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The Museum Vrolik collection of anatomical specimens in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, comprises over 5,000 specimens of human and animal anatomy, embryology, pathology, and congenital anomalies. Recently, we rediagnosed a subset of the collection comprising dried infantile, juvenile, and adult human skulls with congenital and acquired conditions. On external examination and additional radiography, we found 58 skulls with craniosynostosis (CS) involving one or more sutures and 40 skulls with a presumed suture related condition. Most of these were part of the material collected and described by Louis Bolk (1866-1930). Analysis of his observations suggests that skull deformation because of premature suture closure depends not only on the identity of the sutures involved but also on the timing and progression of their closure and the extent of their involvement. Moreover, premature closure of the sagittal suture after 3-6 years of age appeared to be much more common than expected because it is not accompanied by skull deformation. Many of the skulls with single-suture CS were microcephalic, which may be the cause of the premature synostosis. By contrast, microcephaly may be a resulting phenomenon in multi-suture CS. We noticed that the quotient between height of the cranial vault (vertex-porion distance) and head circumference, multiplied by 100, was 26 or higher only in those CS cases with multi-suture involvement. We therefore consider this parameter, which we named "acrocephalic index", to be an indicator of multi-suture involvement in individual CS cases. In two adult skulls, the skull had a quadrangular shape, which we assumed to be correlated to the presence of an unusually interdigitated open metopic suture. We propose to name this anomaly: tetragonocephaly. Another presumed suture-related condition, bathrocephaly, was found concomitantly with basilar invagination in several cases. We hypothesize that the chronically raised intracranial pressure in these cases caused the still open lambdoidal sutures to distend and the occipital bone to protrude.  相似文献   
Hyper-IgD and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS) and mevalonic aciduria are autosomal recessive disorders characterized by recurrent episodes of fever and generalized inflammation. Both syndromes are caused by specific mutations in the gene encoding mevalonate kinase (MK), resulting in a depressed enzymatic activity mainly due to reduced protein levels. We studied the effect of temperature on the activity of wild-type and several mutant MKs in fibroblasts. All fibroblast cell lines from HIDS patients and harbouring the common V377I MVK allele displayed substantially higher MK activities at 30 degrees C as compared to 37 degrees C. As shown by temperature inactivation experiments this resulted in a protein nearly as stable as in control cell lines, indicating that primarily the maturation of the protein is affected. Accordingly, when HIDS cell lines were cultured at 39 degrees C, MK activity decreased further. This triggered a compensatory increase in 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity, indicating that MK becomes progressively rate-limiting. A similar phenomenon occurs in vivo. MK activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells drops 2-8-fold when HIDS patients experience febrile attacks. Our results suggest that minor elevations in temperature can set off a chain of events with MK becoming progressively rate-limiting, leading to a temporary deficiency of isoprenoid end-products, which induces inflammation and fever.  相似文献   
Cat scratch disease (CSD) is a common cause of subacute regional lymphadenopathy, not only in children but also in adults. Serological and molecular studies demonstrated that Bartonella henselae is the etiologic agent in most cases of CSD. Amplification of B. henselae DNA in affected tissue and detection of antibodies to B. henselae are the two mainstays in the laboratory diagnosis of CSD. We designed a retrospective study and investigated formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lymph nodes from 60 patients (25 female, 35 male) with histologically suspected CSD by PCR amplification. The sensitivities of two different PCR assays were compared. The first primer pair amplified a 296-bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene in 36 of the 60 samples, corresponding to a sensitivity of 60%. The second primer pair amplified a 414-bp fragment of the htrA gene in 26 of the 60 lymph nodes, corresponding to a sensitivity of 43.3%. Bartonella DNA could be detected in a total of 39 (65%) of the 60 lymph nodes investigated. However, histopathologic findings are typical but not specific for CSD and cannot be considered as a "gold standard" for diagnosis of CSD. The sensitivity of the PCR assays increased from 65 to 87% if two criteria (histology and serology) were used in combination for diagnosis of CSD. Two genotypes (I and II) of B. henselae are described as being involved in CSD. Genotype I was found in 23 (59%) and genotype II was found in 9 (23%) of the 39 PCR-positive lymph nodes. Seven (18%) lymph nodes were negative in both type-specific PCR assays. Thirty (50%) of our 60 patients were younger than 20 years old (15 were younger than 10 years), 20 (33%) were between 21 and 40 years old, and 10 (17%) patients were between 41 and 84 years old. Our data suggest that detection of Bartonella DNA in patients' samples might confirm the histologically suspected diagnosis of CSD.  相似文献   
Transgenic mice lacking a functional 5-HT2c receptor gene are extremely susceptible to audiogenic seizures, suggesting that 5-HT2c receptors mediate inhibition of neuronal network excitability. The present association study tested the hypothesis that a Cys23Ser substitution polymorphism within the human 5-HT2c receptor gene modulates neuronal excitability. Genotypes of the Cys23Ser polymorphism were assessed in 454 subjects of German descent, comprising: 1) 93 severely affected alcohol-dependent males with a history of alcohol withdrawal seizure or delirium, 2) 119 patients affected by an idiopathic generalized epilepsy, and 3) 242 controls. Both sexes were analyzed separately because of the X-chromosomal location of the 5-HT2c receptor gene. The allele frequencies of the Cys23Ser variants did not differ significantly between the controls and either the severely affected alcohol-dependent males (P = 0.34), or patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (P > 0.57). Our results suggest that the common Cys23Ser substitution polymorphism of the human 5-HT2c receptor gene does not confer susceptibility to neuronal hyperexcitability in either idiopathic generalized epilepsy or alcohol withdrawal seizure or delirium.  相似文献   
If we agree that retirement income means those receipts past the age limit of 64 years, there will be a comparable situation for taxation. Such comparison shows that membership in the public annuity insurance gives strong advantages because of lower taxation. This uneven situation should be ended in the future by the opinion of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Supreme court of constitutional affairs). There are two ways to solve this problem. Either the whole taxation of seniority income follows the rules of social security taxation, or the taxation of social security must loose its priority. The author prefers the second, because he argues that the social security taxation is wrong and irreparable: The author offers a general application of the "intertemporal correspondence principle" of taxation. This means that income can be taxed only once. Under this rule he prefers the "ex post taxation" of retirement income for reasons of justice, practicality, and economic principles.  相似文献   
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