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Comparison of real-time cholecystosonography and oral cholecystography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Krook  PM; Allen  FH; Bush  WH  Jr; Malmer  G; MacLean  MD 《Radiology》1980,135(1):145
海藻酸钠的分子量与缓释作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以盐酸普罗帕酮、盐酸地尔硫和硝酸异山梨酯为模型药物,研究它们在不同分子量的海藻酸钠骨架片中的释药规律。结果表明:海藻酸钠的分子量与释药速度间有良好的线性关系。根据这一关系可以预测已知分子量海藻酸钠的释药情况,为海藻酸钠缓释片剂的处方设计及其实际应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Mutations in the PEX gene at Xp22.1 (phosphate-regulating gene with homologies to endopeptidases, on the X-chromosome), are responsible for X-linked hypophosphataemic rickets (HYP). Homology of PEX to the M13 family of Zn2+ metallopeptidases which include neprilysin (NEP) as prototype, has raised important questions regarding PEX function at the molecular level. The aim of this study was to analyse 99 HYP families for PEX gene mutations, and to correlate predicted changes in the protein structure with Zn2+ metallopeptidase gene function. Primers flanking 22 characterised exons were used to amplify DNA by PCR, and SSCP was then used to screen for mutations. Deletions, insertions, nonsense mutations, stop codons and splice mutations occurred in 83% of families screened for in all 22 exons, and 51% of a separate set of families screened in 17 PEX gene exons. Missense mutations in four regions of the gene were informative regarding function, with one mutation in the Zn2+-binding site predicted to alter substrate enzyme interaction and catalysis. Computer analysis of the remaining mutations predicted changes in secondary structure, N-glycosylation, protein phosphorylation and catalytic site molecular structure. The wide range of mutations that align with regions required for protease activity in NEP suggests that PEX also functions as a protease, and may act by processing factor(s) involved in bone mineral metabolism.   相似文献   
Despite great effort by health organizations worldwide in fighting tuberculosis (TB), morbidity and mortality are not declining as expected. One of the reasons is related to the evolutionary development of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in particular the Beijing genotype strains. In a previous study, we showed the association between the Beijing genotype and an increased mutation frequency for rifampin resistance. In this study, we use a Beijing genotype strain and an East-African/Indian genotype strain to investigate with our mouse TB model whether the higher mutation frequency observed in a Beijing genotype strain is associated with treatment failure particularly during noncompliance therapy. Both genotype strains showed high virulence in comparison to that of M. tuberculosis strain H37Rv, resulting in a highly progressive infection with a rapid lethal outcome in untreated mice. Compliance treatment was effective without relapse of TB irrespective of the infecting strain, showing similar decreases in the mycobacterial load in infected organs and similar histopathological changes. Noncompliance treatment, simulated by a reduced duration and dosing frequency, resulted in a relapse of infection. Relapse rates were correlated with the level of noncompliance and were identical for Beijing infection and East African/Indian infection. However, only in Beijing-infected mice, isoniazid-resistant mutants were selected at the highest level of noncompliance. This is in line with the substantial selection of isoniazid-resistant mutants in vitro in a wide isoniazid concentration window observed for the Beijing strain and not for the EAI strain. These results suggest that genotype diversity of M. tuberculosis may be involved in emergence of resistance and indicates that genotype-tailor-made treatment should be investigated.  相似文献   
Acute thoracic aortic dissection has a high mortality if untreated, so the diagnosis must be rapidly made if mortality is to be lowered significantly. Multiple imaging techniques are often used. This retrospective study from 1988 to 1993 assesses the usefulness in diagnosis of chest X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scanning, aortography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), trans-thoracic (TTE) and trans-oesophageal (TOE) echocardiography. Forty-two patients with a final clinical diagnosis of dissection were studied. The diagnosis was confirmed in 16 (13 at surgery and three at autopsy). Three died with dissection given as the only cause for death. Chest X-ray abnormalities were seen in all 19 patients with surgery or death from dissection, with a widened mediastinum and/or dilated aorta being present in 17. In the group of 16 patients with surgery or autopsy proof, CT scans found dissections in 9 of 12 patients studied and correctly classified the type in only five. Aortography was performed in five, with accurate depiction of dissection and type in all. TTE found dissections in three of eight patients imaged by this method. MRI and TOE were performed each on two patients, with accurate depiction of dissection and type in each. Because of the relatively low sensitivity of CT scanning in defining aortic dissections Westmead Hospital is currently assessing the use of TOE as the prime imaging modality prior to surgical intervention.  相似文献   
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