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BackgroundDealing with chemotherapy-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD) remains a significant problem complicated by the difficulty in early detection of cardiotoxicity. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is expected to be the most realistic methodology due to lower cost-performance and non-invasiveness. We investigated the long-term visual fluctuations in the ECG waveforms in patients with chronic doxorubicin (DOX)-induced cardiotoxicity to identify ECG indices for the early detection of cardiotoxicity.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective case series study by reviewing the medical records of 470 consecutive patients with malignant lymphoma who were treated with DOX at our institute between January 2010 and December 2017. Of them, 23 (4.9%) patients developed left ventricular dysfunction and were diagnosed with CTRCD using echocardiography. We assessed the ECG indices on 12-lead ECG recordings before and after treatment in 15 patients; eight patients were excluded due to conduction disturbances or atrial fibrillation.ResultsCTRCD was detected at a median of 475 (interquartile range, IQR: 341–1333) days after initiating chemotherapy. The evaluation of ECG indices preceding CTRCD development was performed 93 (IQR: 52–232) days before the detection of CTRCD. In the stage of CTRCD, the most significant ECG change was T-wave flattening in leads V3–V6 (12 patients, 80%). Additionally, QTa prolongation was observed in leads I and aVL (n = 10, 66%), leads II, III, and aVF (n = 9, 60%), and leads V3–V6 (n = 10, 73%). These ECG changes were not observed before the treatment but were detected mildly in the pre-CTRCD stage, which subsequently worsened in the CTRCD stage.ConclusionsThis study indicated that T-wave changes and QTa prolongation may be useful as an early indicator before the onset of CTRCD in patients with DOX-induced cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   
Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (auto-PBSCT) has facilitated high-dose chemotherapy for the treatment of various types of malignancy, but the factors affecting the treatment outcome have not been well defined. We evaluated patients who underwent auto-PBSCT (46 patients with hematological malignancies and 39 with solid tumors) to elucidate the risks of background factors, including age, in association with infectious complications. In contrast to former reports, faster engraftment did not influence the incidence of documented infection or neutropenic fever, whereas high age (age > or = 50 years old) and delayed platelet recovery (> or = 18 days) were demonstrated to be positively involved. The odds ratio (OR) for documented infection in elderly patients was 4.94 (95% confidence interval, 1.22-15.8). Another risk factor of infection was the HD-ICE regimen (ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide) given to patients with solid tumors (OR, 8.00; 95% confidence interval, 1.61-39.7). In conclusion, we found that elderly patients and patients on the HD-ICE regimen have a higher risk of infectious complications even after auto-PBSCT. Although the clinical indications for auto-PBSCT can be extended to elderly patients, thorough precautions should be taken against infectious complications during the pre-engraftment phase.  相似文献   
In 1995, the Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) appointed the Committee for the Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. The Committee presented a final report in May 1999 in Japanese. This is the English version with minor modifications for readers outside Japan. CONCEPT OF DIABETES MELLITUS: Diabetes mellitus represents a group of diseases of heterogeneous etiology, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and other metabolic abnormalities, which are due to deficiency of insulin effect. After a long duration of metabolic derangement, specific complications of diabetes (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy) may occur. Arteriosclerosis is also accelerated. Depending on the severity of the metabolic abnormality, diabetes may be asymptomatic, or may be associated with symptoms (thirst, polyuria, and weight loss), or may progress to ketoacidosis and coma. CLASSIFICATION: Both etiological classification and staging of pathophysiology by the degree of deficiency of insulin effect need to be considered. The etiological classification of diabetes and related disorders of glycemia includes, (1) type 1; (2) type 2; (3) those due to specific mechanisms and diseases; and (4) gestational diabetes mellitus. Type 1 is characterized by destructive lesions of pancreatic beta cells either by an autoimmune mechanism or of unknown cause. