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Summary Physeal distraction was applied with an external fixator to the triradiate cartilage of dogs with the aim of increasing the capacity of the acetabulum. The force was continued for from 2 to 6 weeks and the consequent changes were evaluated with regard to function and structure by radiography and microscopy. The distraction, without producing epiphysiolysis and destruction of the cartilage, resulted in expansion of the pelvic bones. The depth and volume of the acetabulum were increased, but the acetabular angle was decreased. Distraction also caused proliferation of the lacunar cells and the number of mammillary processes in the cartilage columns increased. Distraction can therefore be applied to the triradiate cartilage to enlarge the capacity of the acetabulum without producing epiphysiolysis.
Résumé Dans cette étude une distraction a été appliquée sur le cartilage en Y. Douze chiens bâtards, âgés de 2.5 à 4 mois, ont été utilisés pour cette expérimentation. Une force de distraction de 80 Newton a été appliquée d'emblée sur le cartilage en Y. L'application de cette force a été poursuivie sur les animaux pendant 2, 4 ou 6 semaines. A la fin de cette période, les changements de la cavité cotyloïde et du cartilage en Y ont été évalués sur le plan fonctionnel, morphologique, radiologique et histopathologique Aucune altération fonctionnelle n'a été mise en évidence dans les groupes opérés par rapport au groupe de contrôle. On a observé que la distraction a déterminé une expansion massive de l'ilion, du pubis et de l'ischion. Sur les hanches de contrôle la profondeur de la cavité cotyloïde a été évaluée à 13.5 mm, le volume à 1.96 cc et l'angle de la cavité cotyloïde à 29.9°. Après distraction ces valeurs ont été respectivement de 14.4 mm, de 2.10 cc et de 25.7°. La distraction entraîne donc un accroissement de profondeur et de volume de la cavité cotyloïde, mais inversement une diminution de l'angle de cette cavité. Ces résultats montrent que la distraction détermine une prolifération des cellules lacunaires et un accroissement des processus mammaires dans les colonnes du cartilage en Y. Ils montrent également qu'elle peut augmenter la taille de l'acetabulum.
Irritability is often a problem for patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We describe two cases that illustrate the use of lithium in the treatment of veterans with PTSD who complained of serious problems with irritability or angry outbursts. These cases are discussed in the context of evidence that lithium may be useful in other patients with disorders of impulse control. The evidence linking disorders of anger and impulse control to a dysregulation in neurotransmitter regulation, particularly in serotonergic pathways, supports a psychopharmacologic approach to treatment. These findings should lead to further study of the role of lithium in the treatment of this symptom complex in patients with PTSD.  相似文献   
Non-A, non-B is a major form of hepatitis in haemodialysis (HD)patients. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been recently identifiedas the leading cause of non-A, non-B hepatitis in HD. A variableprevalence of hepatitis in HD has appeared in the literature,ranging between 1% and 29% in the Western world, and between30% and 54% in Saudi Arabia, but all these reports used first-generationELISA. Using second-generation enzyme immunoassay, we conducteda multi-centre study involving 22 HD centres all over SaudiArabia in order to establish the prevalence and risk factorsfor HCV in HD patients in Saudi Arabia. A total of 1147 patientswere studied, with a mean age of 43.4±15.3 years. Fivehundred and eighty were males and 567 were females. The overallprevalence rate of positive anti-HCV was 68%, with a range fromas low as 14.5%, to 94.7%. To our knowledge, this is the highestvalue reported among dialysis patients world-wide. A positivecorrelation was found between anti-HCV positivity and male sex(P=0.005), longer duration on dialysis (P=0.002) and blood transfusion(P=0.003). However, interestingly 62.6% of the patients whohad not had blood transfusion had anti-HCV antibodies. HCV antibodieswere also found more frequently in Egyptians, Pakistanis andYemenis than in Saudis. A comparison between those centres withlow prevalence of positive HCV and those with high prevalenceregarding risk factors was carried out, and it was found thatthe major difference between them was the adherence of the staffto universal infection precautions. In conclusion, HCV is amajor health problem in HD patients in Saudi Arabia. Identifiablerisk factors are longer duration in dialysis, blood transfusion,male sex, nationality and most importantly the lack of adherenceto universal infection precautions.  相似文献   
Management of hypothalamic gliomas in children: an analysis of 33 cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L A Rodriguez  M S Edwards  V A Levin 《Neurosurgery》1990,26(2):242-6; discussion 246-7
The cases of 33 children with hypothalamic-chiasmatic gliomas are reviewed. Radiation therapy produced clinical or radiographic improvement in 11 (46%) of 24 patients. Progression was documented in 18 patients (54%). Overall, the median time to tumor progression was 60 months; it was 70 months in patients who received radiation therapy and 30 months in those who did not (P less than 0.05). Chemotherapy, either given initially or at the time of progression, caused the tumor to respond or to stabilize in 10 patients. Partial resection of the tumor led to improvement in 3 of 12 patients, obviating the need for a shunt in 2 of them; there were no deaths and postoperative morbidity was transient and minimal (diabetes insipidus, intraventricular hemorrhage, and left hemiparesis in one patient each). The 5- and 10-year survival probabilities were 93 and 74%, respectively. Patients with neurofibromatosis had a better prognosis.  相似文献   
Cholesterol granuloma of the peritoneum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cholesterol granulomas are common in the mastoid region but have rarely been reported in other areas. The authors report the case of a 40-year-old man who had a cholesterol granuloma of the peritoneum. They discuss the morphology of the condition and the difficulties of diagnosis. It is likely that chronic or recurrent inflammation plays a major role in the pathogenesis and that, when dealing with such lesions preoperatively or intraoperatively, a radical approach may not be necessary.  相似文献   
The authors conducted a clinical and radiographic study on a group of 43 patients with hip arthroprostheses selected from the three-year period from 1984 to 1987, characterized by no immediate postoperative complications, no positional defects on X-ray examination, and with a Renther test greater than 1. Prostheses were cemented, cementless and combined. Scintigraphy was evaluated for areas of subdivision in the proximal end of the femur and acetabulum, making a semi-quantitative comparison of the intensity of captation of each area with that of the skull and sacroiliac synchondrosis. The authors emphasize that this procedure is both reliable and easy for the early determination (pre-clinical and pre-radiographic) of any complications. A scintigraphic examination of the single areas was also capable of revealing the site and entity of prosthetic bone-to-implant interactions. According to the results reported, PCA prostheses seem to be characterized by better biocompatibility.  相似文献   
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