies have shown that systemic PTH treatment enhanced the rate of bone repair in rodent models. However, the mechanisms through which PTH affects bone repair have not been elucidated. In these studies we show that PTH primarily enhanced the earliest stages of endochondral bone repair by increasing chondrocyte recruitment and rate of differentiation. In coordination with these cellular events, we observed an increased level of canonical Wnt-signaling in PTH-treated bones at multiple time-points across the time-course of fracture repair, supporting the conclusion that PTH responses are at least in part mediated through Wnt signaling. INTRODUCTION: Since FDA approval of PTH [PTH(1-34); Forteo] as a treatment for osteoporosis, there has been interest in its use in other musculoskeletal conditions. Fracture repair is one area in which PTH may have a significant clinical impact. Multiple animal studies have shown that systemic PTH treatment of healing fractures increased both callus volume and return of mechanical competence in models of fracture healing. Whereas the potential for PTH has been established, the mechanism(s) by which PTH produces these effects remain elusive. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Closed femoral fractures were generated in 8-wk-old male C57Bl/6 mice followed by daily systemic injections of either saline (control) or 30 microg/kg PTH(1-34) for 14 days after fracture. Bones were harvested at days 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28 after fracture and analyzed at the tissue level by radiography and histomorphometry and at the molecular and biochemical levels level by RNase protection assay (RPA), real-time PCR, and Western blot analysis. RESULTS: Quantitative muCT analysis showed that PTH treatment induced a larger callus cross-sectional area, length, and total volume compared with controls. Molecular analysis of the expression of extracellular matrix genes associated with chondrogenesis and osteogenesis showed that PTH treated fractures displayed a 3-fold greater increase in chondrogenesis relative to osteogenesis over the course of the repair process. In addition, chondrocyte hypertrophy occurred earlier in the PTH-treated callus tissues. Analysis of the expression of potential mediators of PTH actions showed that PTH treatment significantly induced the expression of Wnts 4, 5a, 5b, and 10b and increased levels of unphosphorylated, nuclear localized beta-catenin protein, a central feature of canonical Wnt signaling. CONCLUSIONS: These results showed that the PTH-mediated enhancement of fracture repair is primarily associated with an amplification of chondrocyte recruitment and maturation in the early fracture callus. Associated with these cellular effects, we observed an increase in canonical Wnt signaling supporting the conclusion that PTH effects on bone repair are mediated at least in part through the activation of Wnt-signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Taurolidine (TRD) has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the anti-inflammatory effects of TRD in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) have not been investigated. Here, we have analyzed the toxicity of TRD after oral long-term application in mice and examined the impact of oral TRD in a dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) model of experimental colitis. Female C57/BL6 mice received TRD in various concentrations (0.1% to 0.4%) for 60 days. Toxicity was evaluated by use of a disease activity index (DAI) and histological examination of major metabolic organs. Furthermore, the impact of 0.2% TRD on a chronic DSS colitis was examined by daily DAI, histological crypt damage score (CDS), bacterial translocation into mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), and colonic expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, transforming growth factor (TGF) beta, interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, cytochrome oxidase (COX)-2, and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Oral TRD administration for 60 days was well tolerated by the animals and did not show any toxic effects in terms of DAI and histological changes. TRD treatment of DSS colitis led to increased survival of 100%, compared to 33% in the untreated colitis group (p < or = .005). Clinical amelioration was mirrored by significantly reduced DAI and CDS in the TRD treated colitis. Colonic cytokine expression and bacterial translocation into MLN showed no differences between both groups. We thus report for the first time that oral application of TRD results in amelioration of an experimental IBD model. We hypothesize direct intraluminal antimicrobial effects of TRD as well as anti-inflammatory effects during the acute phase of DSS colitis.  相似文献   
Critical to survival is the geriatric concept, allostasis, defined as the ability to achieve stability through change. It is appropriate that allostasis is an introduction to this commentary, which may partially apply to the medical and pharmacy profession as currently constituted.  相似文献   
Dickey MW  Thompson CK 《Aphasiology》2007,21(6-8):604-616
