The aetiology of primary Fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC) is poorly understood. Occupational exposures may contribute to PFTC risk. We studied incidence of PFTC in occupational categories in the Nordic female population aged 30-64 years during the 1960, 1970, 1980/1981 and/or 1990 censuses in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for the years following inclusion in the study up to 2005 were calculated for 53 occupations; the expected numbers of cases were based on PFTC incidence in the national populations. Altogether 2,206 PFTC cases were detected during follow up via data linkages with the Nordic cancer registries. Significantly increased risks of PFTC were observed for smelting workers (SIR 3.99, 95% confidence interval 1.46-8.68, Obs = 6), artistic workers (2.64, 1.44-4.43, Obs = 14), hairdressers (2.18, 1.41-3.22, Obs = 25), packers (1.62, 1.11-2.29, Obs = 32), nurses (1.49, 1.14-1.92, Obs = 60), shop workers (1.25, 1.07-1.46, Obs = 159) and clerical workers (1.20, 1.07-1.35, Obs = 271) and these sustained over times and different Nordic countries. There was a nonsignificant increased risk for PFTC among welders, printers, painters and chemical process workers. The risk was significantly and consistently low for women working in farming (0.68, 0.47-0.95, Obs = 34) and among economically inactive women (0.88, 0.82-0.94, Obs = 833). The possible role of occupational exposures to the PFTC risks found in this study must be further evaluated in studies with a possibility to adjust for possible confounding factors, such as reproductive and life-style factors, which was not possible in our study. 相似文献
IntroductionRegister-based studies have shown large survival differences among prostate cancer patients in the Nordic countries. The aim of this study was to determine the background of such differences in Denmark, Iceland and Sweden.Material and methodsPatients with prostate cancer were identified through population-based cancer registers in the three countries. Clinical findings at diagnosis were retrieved from hospital records. In Sweden, clinical information was gathered from regional population-based prostate cancer registers. Country-specific incidence and excess mortality rates were compared, with adjustment for prognostic factors.ResultsThe relative survival in the cohorts was comparable to that in previous population-based studies. Significant differences in excess mortality rates were found across countries, which diminished or disappeared after adjustment for patient characteristics, i.e. metastatic status, clinical T stage and prostate-specific antigen level. A difference in the proportion of patients with metastatic disease was the main explanation of the differences in survival among countries, while the incidence rates of metastatic cancer were similar.DiscussionRegister-based studies of the relative survival of prostate cancer patients are influenced by national differences in clinical presentation at diagnosis. Differences in the proportion of patients with metastatic spread explained most of the difference in relative survival among patients in Denmark, Iceland and Sweden. Future country comparisons of relative survival should include adjustment for differences in patient characteristics, such as stage, prostate-specific antigen level and screening intensity. 相似文献
Objective: To estimate the risk of malignant diseases in families of probands with the same mutation in the BRCA2 gene.
Design: A cohort study using record linkage of a breast cancer family resource and the Icelandic Cancer Registry.
Setting: Iceland.
Subjects: Families of 995 breast cancer patients, from which 887 were tested for a single founder 999del5 mutation; 90 had the mutation and 797 did not.
Results: Relatives of probands with the mutation had significantly increased relative risk (RR) of breast cancer. For first degree relatives, the RR was 7.55 (95% CI 6.04 to 9.03) but was 1.72 (95% CI 1.49 to 1.96) in first degree relatives of probands without the mutation. For prostate and ovarian cancer, the first and second degree relatives of probands with the mutation had a significantly increased RR, but in families of probands without the mutation no significant familial risk was found.
Conclusions: The 999del5 mutation in the BRCA2 gene explains a substantial proportion of familial risk of breast cancer in Iceland, but significant familial risk remains in relatives of probands without the mutation. For prostate and ovarian cancer, the mutation accounts for most of the familiality observed in families of breast cancer patients.
