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Chondromalacia patellae: assessment with MR imaging   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Magnetic resonance (MR) images of the posterior patellar hyaline articular cartilage were obtained in 23 subjects to determine if MR imaging could accurately demonstrate the patellar cartilage. Arthroscopy was used as the standard of reference. Three subjects were asymptomatic volunteers. In the remaining 20 who had patellofemoral pain, arthroscopy was performed before MR imaging in seven and afterward in 12; one did not undergo arthroscopy. MR imaging showed focal areas of swelling of the patellar cartilage, focal hypointensity, surface irregularity, areas of thinning, and areas of cartilage loss with exposure of subchondral bone. The surgical findings agreed with those from MR images in all seven patients who underwent arthroscopy before MR imaging and in ten of the 12 who underwent surgery afterward. MR imaging is an accurate means of examining the posterior patellar cartilage and should be considered as an alternative to diagnostic arthroscopy when chondromalacia patellae is suspected.  相似文献   
Eighty-nine biliary strictures in 73 patients who had undergone percutaneous balloon dilatation were reviewed to determine long-term patency rates and clinical management problems. The majority of dilatations were performed in patients with anastomotic strictures (n = 44), iatrogenic strictures (n = 28), and strictures associated with sclerosing cholangitis (n = 17). Patency rates after 36 months or more were 67%, 76%, and 42%, respectively. Complications, mostly minor, occurred in less than 7% of patients. Of patients with significant biliary obstruction, 15% had little or no intrahepatic biliary duct dilatation demonstrated by cross-sectional imaging and/or direct cholangiography. No definite conclusions could be drawn about the utility of long-term internal/external stenting.  相似文献   
Burt  TB; Seeger  JF; Carmody  RF; Yang  PJ 《Radiology》1986,158(2):546-547
Inward buckling of the dura at C1-2 may occasionally occur with hyperextension of the neck and can result in a difficult or unsuccessful puncture when the posterior lateral C1-2 approach is used for cervical myelography. In this circumstance, placement of the head in a neutral or slightly flexed position may widen the posterior subarachnoid space and facilitate the needle puncture.  相似文献   
Gatenby  RA; Moldofsky  PJ; Weiner  LM 《Radiology》1988,166(3):757-759
Tumor oxygen levels were measured with an electrode in 13 patients with colon carcinoma metastases. These measurements were correlated with images obtained with radiolabeled monoclonal antibody 1083-17-1A. Only those tumors or tumor regions with a mean PO2 of 16 mm Hg or greater were successfully imaged. Tumors and tumor regions with a mean PO2 of less than 16 mm Hg were not imaged, even when the presence of antigen was confirmed with biopsy. These data suggest that physiologic factors other than antigen expression may affect antibody uptake.  相似文献   
Reiman  TH; Balfe  DM; Weyman  PJ 《Radiology》1987,163(1):49-56
In a 5-year period, 92 patients with biliary obstruction proximal to the pancreatic segment were evaluated with computed tomography (CT). Seventy-three were judged to have technically optimal studies. Observations of the level of obstruction were compared with data from 50 percutaneous transhepatic cholangiograms; CT data enabled the level of obstruction to be correctly predicted in 46. CT enabled correct prediction of the distribution of obstructing lesions in all 18 patients with intrahepatic obstruction. Forty-four of the 73 patients had pathologic examination of the porta hepatitis. CT findings of obstructing mass and lesser omental nodes resulted in correct prediction of malignancy in 25 (92%) of 27 patients; the absence of such findings enabled correct prediction of benign disease in 13 (77%) of 17 individuals. CT is most valuable as a noninvasive means of planning surgical or radiologic drainage procedures in patients with biliary obstruction.  相似文献   
Matter  D; Bret  PM; Bretagnolle  M; Valette  PJ; Fond  A 《Radiology》1987,163(3):635-636
Percutaneous pancreatography was attempted in 28 patients. In 18 cases, the examinations were performed after failure of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP); in ten patients, ERCP was not attempted. Under real-time ultrasonic guidance, a 22-gauge needle was inserted into the pancreatic duct, which ranged in size from 3 to 15 mm. After aspiration of pure pancreatic juice, 10-20 ml of contrast medium was injected under fluoroscopic control. The examination was successful in 25 patients. The only significant complication was bile leakage in a patient with obstructive jaundice. Of the six patients who subsequently underwent surgery, evidence of the puncture site was present in only one.  相似文献   


This study aims to contribute to the knowledge of the influence of comorbidity in OA. The objectives of the study were (i) to describe the prevalence of comorbidity and (ii) to describe the relationship between comorbidity (morbidity count, severity and the presence of specific diseases) and limitations in activities and pain in elderly patients with knee or hip OA using a comprehensive inventory of comorbidity.  相似文献   
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