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by combinations of decreased insulin secretion and decreased insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance). Category (3) includes two subgroups; subgroup A is diabetes in which specific mutations have been identified as a cause of genetic susceptibility, while subgroup B is diabetes associated with other pathologic conditions or diseases. The staging of glucose metabolism includes normal, borderline and diabetic stages. The diabetic stage is further classified into three substages; non-insulin requiring, insulin-requiring for glycemic control, and insulin-dependent (ID) for survival. In each individual, these stages may vary according to the deterioration or the improvement of the metabolic state, either spontaneously or by treatment. DIAGNOSIS: The confirmation of chronic hyperglycemia is a prerequisite for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. The state of glycemia may be classified within three categories, diabetic type; borderline type; and normal type. Diabetic type is defined when fasting plasma glucose (FPG) is 7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl) or higher, and/or plasma glucose 2 h after 75 g glucose load (2hPG) is 11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) or higher. A casual plasma glucose (PG) > or =11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) also indicates diabetic type. Normal type is defined when FPG is below 6.1 mmol/l (110 mg/dl) and 2hPG below 7.8 mmol/l (140 mg/dl). Borderline type includes those who are neither diabetic nor normal types. These cutoff values are for venous PG measurements. The persistence of 'diabetic type' in a subject indicates that he or she has diabetes. For children, a dose of 1.75 g/kg (maximum, 75 g) is used for oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). The procedure for clinical diagnosis is as follows. Diabetes mellitus is diagnosed when hyperglycemia meeting the criteria for 'diabetic type' is shown on two or more occasions examined on separate days. Diabetes can be diagnosed by a single PG test of 'diabetic type' if one of the following three conditions co-exists, (1) typical symptoms of diabetes mellitus; (2) HbA1c > or =6.5% by a standardized method; or (3) unequivocal diabetic retinopathy.If the above conditions ((1) or (2)) have been present in the past and well documented, the subject is diagnosed either to have diabetes or to be suspected of diabetes, even if the present level of glycemia does not reach that of 'diabetic type'. If the diagnosis of diabetes cannot be established by these procedures, re-testing of PG is recommended after an appropriate interval. The physician should assess not only the presence or absence of diabetes, but also its etiology and glycemic stage, and the presence and absence of diabetic complications or associated conditions. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND SCREENING: In order to determine the prevalence of diabetes in a population, 'diabetic type' may be regarded as 'diabetes'. The use of 2hPG cutoff level of > or =11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) is recommended. If this is difficult, the FPG cutoff level of > or =7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl) can be used, but is likely to lead to under-ascertainment. For screening, the most important point is not to overlook 'diabetes'. In addition to parameters of hyperglycemia, clinical information such as family history, obesity etc., should be regarded as indications for further testing. NORMAL TYPE AND BORDERLINE: Only FPG and 2hPG are adopted as cutoff values, but in clinical situations, it is recommended to measure PG also at 30 and 60 min during 75 g OGTT. Among people with normal type, those with 1hPG higher than 10.0 mmol/l (180 mg/dl) are at higher risk to develop diabetes than those with lower 1hPG. When OGTT is performed, the borderline type corresponds to the sum of impaired fasting glycemia (IFG) plus impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) according to the new WHO report. Subjects in this category are at higher risk of developing diabetes than those with 'normal type'. Those with low insulinogenic index (the ratio of increment of plasma insulin to that of PG at 30 min during OGTT) are at particularly high risk to develop diabetes. Microvascular complications are rare but arteriosclerotic complications are fairly frequent in this category. GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS (GDM): The current definition of GDM is ' any glucose intolerance developed or detected during pregnancy'. We adopt the proposal of the Japan Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics for the diagnosis of GDM (1984). GDM is defined when two or more values during a 75 g OGTT are higher than the following cutoff levels; FPG > or =5.5 mmol/l (100 mg/dl), 1hPG > or =10.0 mmol/l (180 mg/dl) and 2hPG > or =8.3 mmol/l (150 mg/dl). As a screening test, subjects with casual PG > or =5.5 mmol/l (100 mg/dl) are