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Gjerset  GF; Martin  PJ; Counts  RB; Fast  LD; Hansen  JA 《Blood》1984,64(3):715-720
We evaluated 37 patients with moderate or severe hemophilia A and six patients with severe factor IX deficiency for clinical or laboratory evidence of immune abnormalities. Patients were assigned to one of four groups according to the type of clotting factor replacement. Twenty patients had received only cryoprecipitate during the two years preceding the evaluation (group I); 11 additional patients were treated predominantly with cryoprecipitate but had also received up to nine bottles of factor VIII concentrate (group II); six patients received factor VIII concentrate (group III); six patients received factor IX concentrate (group IV). There was no clinical or laboratory evidence of immunodeficiency among the 43 patients. The mean absolute number of Th cells was normal in all patient groups, but the mean absolute number of Ts cells was increased compared with controls, both in patients treated with cryoprecipitate and in patients treated with factor VIII or factor IX concentrate. There was no correlation between the Th/Ts ratio and patient age, alanine aminotransferase level, hepatitis serology, in vitro lymphocyte function, or amount of clotting factor administered. Our observations demonstrate that the volunteer or commercial origin of clotting factor replacement cannot fully explain the alterations in lymphocyte subset distribution previously described in patients with hemophilia A.  相似文献   
Kirschbaum  NE; Gumina  RJ; Newman  PJ 《Blood》1994,84(12):4028-4037
Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) is a cell-cell adhesion molecule that is expressed on circulating platelets, on leukocytes, and at the intercellular junctions of vascular endothelial cells and mediates the interactions of these cells during the process of transendothelial cell migration. The cDNA for PECAM-1 encodes an open reading frame of 738 amino acids (aa) that is organized into a 27- aa signal peptide, a 574-aa extracellular domain composed of 6 Ig homology units, and a relatively long cytoplasmic tail of 118 aa containing multiple sites for posttranslational modification and postreceptor signal transduction. To provide a molecular basis for the precise evaluation of the structure and function of this transmembrane glycoprotein, we have determined the organization of the human PECAM-1 gene. The PECAM-1 gene, which has been localized to human chromosome 17, is a single-copy gene of approximately 65 kb in length and is broken into 16 exons by introns ranging in size from 86 to greater than 12,000 bp in length. Typical of other members of the Ig superfamily, each of the extracellular Ig homology domains is encoded by a separate exon, consistent with PECAM-1 having arisen by gene duplication and exon shuffling of ancestral Ig superfamily genes. However, the cytoplasmic domain was found to be surprisingly complex, being encoded by seven short exons that may represent discrete functional entities. Alternative splicing of the cytoplasmic tail appears to generate multiple PECAM-1 isoforms that may regulate phosphorylation, cytoskeletal association, and affinity modulation of the mature protein. Finally, a processed pseudogene having 76% identity with PECAM- 1 cDNA was identified and localized to human chromosome 3. These findings should have important implications for structure/function analysis of PECAM-1 and its role in vascular adhesive interactions.  相似文献   
Most Ig receptors exist as hetero-oligomeric complexes with separate ligand binding (alpha) and signal transducing (beta, gamma, or zeta) subunits. For Fc gamma RIIIa and Fc epsilon RI, association with the FcR gamma-chain is essential for surface expression. However, the human high affinity IgG receptor, hFc gamma RI, was found to be surface- expressed by itself in transient transfection models. We have now analyzed the integrity of hFc gamma RI expression in more detail in stable transfectants. In vitro we noted that, in the absence of FcR gamma-chain, surface expression of hFc gamma RI rapidly declined to background levels, in both IIA1.6 B cells and NIH3T3 fibroblasts. The effect of FcR gamma-chain on hFc gamma RI surface expression in vivo was evaluated by using two newly generated transgenic mouse lines, selectively expressing hFc gamma RI on myeloid cells. These transgenic mice were crossed with FcR gamma-chain-deficient mice. Analysis of blood monocytes and peritoneal macrophages showed that surface expression of hFc gamma RI was reduced by approximately 80%. The remaining approximately 20% of receptors were still capable of binding IgG-opsonized RBC, suggesting FcR gamma-chain not to be critical for hFc gamma RI ligand-binding capacity. Importantly, however, hFc gamma RI signaling capacity was lost in FcR gamma-chain-deficient cells. No phagocytosis could be observed using either ligand sensitized (EA- IgG2a) or CD64-targeted erythrocytes (using a bispecific antibody) in both hFc gamma RI transgenic lines. This documents the FcR gamma-chain to be indispensable for both surface membrane expression and function of human Fc gamma RI in vivo.  相似文献   
In a retrospective study of proved pseudoaneurysms (PAs) in 15 patients with transplanted organs (11 liver, three kidney, one pancreas), the results of computed tomography (CT), duplex sonography, and angiography were reviewed. Of the 15 cases of PA, eight occurred at the arterial anastomosis and seven were nonanastomotic. Three of the eight anastomotic PAs were caused by infection. Of the seven nonanastomotic PAs, four were caused by percutaneous biopsy, two were caused by infection, and one was of undetermined cause. In nine (60%) of the 15 patients the PAs were incidentally detected at imaging studies performed for other reasons. Diagnosis requires a high degree of suspicion. CT was performed in nine cases and duplex sonography in ten. The diagnosis of PA was made with CT in six (67%) patients and with duplex sonography in five (50%). CT and duplex sonography could not enable diagnosis when the PA was small, when the arterial anastomosis was not included in the field of study, or when enhancement with intravenously administered contract material was suboptimal. Angiography depicted the PAs in all 15 patients. In three liver transplant recipients with gastrointestinal tract bleeding, the causative PAs were detected only with angiography.  相似文献   
Patients with dilated stenoses and recanalized occlusions were evaluated to assess the initial and long-term results of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in the femoropopliteal artery. The follow-up period was at least 1 year. The initial success rate was 84% (128/164). The initial results were influenced by the radiologist's experience, catheter selection, and type of lesion. The 5- and 7-year cumulative patency rates were 70% and 60%. There was no difference in long-term patency between initially successful stenoses and short (less than 3 cm) occlusions. Both the morphology and location of the stenotic lesion influenced the long-term results. Although many factors influence the initial and long-term success rate, results of this study justify PTA in the femoropopliteal artery. Patients with localized stenoses and short occlusions are best suited for this treatment.  相似文献   
Chronic low back pain: comparison of bone SPECT with radiography and CT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ryan  PJ; Evans  PA; Gibson  T; Fogelman  I 《Radiology》1992,182(3):849
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