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Nephrotic syndrome, characterized by edema, proteinuria, hyperlipidemia and low serum albumin, is a manifestation of kidney disease involving the glomeruli. Nephrotic syndrome may be caused by primary kidney disease such as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Mutations in the podocin gene, NPHS2, have been shown in familial and sporadic forms of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, including focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Podocin is an integral membrane protein located at the slit diaphragm of the glomerular permeability barrier. Complete information is lacking for the population frequency of some NPHS2 variants for all racial and ethnic groups. The most frequently reported variant, R229Q, is more common among European-derived populations than African-derived populations. We calculated crude odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals of childhood nephrotic syndrome and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis associated with R229Q heterozygosity using data from five studies. The R229Q variant is not associated with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in the US population of African descent. In contrast, the R229Q variant is associated with a trend toward increased focal segmental glomerulosclerosis risk in European-derived populations, with an estimated increased risk of 20-40%. Our insight into the association between NPHS2 variants and nephrotic disease is hampered by the limitations of the existing studies, including small numbers of affected individuals and suboptimal control groups. Nevertheless, the available data suggest that large epidemiological case-control studies to examine the association between NPHS2 variants and nephrotic syndrome are warranted.  相似文献   
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is, after Duchenne muscular dystrophy,the most common neuromuscular disorder in childhood. The generesponsible for childhood SMA has been mapped to the q11. 2– q13. 3 region of chromosome 5. We have extended ourlinkage studies of SMA In the French - Canadian population toInclude microsatellite markers at the D5S125, D5S351, D5S435,JK53CA1/ 2 and MAPI B locl. These markers span about 4 cM ofthe SMA candidate region. We observed significant evidence forlinkage between SMA and all the markers tested. The analysisof recombinant chromosomes provide evidence for the followinggenetic order: D5S125-D5S435-MAP1B-3'-JK53CA1/2 and places D5S351proximal to JK53CA1/2. Furthermore, we confirm the current localizationof the SMA gene distal to D5S435. Finally, we provide demonstrationof significant linkage disequilibrium between childhood-onsetSMA and four of the five marker loci, D5S125, D5S435, D5S351and JK53CA1/2. Analysis of SMA-region haplotypes suggests thatthere may be a predominant SMA allele that is present on about17% of SMA chromosomes in this sample of the French - Canadianpopulation. We conclude that the observed linkage disequilibriumis likely due to genetic drift among regions of Quebec, consistentwith this population's early history.  相似文献   
We have known for some time that the epidemiology of human stroke is sexually dimorphic until late in life, well beyond the years of reproductive senescence and menopause. Now, a new concept is emerging: the mechanisms and outcome of cerebral ischemic injury are influenced strongly by biological sex as well as the availability of sex steroids to the brain. The principal mammalian estrogen (17 β estradiol or E2) is neuroprotective in many types of brain injury and has been the major focus of investigation over the past several decades. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that although hormones are a major contributor to sex-specific outcomes, they do not fully account for sex-specific responses to cerebral ischemia. The purpose of this review is to highlight recent studies in cell culture and animal models that suggest that genetic sex determines experimental stroke outcome and that divergent cell death pathways are activated after an ischemic insult. These sex differences need to be identified if we are to develop efficacious neuroprotective agents for use in stroke patients.  相似文献   
The isoschizomer pair MspI and HpaII were used to investigate whether the putative specificity of restriction endonucleases would be maintained when they were introduced into mammalian cells. Although both enzymes recognize the sequence CCGG, HpaII will cut only if the internal cytosine is unmethylated, whereas MspI will cut regardless of the methylation status. Cleavage results in a cohesive-end DNA double-strand break, which can lead to the formation of chromosome aberrations. Since mammalian DNA is heavily methylated, one would expect MspI to be much more effective than HpaII at inducing chromosome aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In fact, during G1, MspI induced a >90-fold higher number of aberrations than did HpaII. Cell cycle studies indicated that during early S there was a 30-fold increase in HpaII-induced aberrations. This increase may be due to increased accessibility of replicating hypomethylated DNA. Cells that were treated with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine (AzdC) displayed only a moderate increase in HpaII-induced aberrations during G1. This observation, together with the results of restriction enzyme analysis of genomic DNA, indicated that demethylation was incomplete. The effects of AzdC on the induction of aberrations by MspI suggested that AzdC increases chromatin accessibility. Our results were consistent with the expected specificity of MspI and HpaII. Thus, it appears that restriction endonucleases can play a useful role in determining the biological consequences of DNA double-strand breaks.  相似文献   
