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The clinical material for a physical-mathematical analysis of femoral head and neck deformations in subluxated and luxated hips consisted of 1.574 case histories of children operated on in 1954-1988. In that material 21.9 per cent of the children had preoperative growth disorders of the head, and in the half of the cases also the femoral neck was involved. In 10.79 per cent of the children pre- and postoperative trophic disorders were also observed. On the basis of the physical-mathematical analysis of static-dynamic factors of the hip, it has been determined that the disordered shape of the femoral head and neck is most of all the result of defective formation of the roof. The oblique roof changes the static and dynamic forces acting on the femoral head and neck in such a way that large overloading of the growth zones of the medial side occurs and is followed by development of proximal femur deformation.  相似文献   
Fluorescent tracers are commonly used in fluorophotometric studies of ocular fluids and tissues that contain background protein. Background-protein concentrations were found to decrease or increase significantly the measure of fluorescence emitted from solutions containing sodium fluorescein, fluorescein-labeled dextran, or fluorescein-labeled horseradish peroxidase. The effect of background protein on fluorescence was expressed as a function of the specific fluorescent tracer, tracer concentration, and background-protein concentration; it can be corrected in the analysis of fluorophotometric data. Fluorophotometric studies--particularly those in which the background-protein level is expected to be abnormally high, such as postoperative and pathologic studies--may need to include either a data correction based on measured effects of background protein on tracer fluorescence or, in the case of clinical investigations, recognize at least the potential for a range of possible interpretations.  相似文献   
Immunologic analysis of blood serum of 40 patients with purulent keratitis has shown disturbances in T- and B-systems of immunity, especially in moderate and severe degrees of the disease. This dictates a necessity of further studies in this direction by using immunocorrective therapy.  相似文献   
Implants of defatted, freeze-dried Saos-2 human osteosarcoma cells grown to confluency induce de novo bone formation in athymic mice. These cells are also richly endowed with bone morphogenetic proteins and express mRNA for bone morphogenetic proteins 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, as well as for transforming growth factor-β1. Our aim was to study whether the ability to induce bone formation is related to the level of expression of bone morphogenetic protein. We studied the osteoinductive abilities and levels of expression of bone morphogenetic protein of Saos-2 cells both during the growth phase and after confluency was reached. Subconfluent cells were at least 70% less effective in their osteoinductive ability than confluent cells. Comparison of bone morphogenetic protein mRNA expression in confluent and subconfluent cells revealed that the latter had lower expression of all the mRNAs studied. The expression of bone morphogenetic protein-1, bone morphogenetic protein-2, and bone morphogenetic protein-6 mRNAs was 2, 3, and 6 to 10-fold lower, respectively, in subconfluent cells. These results suggest that the ability of Saos-2 cells to induce de novo bone formation may be correlated with the relative expression of these proteins; the expression of bone morpho-genetic proteins in Saos-2 cells also may be dependent on the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Splenic irradiation has been used in patients with HIV-related thrombocytopenia. This retrospective review deals with four patients treated with low dose splenic irradiation. All patients had an increase in platelet count and tolerated the treatment without side effects. However, the treatment response lasted for several months only.  相似文献   
The paper is concerned with the results of 13-year experience of combined therapy of Hodgkin's disease. The following therapeutic methods were employed: staging splenectomy, polychemotherapy (COPP, MOPP, ABVP and alternation of COPP and MOPP, COPP and CHOPP, COPP and DPP) and total irradiation of the lymph nodes. Altogether 328 patients with stage I-IV of disease were followed-up. Complete remissions were observed in 68.8%. A 10-year recurrence-free period was noted in 60% of the patients (stage I--100%, stage II--85%, stage III--68.6%, stage IV--48%).  相似文献   
The spectrum of orthopaedic problems in eight congenitally insensate patients was reviewed. The conditions included congenital insensitivity to pain, Riley-Day syndrome, and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. In each of these conditions, the patient has an abnormality of interpretation of painful stimuli or lacks normal pain avoidance, leading to self-inflicted damage. The orthopaedic problems and complications included fracture, self-mutilation, autoamputation, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, Charcot joints, scoliosis, and dislocation. Effective management consists of early diagnosis and patient/parent education to prevent as many complications as possible. Fractures may be treated conservatively, while progressive scoliosis requires operative intervention. Osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, and Charcot joints require appropriate operative treatment.  相似文献   
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