Breast cancer and prostate cancer are the most commonly occurring cancers in females and males, respectively. The objective of this project was to test the hypothesis that breast cancer in females and prostate cancer in males represent homologous cancers that may be controlled by one or more common unidentified genes that may explain some of the observed familial aggregation. We modeled the transmission of a breast-prostate cancer phenotype in 389 pedigrees ascertained through a breast cancer proband drawn from the Icelandic Cancer Registry. Assuming that age at diagnosis of this combined phenotype followed a logistic distribution, segregation analyses were performed to evaluate residual parental effects, a sibship covariate, and a dichotomous cohort effect. The most parsimonious model was a Mendelian codominant model, which could partly explain the familial aggregation of both cancers. Inheritance of a putative high-risk allele (A) predicted gender-specific mean ages of onset for females as 53.8 years, 59.7 years, and 65.6 years for the putative AA, AB, and BB genotypes, respectively. Similarly, the predicted means were 73.7 years, 75.6 years, and 78.3 years, respectively, among males. Under this codominant model, the lifetime risk of a woman being affected was 19% by age 80 years. This implies that when prostate cancer among male relatives of breast cancer probands (unselected for family history or early-onset disease) is considered a pleiotrophic effect of the same gene that increases the risk for breast cancer, women are predicted to have a less than 1 in 5 risk of developing breast cancer when they carry the putative high-risk allele. However, this is a higher risk than in the general Icelandic population. Our results suggest that BRCA2 mutations alone are inadequate to explain all of the excess clustering of prostate cancer cases in families of breast cancer probands, and that additional genes conferring excess risk to both breast and prostate cancer may exist in this population. 相似文献
It is not well known to what extent carrying a BRCA2 mutation affects the survival of women with breast cancer and prognostic factors among BRCA2-positive women warrant investigation. Using a record linkage approach we compared the long-term survival in carriers and noncarriers of an inherited BRCA2 founder mutation (999del5), and sought to identify prognostic factors among the BRCA2 mutation-positive subset, including markers of genetic instability (aneuploidy) and mitotic activity (S-phase fraction). We established the genetic status of 2,967 Icelandic breast cancer patients (215 mutation carriers and 2,752 noncarriers) diagnosed from 1955 to 2004, representing 72 % of all cases diagnosed in the country during this period. Tumour ploidy and S-phase fraction were assessed on tumour cells by DNA flow cytometry. Prognostic factors were assessed blindly with respect to mutation status. Univariate and multivariate hazard ratios (HR) were estimated for breast cancer-specific survival by BRCA2 status, using Cox regression. After a median follow-up of 9.5 years, BRCA2 mutation carriers had a higher risk of death from breast cancer than noncarriers (HR 1.64, 95 % CI 1.24–2.16, p < 0.001). The risk increase was restricted to women with diploid tumours (HR 3.03, 95 % CI 1.91–4.79, p < 0.001). Among breast cancer patients with aneuploid tumours, survival of carriers was similar to that of noncarriers (HR 0.76, 95 % CI 0.41–1.41, p = 0.38). Increased tumour size and a positive nodal status predicted worse prognosis in all patients, whereas the highly correlated prognostic factors diploidy, low proliferative activity and a positive estrogen receptor status had reverse effects in mutation carriers and noncarriers. Breast cancer patients who carry the Icelandic founder BRCA2 mutation have inferior long-term survival than noncarriers, but the adverse prognosis is restricted to mutation carriers with diploid, slowly proliferating tumours. 相似文献
Germline mutations in the BRCA genes dramatically increase the risk of breast cancer. In the general population, breast cancer risk is affected by age at menarche, by age at first birth, by the number of births and by the duration of breast feeding. Whether this is true for mutation carriers is not clear.
In a case–control study, nested in a population-based cohort of the Icelandic Cancer Detection Clinic, two groups of cases were defined, matched on year of birth, on age at diagnosis and on age when giving information on reproductive factors: 100 carriers of the Icelandic founder BRCA2 mutation 999del5, and 361 BRCA2-negative cases. The mean age at diagnosis was 48 years. There were 1000 women in a matched group of unaffected controls. Conditional logistic regression was used for the analysis.
An increased number of births was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer in BRCA2-negative cases but not in BRCA2-positive cases. A negative association between risk and duration of breast feeding was observed only in the mutation carriers. These associations were not statistically significant, but the effects of the two variables differed significantly according to mutation status (P = 0.007 and P = 0.045 for interaction with number of births and with duration of breast feeding, respectively). This was maintained when limiting the analysis to women diagnosed older than the age of 40 years.
The association between breast cancer and the number of pregnancies and between breast cancer and the duration of breast feeding was not the same for carriers and noncarriers of a detrimental BRCA2 mutation. In the context of other epidemiological and laboratory studies, this may indicate that the product of the BRCA2 gene has a function relating to the differentiation of epithelial tissue in the breast. 相似文献
The presence of pancreatic cancer (PC) in melanoma-prone families has been consistently associated with an increased frequency of CDKN2A mutations, the major high-risk susceptibility gene identified for melanoma. However, the precise relationship between CDKN2A, melanoma and PC remains unknown. We evaluated a recently identified PC susceptibility gene PALB2 using both sequencing and tagging to determine whether PALB2 might explain part of the relationship between CDKN2A, melanoma, and PC. No disease-related mutations were identified from sequencing PALB2 in multiple pancreatic cancer patients or other mutation carrier relatives of PC patients from the eight melanoma-prone families with CDKN2A mutations and PC. In addition, no significant associations were observed between 11 PALB2 tagging SNPs and melanoma risk in 23 melanoma-prone families with CDKN2A mutations or the subset of 11 families with PC or PC-related CDKN2A mutations. The results suggested that PALB2 does not explain the relationship between CDKN2A, melanoma, and pancreatic cancer in these melanoma-prone families. 相似文献