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After total gastrectomy, the ileocecal graft may act as a reservoir and protect against reflux but give rise to transposition of the ileum and cause possible changes in bile acid metabolism and nutrition. This study compared the ileocecal graft and jejunal pouch. Male Wistar rats weighing 265 +/- 22 g were submitted to sham operation (S), ileocecal interposition graft (IIG), and jejunal pouch interposition graft (JP) after total gastrectomy. Eight weeks later, the esophagus was examined for evidence of esophagitis. Nutritional biochemistry and weight profile were documented preoperatively and 8 weeks after surgery. The oral glucose tolerance test was performed. Thirty-three rats were operated on and 30 survived for 8 weeks. Esophagitis occurred in seven JP rats. Body weight was significantly higher in IIG than in JP rats (p < .05). Normal glucose tolerance to intragastric glucose load was observed in sham and operated rats. JP rats had a significant decrease in serum albumin, glucose, transferrin, hemoglobin, iron, folate, and calcium, compared to sham (p < .05). Cobalamine was significantly lower in IIG rats than in JP rats (p < .05). In the IIG and JP groups, serum/hepatic total bile acid did not differ significantly from preoperative and sham values. In conclusion, the IIG interposition graft in rats prevented esophagitis, preserved nutrition, and did not interfere with enterohepatic total bile acid circulation.  相似文献   
Apical ballooning is a novel clinical entity reported in different contexts of physical and psychological stress, which is more common in middle-aged women. Of unknown etiology, the syndrome is characterized by a sudden and transient dilatation of the left ventricular apex in the absence of obstructive atherosclerotic coronary disease or evidence of myocardial necrosis, with total late recovery of ventricular function. The authors report the case of a 53-year-old woman who was admitted to the emergency room with left arm ischemia and low cardiac output, requiring ventilatory support. Left catheterization showed typical medial and apical myocardial dysfunction, with normal coronary arteries. Transesophageal echocardiography revealed a thrombus attached to the lower face of the aortic arch, which probably explained the thromboembolism of the arm but was unlikely to be the cause of the left ventricular dysfunction since there were no enzymatic or electrocardiographic signs of myocardial necrosis and normal wall motion was fully recovered.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: The polysaccharide-rich composition of Aloe vera extracts (Aloe barbadensis Miller), often used in cosmetic formulations, may impart moisturizing properties to the product. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cosmetic formulations containing different concentrations of freeze-dried Aloe vera extract on skin hydration, after a single and a 1- and 2-week period of application, by using skin bioengineering techniques. METHODS: Stable formulations containing 5% (w/w) of a trilaureth-4 phosphate-based blend were supplemented with 0.10%, 0.25% or 0.50% (w/w) of freeze-dried Aloe vera extract and applied to the volar forearm of 20 female subjects. Skin conditions in terms of the water content of the stratum corneum and of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) (Corneometer CM 825 and Tewameter TM 210) were analysed before and after a single and 1- and 2-week period of daily application. RESULTS: After a single application, only formulations supplemented with 0.25% and 0.50% (w/w) of Aloe vera extract increased the water content of the stratum corneum, while after the 2-week period application, all formulations containing the extract (0.10%, 0.25% and 0.50%) had the same effect, in both cases as compared with the vehicle. TEWL was not modified after a single and after 1- and 2-week period of application, when compared with the vehicle. CONCLUSION: Our results show that freeze-dried Aloe vera extract is a natural effective ingredient for improving skin hydration, possibly through a humectant mechanism. Consequently, it may be used in moisturizing cosmetic formulations and also as a complement in the treatment of dry skin.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated recently that some portion of ingested alcohol does not enter the systemic circulation and is not retained in the gastrointestinal tract; instead, gastric oxidation or first-pass metabolism of ethanol occurs in the stomach, catalyzed by gastric alcohol dehydrogenase. First-pass metabolism of ethanol is minimal in the fasting state; it is lower in women than in men, and in alcoholics than in nonalcoholics; and it is abolished in patients after subtotal gastrectomy. In addition, some drugs may affect first-pass ethanol metabolism. Studies of the effects of H2-receptor antagonists on blood ethanol levels are reviewed. It is concluded that some H2-receptor antagonists (cimetidine and nizatidine, in particular) can inhibit gastric ethanol oxidation and thus increase blood alcohol levels after drinking. The clinical and medicolegal implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To examine the economic consequences of effective antihypertensive treatment using the novel vasodilating beta1-adrenoceptor antagonist nebivolol (Nebilet) from the perspective of the healthcare provider. METHODS: The evaluation was based on a postmarketing surveillance study in Germany involving 8682 moderately hypertensive patients. Using the Framingham Risk Model, the antihypertensive effectiveness of nebivolol after 6 weeks of treatment was extrapolated to estimate the reductions in 10-year risks of cardiovascular events. Data sources included direct costs for medical and invasive cardiovascular interventions in Germany, costs of therapy in the US and the UK, and estimates on the prevalence of cardiovascular events issued by the American Heart Association. RESULTS: Six-week antihypertensive treatment resulted in a DBP reduction of 13.7 mm Hg. The rate of responders, defined as those patients achieving DBP <90 mm Hg, was 70%. SBP was reduced by 26.1 mm Hg. According to the Framingham Risk Model, 313 deaths would be avoided. Coronary heart disease (CHD) could be reduced by 94 cases (from 1339 to 1245 events) and 150 strokes would be avoided (from 518 to 368 events) in a 10-year period. This reduction of 244 cardiovascular events among the 8682 patients investigated corresponded to cost savings of between Euro 250,000 and Euro 2.5 million, depending on the healthcare environment and the intervention applied. CONCLUSION: Treatment of moderately hypertensive patients with nebivolol can be considered cost effective. Nebivolol has the potential to decrease the overall long-term costs of medical care for patients with hypertension.  相似文献   
AIM: The aim of this study was to quantify the flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) of brachial artery in asymptomatic members of families with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) and to determine the relation between FMD and risk factors accompanying FCH. We also investigated the association between FMD and the intima-media thickness (IMT) of the common carotid artery. METHODS: Eighty-two members of 29 FCH families were divided into two groups: probands and hyperlipidemic first-degree relatives (HL) (n=47) and normolipidemic first-degree relatives (NL) (n=35). The control (C) groups, C-HL (n=20) and C-NL (n=20), consisted of sex- and age-matched healthy individuals. FMD was assessed in the brachial artery by measuring the change in brachial artery diameter in response to reactive hyperemia. RESULTS: Both hyperlipidemic subjects and their NL had significantly lower FMD (3.4+/-3% vs 6.3+/-2.8%, P<0.001, 5.2+/-2.3% vs 7.8+/-2.8%, P<0.01, respectively) compared to controls. In multivariate backward stepwise regression analysis, FMD in members of FCH families was independently associated with sex (P<0.001), age (P<0.01), C-peptide (P<0.05) and borderline with glycemia (P=0.052). FMD correlated inversely with IMT in all subjects of FCH families and in hyperlipidemic members. In multivariate backward stepwise regression analysis this relation remained independent (P<0.001, P<0.01, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Members of FCH families showed impaired FMD, which was independently associated with markers of insulin resistance. FMD and IMT were independently associated in hyperlipidemic, but not in normolipidemic members of FCH families.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Aerobic exercise training has been associated with beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, improving arterial compliance, possibly related to a positive impact on the endothelium. The effects of competitive aerobic exercise are not so well documented. This prompted us to evaluate the possible modulation of arterial properties in a group of athletes and their response to the aging process. METHODS: 423 healthy males were enrolled in a cross-sectional study, 212 of whom were competitive athletes and 211 were controls. All underwent carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) evaluation, and casual blood pressure and other relevant anthropometric data were evaluated. RESULTS: To control the effects of age, each group was divided into two subgroups with an age cut-point of 20 years. PWV was 6.3 +/- 0.9 m/s (athletes) vs. 7.0 +/- 1.0 m/s (controls) for ages <20 years, and 7.6 +/- 1.2 m/s (athletes) vs. 8.1 +/- 0.9 m/s (controls) for ages >20 years, with statistically significant differences in both comparisons. A linear regression model with logarithmic tendency analysis with age as the independent determinant of PWV revealed a different progression of age-related deterioration of aortic compliance between the two groups (athletes and controls). CONCLUSIONS: Our data documented better compliance indices in competition athletes compared with controls, which may reflect optimization of endothelial function. This improvement was age-dependent, being less pronounced as the athletes grow older, which could be due partially to sustained stretching effects on the arterial walls in long-term competitors.  相似文献   
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