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OBJECTIVE: Two studies using cross-sectional designs explored four possible mechanisms by which loneliness may have deleterious effects on health: health behaviors, cardiovascular activation, cortisol levels, and sleep. METHODS: In Study 1, we assessed autonomic activity, salivary cortisol levels, sleep quality, and health behaviors in 89 undergraduate students selected based on pretests to be among the top or bottom quintile in feelings of loneliness. In Study 2, we assessed blood pressure, heart rate, salivary cortisol levels, sleep quality, and health behaviors in 25 older adults whose loneliness was assessed at the time of testing at their residence. RESULTS: Total peripheral resistance was higher in lonely than nonlonely participants, whereas cardiac contractility, heart rate, and cardiac output were higher in nonlonely than lonely participants. Lonely individuals also reported poorer sleep than nonlonely individuals. Study 2 indicated greater age-related increases in blood pressure and poorer sleep quality in lonely than nonlonely older adults. Mean salivary cortisol levels and health behaviors did not differ between groups in either study. CONCLUSIONS: Results point to two potentially orthogonal predisease mechanisms that warrant special attention: cardiovascular activation and sleep dysfunction. Health behavior and cortisol regulation, however, may require more sensitive measures and large sample sizes to discern their roles in loneliness and health.  相似文献   
The present study explores the threshold behaviour of human axons and the mechanisms contributing to this behaviour. The changes in excitability of cutaneous afferents in the median nerve at the wrist were recorded to a long-lasting subthreshold conditioning stimulus, with a waveform designed to maximize the contribution of currents active in the just-subthreshold region. The conditioning stimulus produced a decrease in threshold that developed over 3–5 ms following the end of the depolarization and then decayed slowly, in a pattern similar to the recovery of axonal excitability following a discharge. To ensure that the conditioning stimulus did not activate low-threshold axons, similar recordings were then made from single motor axons in the ulnar nerve at the elbow. The findings were comparable, and behaviour with the same pattern and time course could be reproduced by subthreshold stimuli in a model of the human axon. In motor axons, subthreshold depolarizing stimuli, 1 ms long, produced a similar increase in excitability, but the late hyperpolarizing deflection was less prominent. This behaviour was again reproduced by the model axon and could be explained by the passive properties of the nodal membrane and conventional Na+ and K+ currents. The modelling studies emphasized the importance of leak current through the Barrett–Barrett resistance, even in the subthreshold region, and suggested a significant contribution of K+ currents to the threshold behaviour of axons. While the gating of slow K+ channels is slow, the resultant current may not be slow if there are substantial changes in membrane potential. By extrapolation, we suggest that, when human axons discharge, nodal slow K+ currents will be activated sufficiently early to contribute to the early changes in excitability following the action potential.  相似文献   
A range of studies have shown that the complex process of implantation and an establishment of a pregnancy also involves immune factors. Disturbances in these underlying immune mechanisms might lead to implantation and pregnancy failure and may be involved in the pathogenesis of unexplained infertility. Several studies have reported that imbalances in uterine NK (uNK) cell abundance are associated with infertility; however, controversies exist. An increased amount of CD56+ uNK cells along with a decrease in CD16+ uNK cells have been associated with normal fertility in some studies. Very few studies of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the pre-implantation endometrium have been performed. Results are sparse and controversial, studies reporting both increased and decreased numbers of Tregs, respectively, in women suffering from infertility. In conclusion, studies imply that uNK cells, Tregs and HLA-G carry pivotal roles regarding the establishment of a healthy pregnancy, and that abnormal immune mechanisms involving these parameters may be associated with infertility. However, more research in early phases of the reproductive cycle, such as investigating the conditions in the endometrium before implantation, is needed to further clarify the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   
The formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) on extracellular matrix components leads to accelerated increases in collagen cross linking that contributes to myocardial stiffness in diabetes. This study determined the effect of the crosslink breaker, ALT-711 on diabetes-induced cardiac disease. Streptozotocin diabetes was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats for 32 weeks. Treatment with ALT-711 (10 mg/kg) was initiated at week 16. Diabetic hearts were characterized by increased left ventricular (LV) mass and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) expression, decreased LV collagen solubility, and increased collagen III gene and protein expression. Diabetic hearts had significant increases in AGEs and increased expression of the AGE receptors, RAGE and AGE-R3, in association with increases in gene and protein expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). ALT-711 treatment restored LV collagen solubility and cardiac BNP in association with reduced cardiac AGE levels and abrogated the increase in RAGE, AGE-R3, CTGF, and collagen III expression. The present study suggests that AGEs play a central role in many of the alterations observed in the diabetic heart and that cleavage of preformed AGE crosslinks with ALT-711 leads to attenuation of diabetes-associated cardiac abnormalities in rats. This provides a potential new therapeutic approach for cardiovascular disease in human diabetes.  相似文献   