recommended for further testing. Patients who have had documented glucose intolerance before pregnancy, and who present as 'diabetic type' should be under closer supervision than those who develop GDM during pregnancy for the first time. HbA1c: There is a large overlap in the distribution of HbA1c between groups with 'normal type' and 'borderline type' and mild 'diabetic type'. Therefore, HbA1c is not a suitable parameter to detect mild glucose intolerance. HbA1c higher than 6.5% suggests diabetes, but HbA1c below 6.5% alone should not be taken as evidence against the diagnosis of diabetes. COMPARISON WITH REPORTS OF AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION (ADA) IN 1997 AND WHO IN 1999: The present report is unique in the following points when compared with those of the ADA 'Diabetes Care 20 (1997) 1183' and WHO 'Report of a WHO Consultation (1999)'. (1) Diabetes due to specific mechanisms and diseases is divided into two subgroups; diabetes in which genetic susceptibility is clarified at the DNA level and diabetes associated with other diseases or conditions. (2) Cutoff PG levels are the same as those of ADA and WHO, but a term 'type' is added to each glycemic category, because a single coding of 'diabetic type' hyperglycemia does not define diabetes. Diabetes is diagnosed when 'diabetic type' hyperglycemia is shown on two or more occasions. (3) A single 'diabetic type' hyperglycemia is considered sufficient for the diagnosis of diabetes, if the patient has typical symptoms, HbA1c > or =6.5%, or diabetic retinopathy. (4) OGTT is recommended for those with mild hyperglycemia, because FPG criteria alone would overlook many subjects with 'diabetic type' in Japan. High 1hPG without elevation of FPG and 2hPG is also considered to be a risk factor for future diabetes. (5) Borderline type in the present report corresponds to the sum of IFG and IGT by WHO when OGTT is performed. (6) New criteria for GDM by OGTT are proposed.  相似文献   
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the tolerability, efficacy and pharmacokinetic profile of gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO) in patients with relapsed and/or refractory CD33-positive acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Patients received 2-h infusions of GO twice with an interval of approximately 14 days. Tolerability was assessed using the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria Version 2.0. Samples for pharmacokinetics were taken on day 1 and day 8 of the first treatment cycle. The dose was increased stepwise and, in each cohort, patients were treated at the same dose. Forty patients, median age 58 years (range 28–68) were treated; 20 and 20 patients were enrolled to the phase I and II parts, respectively. In the phase I part, dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs) were hepatotoxicities, and the recommended dose was established as 9 mg/m2 given as two intravenous infusions separated by approximately 14 days. The pharmacokinetic study revealed that C max and AUC were equivalent to those of non-Japanese patients. In the phase II part, complete remission was observed in 5 patients, and one patient had complete remission without platelet recovery. Four of these 6 in remission and one in the phase I are long-term survivors (alive for at least 44 months). GO is safe and effective as a single agent among Japanese CD33-positive AML patients. Remission lasted longer in a subset of patients than in non-Japanese patients in earlier studies. Further studies of this agent are warranted to establish standard therapy. S. Furusawa: deceased.  相似文献   
Aim:  Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most commonly occurring malignances worldwide. Curative therapies such as resection, percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) have been applied to patients with early-stage HCC. Patients with more advanced cancers require local or systemic therapies. We present the results of our retrospective review conducted to evaluate whether transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) alone and combined TACE with percutaneous ablation for HCC exhibited superior efficacy to palliative treatment.
Methods:  The effects of TACE and of the combined therapies (TACE + PEI or TACE + RFA) on the long-term survival rates were evaluated in 268 untreated HCC patients by various statistical analyses.
Results:  The cumulative survival rates in the TACE alone group were significantly superior to those in the palliative treatment group. Further, the cumulative survival rates in the combined TACE + PEI/RFA group were significantly superior to those in the TACE alone group. When the comparison among the groups was restricted to patients with two or three tumors fulfilling the Milan criteria, significantly greater prolongation of survival was observed in the combined TACE + PEI/RFA group than in the PEI/RFA alone group.