BACKGROUND: Production of grammatical morphology is typically impaired in agrammatic aphasic individuals, as is their capacity to produce the syntactic structure responsible for licensing that morphology. Whether these two impairments are causally related has been an issue of long-standing debate. If morphological deficits are a side-effect of underlying syntactic ones, as has been claimed (Friedmann & Grodzinsky, 1997; Izvorski & Ullman, 1999), therapy which improves the syntactic deficit should remediate the morphological deficit as well. This paper reports a case study of one individual with such co-occurring impairments and describes their recovery in response to linguistically-motivated treatment targeting his syntactic deficits. METHODS #ENTITYSTARTX00026; PROCEDURES: MD is a 56 year-old male diagnosed with non-fluent Broca's aphasia subsequent to a left-hemisphere CVA, with limited capacity to produce syntactically complex utterances and grammatical morphology. He was enrolled in therapy using Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF; Thompson & Shapiro, 2005), targeting production of sentences involving Wh-movement (object relative clauses). MD participated in twice-weekly treatment sessions for approximately two months, with daily probes assessing his production of treated and untreated sentence types. In addition, probes assessing his grammatical morphology and sentence production were administered pre- and post-treatment. OUTCOMES #ENTITYSTARTX00026; RESULTS: Pre-treatment scores in tests of grammatical morphology and sentence production indicated deficits in both domains. During treatment, MD successfully acquired production of a variety of sentence with Wh-movement, though this did not generalize to sentences involving a grammatically distinct movement operation (NP-movement). Post-treatment scores also indicated a lack of improvement in production of grammatical morphology. CONCLUSIONS: The dissociation between MD's morphological and syntactic recovery indicates that the recovery of syntactic and morphological processes in aphasia may occur independently. This result is thus surprising under approaches in which morphological and syntactic impairments are strongly and causally related in aphasia, such as the Tree-Pruning Hypothesis (Friedmann, 2001; Friedmann & Grodzinsky, 1997). Further, these results reinforce the conclusion that aphasia treatment can lead to generalization, but only to linguistic material which is in a subset relation to trained structures (Thompson, Shapiro, Kiran & Sobecks, 2003).  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to determine the epidemiological relationships in three unrelated cases of neonatal late-onset Group B streptococcal (GBS) disease and maternal breast-milk infection with GBS. All deliveries were by cesarean section; case 1 was at term, and cases 2 and 3 were at 32- and 33-wk gestation, respectively. Case 1 relates to a mother with clinical mastitis and recurrent GBS infection in a 20-day-old male infant. Following antibiotic therapy and cessation of breast-feeding, the infant recovered without sequelae. Case 2 refers to a mother with clinical mastitis and the occurrence of late-onset GBS disease in 5-wk-old male twins. Despite intervention, one infant died and the second became ill. Following antibiotic therapy and cessation of breast-feeding, the surviving infant recovered without sequelae. Case 3 refers to a mother with sub-clinical mastitis and late-onset GBS infection occurring in a 6-day-old female twin. Following intervention, the infant recovered but suffered a bilateral thalamic infarction resulting in developmental delay and a severe seizure disorder. Following recovery of GBS from an inapparent mastitis and cessation of breast-feeding, the second infant remained well. Blood cultures from all affected infants and maternal breast milk were positive for GBS. Epidemiological relationships between neonatal- and maternal-derived GBS isolates were confirmed by a random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction assay (RAPD-PCR). This study is significant in that it has demonstrated that maternal milk (in cases of either clinical or sub-clinical mastitis) can be a potential source of infection resulting in either late-onset or recurrent neonatal GBS disease.  相似文献   
We report select outcomes from an evaluation of Project Wall Talk, a community-based, peer-led HIV prevention education program implemented in 36 Texas State prison units. Peer educators completed questionnaires prior to receipt of a 40-hour intensive training (N = 590) and at 9-month follow-up (N = 257). Students (N = 2506) completed questionnaires pre- and post-receipt of peer educator-led HIV education sessions. Peer educators and their students showed significant increases in HIV-related knowledge. Peer educators showed significant increases in assessment of their skills as educators. For both peer educators and students, significant differences in HIV-related knowledge were indicated across categories of prior educational level attained and race/ethnicity; no such differences were indicated at follow-up. Compared with baseline, a significantly greater proportion of peer educators reported ever having had an HIV test. After receiving peer-led education, a significantly smaller proportion of students reported they knew their HIV status and more indicated plans to take an HIV test. Additionally, in months 12 and 18 following program implementation, the numbers of HIV tests at the five units that implemented the peer education program were roughly twice that of five, matched comparison units without the peer education program. Based on peer educator reports, we projected that peer educators (N = 257) may have as many as 84,000 or more annual opportunities to share HIV-related knowledge with other prisoners outside the classroom.  相似文献   
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