The sweat patch is a new, noninvasive method designed to estimate the ethanol consumption of drinking subjects. It consists of salt-impregnated absorbent pads protected by a plastic chamber with attached water-tight adhesive. The patch reportedly collects transepidermal fluid at a steady rate for up to 10 days. Recent laboratory research has indicated a linear relationship between the concentration of ethanol in transepidermal fluid and mean concentration of ethanol in blood. Levels of ethanol in the sweat patch allowed identification of persons drinking at least 0.5 g of ethanol/kg/day with 100% sensitivity and specificity. The study reported here was conducted to test the field effectiveness of this sweat patch in normal, active research subjects. First, several pretests were conducted to determine the optimal location of the patch on the body and its fluid uptake at various sites. A laboratory experiment using nonalcoholic subjects was conducted to replicate previous work, and methods of measuring ethanol concentration in the patch were refined. A field test of the patch was then carried out. Healthy active volunteers drank a single "moderate" dose of ethanol (0.5 g of ETOH/kg of body weight) and then remained abstinent for the next 3 days. A week later, a "heavy" dose (1.0/kg of body weight) was consumed. Only a trace of ethanol was detected in any of the patches worn in either experiment. The patch did not measure ethanol in the transepidermal fluid under field conditions. Thus, further design modifications and pilot testing are required before the full benefits of this unobtrusive measure of drinking can be realized.  相似文献   
Brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was measured in forest songbirds exposed to Ultra Ultra Low Volume (UULV) aerial spraying of fenitrothion in New Brunswick for spruce budworm control. Brain AChE activity was determined in 324 songbirds from the sprayed blocks and 47 from an unsprayed control area, and represented four species. In most cases, more than half of the individuals of any species sampled were diagnosed as exposed (20% inhibition) to the fenitrothion sprays and had a mean percent level of inhibition of 40% or greater, relative to mean control values. The proportion of birds with life-threatening levels of inhibition (50%) was usually less than 20%. The largest proportion of birds with life-threatening inhibition was found after the first 210 g AI/ha spray. The White-throated Sparrow had the highest proportion (25–55%) of individuals with life-threatening inhibition after all sprays. Brain AChE inhibition was greater in exposed birds collected after the first 210 g AI/ha spray than after the second one. Variation among species' responses to the sprays is discussed in relation to habitat and foraging preferences. Several sampling biases which may contribute to underestimation of the impact of fenitrothion spraying on birds are identified.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between overweight and obesity, and mental health problems in Australian 4- to 5-year-old children. METHODS: The study used data from wave 1 (2004) of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). The participants were 4983 4- to 5-year-old children (2537 boys and 2446 girls) with a mean age of 56.9 months (standard deviation 2.6 months; range 51-67 months). Children were classified as nonoverweight, overweight, and obese on the basis of International Obesity Task Force definitions. Mental health problems were assessed by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) completed by parents and teachers. RESULTS: Although obese 4- to 5-year-old boys had more mental health problems than nonoverweight boys, differences between the groups were small and substantially reduced when analyses controlled for children's sociodemographic characteristics. Parents reported that overweight/obese girls had more peer problems, whereas teachers reported they had more conduct problems. Children in all weight groups had mean scores within the normal range of scores on all the SDQ subscales. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in rates of mental health problems experienced by young children of different weight status appear relatively small. Higher rates of mental health problems experienced by more obese boys may reflect differences in their sociodemographic characteristics rather than their weight status per se. Policies that reduce the number of young children living in poverty or experiencing other adverse social circumstances have the potential to reduce rates of mental health problems experienced by older children with overweight/obesity.  相似文献   
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