Conclusions:  The aforementioned treatment modalities yielded greater improvements of the survival rate and survival duration as compared to palliative treatment in HCC patients. Furthermore, in terms of the effect on the survival period, combined TACE + PEI/RFA therapy was more effective than TACE monotherapy, and also more effective than PEI or RFA monotherapy in cases with multiple tumors fulfilling the Milan criteria.  相似文献   
Basophils have long been neglected in immunological studies because they were regarded as only minor relatives of mast cells. However, recent advances in analytical tools for basophils have clarified the non-redundant roles of basophils in allergic inflammation. Basophils play crucial roles in both IgE-dependent and -independent allergic inflammation, through their migration to the site of inflammation and secretion of various mediators, including cytokines, chemokines, and proteases. Basophils are known to produce large amounts of IL-4 in response to various stimuli. Basophil-derived IL-4 has recently been shown to play versatile roles in allergic inflammation by acting on various cell types, including macrophages, innate lymphoid cells, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. Basophil-derived serine proteases are also crucial for the aggravation of allergic inflammation. Moreover, recent reports suggest the roles of basophils in modulating adaptive immune responses, particularly in the induction of Th2 differentiation and enhancement of humoral memory responses. In this review, we will discuss recent advances in understanding the roles of basophils in allergic inflammation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: We have previously shown that fisetin, a flavonol, inhibits IL-4 and IL-13 synthesis by allergen- or anti-IgE-antibody-stimulated basophils. This time, we investigated the inhibition of IL-4 and IL-13 production by basophils by other flavonoids and attempted to determine the fundamental structure of flavonoids related to inhibition. We additionally investigated whether flavonoids suppress leukotriene C4 synthesis by basophils and IL-4 synthesis by T cells in response to anti-CD3 antibody. METHODS: Highly purified peripheral basophils were stimulated for 12 h with anti-IgE antibody alone or anti-IgE antibody plus IL-3 in the presence of various concentrations of 18 different kinds of flavones and flavonols. IL-4 and IL-13 concentrations in the supernatants were then measured. Leukotriene C4 synthesis was also measured after basophils were stimulated for 1 h in the presence of flavonoids. Regarding the inhibitory activity of flavonoids on IL-4 synthesis by T cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were cultured with flavonoids in anti-CD3-antibody-bound plates for 2 days. RESULTS: Luteolin, fisetin and apigenin were found to be the strongest inhibitors of both IL-4 and IL-13 production by basophils but did not affect leukotriene C4 synthesis. At higher concentrations, these flavonoids suppressed IL-4 production by T cells. Based on a hierarchy of inhibitory activity, the basic structure for IL-4 inhibition by basophils was determined. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the inhibitory activity of flavonoids on IL-4 and IL-13 synthesis, it can be expected that the intake of flavonoids, depending on the quantity and quality, may ameliorate allergic symptoms or prevent the onset of allergic diseases.  相似文献   
We have established an endothelial cell line KOP2.16 from pooled mouse lymph nodes. Resting lymphocytes avidly bound to KOP2.16 and migrated underneath the cytoplasm. The binding was partly mediated by VLA-4 and VCAM-1, but apparently independent of CD44 since anti-CD44 antibody examined failed to inhibit the binding. However, pretreatment of lymphocytes with anti-CD44 resulted in the rapid appearance of Ca2+-, Mg2+-independent, LFA-1/ICAM-1-, CD2/LFA-3,VLA-4/VCAM-l-independent lymphocyte binding, indicating that a novel adhesion pathway was induced by the anti-CD44 treatment. Interestingly, the elicited adhesion was observed only when anti-CD44 that block hyaluronate recognition of CD44 were used for lymphocyte pretreatment. Neither hyaluronate itself nor non-blocking anti-CD44 up-regulated the adhesion. Fab fragment of the blocking anti-CD44 did not induce the up-regulation unless cross-linked with a second antibody, indicating that cross-linking of surface CD44 is necessary for induction of a novel adhesion pathway. We propose that the agonistic anti-CD44 antibodies induce a novel adhesion pathway by mimicking ligand binding to CD44 on the lymphocyte surface and that non-hyaluronate ligand(s) is involved in regulation of adhesive function of CD44. Potential involvement of such a regulatory mechanism in lymphocyte homing is discussed.  相似文献   
The vertebrate mid‐hindbrain boundary (MHB) is a crucial morphological structure required for patterning and neural differentiation of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. We isolated a novel zebrafish mutant, MHB gone (mgo), that exhibited a defective MHB. Expression of engrailed3 in the prospective MHB was absent at the 1‐somite stage, suggesting that initiation of the isthmic organizer was disrupted in mgo mutants. Complementation test with mgo and noi, in which the pax2a gene is mutated, infer that the mgo mutant may represent a novel noi allele. However, pronephric, otic vesicle, and commissural axonal defects described in noi mutants were not associated with mgo mutants. Genetic mapping revealed that the mgo mutation is linked to the Pax2a locus, but no mutation was detected in pax2a exons or within intron‐exon boundaries. Based on these findings, we propose that the mgo mutation genetically interacts with pax2a required for the initiation of MHB formation. Developmental Dynamics 238:899–907, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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