Recent population-based studies demonstrate an increased fracture risk with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). The etiology of this increased risk remains unclear, however, because areal bone mineral density (aBMD) measurements by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry cannot assess bone microstructural properties critical to determining bone quality and strength. To better define the skeletal effects of MGUS, we performed aBMD and high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) measurements in 50 MGUS patients (20 females, 30 males; mean ± SEM age, 70.5 ± 1.4 years) and 100 matched control subjects. Relative to controls, MGUS patients had decreased aBMD at the femoral neck (P = .05) and total femur (P < .05) but no differences at other sites. In contrast, high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography showed markedly diminished cortical thickness (P < .05) and increased endocortical area (P < .01). Average vBMD (P < .01), cortical vBMD (P < .001), and trabecular thickness (P < .01) were all significantly decreased in MGUS patients, suggestive of impaired bone formation. Serum levels of the Wnt pathway inhibitor Dickkopf-related protein 1 (P < .001) and osteoclast-activating factor MIP-1α (P < .05) also were significantly elevated in MGUS patients. Our data provide the first evidence of altered bone microstructure in MGUS and suggest that cytokines elevated in osteolytic myeloma also may be associated with bone loss in MGUS.  相似文献   
Jacobsen syndrome is a haploinsufficiency disorder caused, most frequently by terminal deletion of part of the long arm of chromosome 11, with breakpoints in 11q23.3–11q24.2. Inheritance of an expanded p(CCG)n trinucleotide repeat at the folate-sensitive fragile site FRA11B has been implicated in the generation of the chromosome breakpoint in several Jacobsen syndrome patients. The majority of such breakpoints, however, map distal to this fragile site and are not linked with its expression. To characterize these distal breakpoints and ultimately to further investigate the mechanisms of chromosome breakage, a 40-Mb YAC contig covering the distal long arm of chromosome 11 was assembled. The utility of the YAC contig was demonstrated in three ways: (1) by rapidly mapping the breakpoints from two new Jacobsen syndrome patients using FISH; (2) by demonstrating conversion to high resolution PAC contigs after direct screening of PAC library filters with a YAC clone containing a Jacobsen syndrome breakpoint; and (3) by placing 23 Jacobsen syndrome breakpoints on the physical map. This analysis has suggested the existence of at least two new Jacobsen syndrome breakpoint cluster regions in distal chromosome 11.  相似文献   
Potential applications of attention bias modification (ABM) for acute and chronic pain patients are investigated. In study 1, 54 acute back pain patients (46 of whom completed the study) were recruited at their initial physiotherapy session and randomised to receive 1 session of ABM or placebo. Patients were followed up 3 months later. Participants who were randomised to receive ABM reported less average (P=0.001) and current pain (P=0.008) and experienced pain for fewer days (P=0.01) than those who received placebo. In study 2, 34 chronic pain patients were recruited and randomly assigned to receive either 4 sessions of ABM (n=22) or placebo (n=12), followed by 8 sessions of cognitive behavioural treatment (CBT). After ABM, there was a significant group-by-time effect for disability. By 6-month follow-up, differences had emerged between the 2 training groups, such that the ABM group had shown greater reductions in anxiety sensitivity and disability than the placebo group. Although the results of these studies show that there is potential in the application of ABM to pain conditions, the mechanisms of treatment could not be established. Neither group showed an initial bias towards the word stimuli or a training effect, and only in the acute pain group were changes in biases related to outcome. Nonetheless, the fact that 2 independent samples showed a positive effect of ABM on clinical outcomes suggests that ABM is worthy of future study as an intervention for pain patients.  相似文献   
Global declines of amphibian populations are a source of great concern. Several pathogens that can infect the skin have been implicated in the declines. The pathogen most frequently associated with recent die-offs is a chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. A second fungus, Basidiobolus ranarum, was isolated from declining populations of Wyoming toads. A third pathogen, Aeromonas hydrophila, is an opportunistic bacterium found in healthy frogs, but capable of inducing disease. Among the immune defense mechanisms used by amphibians is the production of antimicrobial peptides in granular glands in the skin. These packets of natural antibiotics can be emptied onto the skin when the amphibian is injured. To determine whether antimicrobial skin peptides defend against these amphibian pathogens, six peptides (magainin I, magainin II, PGLa, CPF, ranalexin, and dermaseptin), from three species, and representing three structurally different families of peptides, were tested in growth inhibition assays. We show here that the peptides can kill or inhibit growth of both fungi but not Aeromonas. Although each peptide varied in its effectiveness, at least one from each species was effective against both fungi at a concentration of about 10-20 microM. This is the first direct evidence that antimicrobial peptides in the skin can operate as a first line of defense against the organisms associated with global amphibian declines. It suggests that this innate defense mechanism may play a role in preventing or limiting infection by these organisms.  相似文献   
Cathepsin D (CTSD) is a lysosomal protease involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases such as breast cancer and possibly Alzheimer's disease (AD). Previous findings revealed a significant association between the T allele of the 224 C/T (A58V) polymorphism in exon 2 of the CTSD gene and late onset AD. The exonic regions of the CTSD gene were screened for further polymorphic variations using polymerase chain reaction and single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis. In addition to the known 224 C/T polymorphism and two silent mutations in exons 3 and 4 we detected two new polymorphisms in introns 5 and 8. Combination of these sequence variations results in three different haplotypes; one of these haplotypes is due to the new polymorphism in intron 5. We detected no further missense mutations except for the known 224 C/T polymorphism in exon 2. Thus, if sequence variations within the CTSD gene influence the risk for various diseases, the pathogenic mechanism is likely to be linked to the amino acid substitution in the profragment of CTSD.  相似文献   


Collaboration between physicians in different specialties is often taken for granted. However, poor interactions between family physicians and specialists contribute significantly to the observed discontinuity between primary and specialty care. The objective of this study was to explore how collaboration between family physicians and specialists was conceptualised as a competency and experienced in residency training curricula of four faculties of medicine in Canada.  相似文献   
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