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This study explored Swedish school nurses' experiences of school health record documentation. Fifty per cent of a representative sample of Swedish school nurses (n = 129) reported difficulties with documenting mental and social health problems in family relationships, schoolchildren's behaviour, and school situations. Ethical considerations concerning fears of misinterpretation and practical barriers to documentation were expressed as reasons for their worries. Mental and social ill health is an increasing and often dominating problem among schoolchildren, thus proper documentation is a basic issue, both for individuals and for the population as a whole. School nurses obviously need professional guidance regarding documentation and ethical challenges. Systematic effort should be directed towards recognition and support of these nurses' unique opportunities to consider, follow and promote all aspects of schoolchildren's health.  相似文献   
Three nursing home residents speak about meaning at the end of life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides a deeper understanding of how meaning can be created in everyday life at a nursing home. It is based on a primary study concerning dignity involving 12 older people living in two nursing homes in Sweden. A secondary analysis was carried out on data obtained from three of the primary participants interviewed over a period of time (18-24 months), with a total of 12 interviews carried out using an inductive hermeneutic approach. The study reveals that sources of meaning were created by having a sense of: physical capability, cognitive capability, being needed, and belonging. Meaning was created through inner dialogue, communication and relationships with others. A second finding is that the experience of meaning can sometimes be hard to realize.  相似文献   
The main objective was to derive reference equations for the FVC, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC ratio for healthy Nicaraguan male workers without current occupational exposure to agents hazardous to the lungs. Age, height, and weight were included as independent variables in the analysis, but only age and height showed significant effects on the indices studied. A nonlinear relationship with age was observed for FVC and FEV1, with a shift in the slope at the age of 32 years. Linear, quadratic, and multiphase models were tested in order to assess the best reference equation. The multi-phase model most closely fitted the values measured. The FEV1/FVC ratio showed a significant linear negative correlation with age. A comparison between the equations derived from this material and those reported in other studies revealed substantial differences. Racial, genetic, nutritional, work and sociocultural factors could account for the differences. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Macroalgae depend on carbon-concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) to maintain a high photosynthetic activity under conditions of low carbon dioxide (CO(2)) availability. Because such conditions are prevalent in marine environments, CCMs are important for upholding the macroalgal primary productivity in coastal zones. This study evaluated the effects of seven antifouling compounds-chlorothalonil, DCOIT, dichlofluanid, diuron, irgarol, tolylfluanid, and zinc pyrithione (ZnTP)-on the photosynthesis and CCM of sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima (L.)). Concentration-response curves of these toxicants were established using inhibition of carbon incorporation, whereas their effects over time and their inhibition of the CCM were studied using inhibition of O(2) evolution. We demonstrate that exposure to all compounds except ZnTP (相似文献   
Risk factors for severe wheezing bronchitis were studied in children aged 4 months to 4 years in need of hospitalization. The children included in the study consisted of all cases generated from a geographically defined population, the catchment area of St Göran's hospital in Stockholm, The incidence was 3/1000 children and year, during the two years of observation, with the highest rate in boys under the age of 18 months (4. 7/1000). Symptoms of a preceding upper respiratory tract infection were reported in 90% of the cases, but a viral etiology could only be demonstrated with virus isolation in 26%. Respiratory syncytial virus was the most common finding in younger children. Rhinovirus was primarily seen in older children with a history of previous wheezing. Regardless of whether the cases had a positive or negative virus isolation they showed the same seasonal distribution. Furthermore, there was no difference in risk factors between children with a positive and negative virus isolation. Children older than 18 months with negative virus isolation had higher IgE levels than those with positive isolation, suggesting that atopy is of greater importance in this group.  相似文献   
Using a sensitive and specific radioenzymatic assay, the plasma norepinephrine (NE) concentration was measured in seven patients with pheochromocytoma, one patient with bilateral adrenal medullary hyperplasia, one patient with a retroperitoneal paraganglioma, and two patients undergoing bilateral adrenalectomies for palliation of metastatic breast carcinoma. Surgical manipulation of the pheochromocytomas resulted in striking increases in plasma NE concentration with concomitant increases in blood pressure. There were either small changes or no changes in the patients' plasma NE and blood pressure during resection of the normal adrenal glands, the adrenal glands with medullary hyperplasia, or the retroperitoneal paraganglioma. Plasma dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) was measured in one patient with pheochromocytomas and the patient with medullary hyperplasia. There was no change in plasma DBH in either patient, supporting the concept that exocytosis is not the primary mechanism for catecholamine secretion from pheochromocytomas. It was also noted that enflurane is an excellent general anesthetic for the resection of pheochromocytomas, and that sodium nitroprusside (rather than phentolamine) may be the agent of choice for the management of the hypertensive episodes that occur during surgical manipulation of pheochromocytomas.  相似文献   

Previously, the simultaneous presence of endocarditis (IE) has been reported in 3–30% of spondylodiscitis cases. The specific implications on therapy and outcome of a simultaneous presence of both diseases are not yet fully evaluated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of a simultaneously present endocarditis on the course of therapy and outcome of spondylodiscitis. A prospective database analysis of 328 patients diagnosed with spontaneous spondylodiscitis (S) using statistical analysis with propensity score matching was conducted. Thirty-six patients (11.0%) were diagnosed with concurrent endocarditis (SIE) by means of transoesophageal echocardiography. In our cohort, the average age was 65.82?±?4.12 years and 64.9% of patients were male. The incidence of prior cardiac or renal disease was significantly higher in the SIE group (coronary heart disease SIE n?=?13/36 vs. S n?=?57/292, p?<?0.05 and chronic heart failure n?=?11/36 vs. S n?=?41/292, p?<?0.05, chronic renal failure SIE n?=?14/36 vs. S n?=?55/292, p?<?0.05). Complex interdisciplinary coordination and diagnostics lead to a significant delay in surgical intervention (S?=?4.5?±?4.5 days vs. SIE?=?8.9?±?9.5 days, p?<?0.05). Mortality did not show statistically significant differences: S (13.4%) and SIE (19.1%). Time to diagnosis and treatment is a key to efficient treatment and patient safety. In order to counteract delayed therapy, we developed a novel therapy algorithm based on the analysis of treatment processes of the SIE group. We propose a clear therapy pathway to avoid frequently observed pitfalls and delays in diagnosis to improve patient care and outcome.



Poor adherence to antiretroviral treatment has been a public health challenge associated with the treatment of HIV. Although different adherence-supporting interventions have been reported, their long term feasibility in low income settings remains uncertain. Thus, there is a need to explore sustainable contextual adherence aids in such settings, and to test these using rigorous scientific designs. The current ubiquity of mobile phones in many resource-constrained settings, make it a contextually appropriate and relatively low cost means of supporting adherence. In India, mobile phones have wide usage and acceptability and are potentially feasible tools for enhancing adherence to medications. This paper presents the study protocol for a trial, to evaluate the influence of mobile phone reminders on adherence to first-line antiretroviral treatment in South India.  相似文献   
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