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We examined the changes in myosin heavy-chain (HC) isoforms and fibre-type composition in rat soleus muscle using both myosin adenosine triphosphatase staining and sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analyses during the recovery period after 4 weeks of hindlimb suspension. Although there was no change in type IIc fibres after the suspension, an increase in this type of fibres was observed during the 1- to 4-week recovery period. The increase in type Ilc fibres was considered to be due to a shift from type Ila to IIc fibres. The SDS-PAGE analysis revealed the presence of the HC IId isoform, which was not observed in the control muscle, after a 4-week hindlimb suspension. The HC IId isoform gradually decreased over 3 weeks of recovery and disappeared in the 4th week of recovery after the suspension. These results suggest that the hypogravity conditions induced by hindlimb suspension stimulated the synthesis of the HC IId isoform, whereas an increase in mechanical load to the muscle accelerated the degradation of the HC IId isoform and the synthesis of type Ilc fibres during the recovery period after hindlimb suspension.  相似文献   
The expression of heat shock protein 25 (Hsp 25) was investigated in the rat temporomandibular joint by immunocytochemistry combined with confocal and electron microscopy. Immunostaining with an antibody to Hsp25 was able to demonstrate various cellular elements in the synovial membrane of the joint. Intense immunoreaction for Hsp25 was recognized in certain cells comprising the synovial lining layer. Confocal microscopic observation revealed two characteristic profiles of the Hsp25-positive cells with cytoplasmic processes: one extended thick and long processes towards the articular cavity, and the other prejected horizontally slender processes which covered the synovial membrane. Under the electron microscope, the immunoreactive synovial lining cells were characterized by a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and secretory granules, suggesting that they can be categorized as fibroblastic type B cells. The covering by the cytoplasmic extensions was confirmed by immuno-electron microscopic observations. This cytoplasmic covering presumably performs a barrier function and expedites the effective secretion/resorption of synovial fluids. Since it has been proposed that Hsp 25 is associated with an estrogen receptor, the immunopositive synovial lining cells were considered estrogen-target cells. Immunoreactivity for Hsp25 was also observed in the chondrocytes of the maturative and hypertrophic cell layers as well as in the cells of the articular disk. A suggestion was made that Hsp25 might be involved in the inhibition of apoptosis of those cells.  相似文献   
Very recently, contradictory results were presented as to the effects of exogenous nerve growth factor (NGF) on the hippocampal delayed neuronal necrosis following transient ischemia. In the present study, we administered a large amount of NGF with the atelocollagen mini-pellet system, measured the local NGF contents, and evaluated the effect of this neurotrophic factor on the postischemic hippocampal pyramidal cells in gerbils. We concluded that the exogenous NGF, when given continuously at sufficient concentrations, prevents pyramidal cell damage. The possible cause of discrepancy in previous studies is discussed.  相似文献   
The existence of a mycoplasmal arginine deiminase which catalyzes the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline has been postulated. Here we show the partial amino acid sequence of arginine deiminase of Mycoplasma arginini and the complete nucleotide sequence of the arginine deiminase gene of M. arginini. The open reading frame deduced from this sequence consists of 1,230 bp encoding 410 amino acids. The mature form of this enzyme contains 409 amino acids after the deletion of the first methionine. In this open reading frame, TGA nonsense codons are used as tryptophan codons; this usage was verified by determination of the amino acid sequence. The molecular weight of the enzyme calculated from the deduced amino acid sequence is 46,372. Recently, the nucleotide sequence of the arginine deiminase gene of M. arginini was reported by Kondo et al. (K. Kondo, H. Sone, H. Yoshida, T. Toida, K. Kanatani, Y.-M. Hong N. Nishino, and J. Tanaka, Mol. Gen. Genet. 221:81-86, 1990). However, their sequence differed from ours in several places and especially at the C terminus.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the in-phantom thermal neutron distribution derived from neutron beams for intraoperative boron neutron capture therapy (IOBNCT). Gold activation wires arranged in a cylindrical water phantom with (void-in-phantom) or without (standard phantom) a cylinder styrene form placed inside were irradiated by using the epithermal beam (ENB) and the mixed thermal-epithermal beam (TNB-1) at the Japan Research Reactor No 4. With ENB, we observed a flattened distribution of thermal neutron flux and a significantly enhanced thermal flux delivery at a depth compared with the results of using TNB-1. The thermal neutron distribution derived from both the ENB and TNB-1 was significantly improved in the void-in-phantom, and a double high dose area was formed lateral to the void. The flattened distribution in the circumference of the void was observed with the combination of ENB and the void-in-phantom. The measurement data suggest that the ENB may provide a clinical advantage in the form of an enhanced and flattened dose delivery to the marginal tissue of a post-operative cavity in which a residual and/or microscopically infiltrating tumour often occurs. The combination of the epithermal neutron beam and IOBNCT will improve the clinical results of BNCT for brain tumours.  相似文献   
Priming effect of RANTES on eosinophil oxidative metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background RANTES has been shown to possess chemotactic activity for eosinophils, which have also been considered to play a role in allergic inflammation through reactive oxygen species. Thus, in this study, we examined the effect of RANTES on radical oxygen products from eosinophils.
Methods Purified eosinophils by CD16-negative selection or an eosinophilic cell line (EoL-1) were incubated with or without RANTES (2.5 x 10−6). To the mixture of eosinophils and luminol, calcium ionophore (A23187) or opsonized zymosan (OZ) was added, and radical oxygen products were determined by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence for 600 s.
Results Eosinophil-mediated radical oxygen products of untreated eosinophils produced with A23187 gave a peak value of 14.09 + 2.40 (mean±SE, n = 12) relative light units (RLU) and an integrated value of 3232.20 + 513.09 RLU. However, with treatment with RANTES, a peak value of 18.66 + 2.40 RLU and an integrated value of 5301.05 ±561.02 RLU were obtained. Eosinophil oxidative metabolism-induced A23187 or OZ was apparently augmented by the preincubation with RANTES. In addition, the radical oxygen products of EoL-1 showed similar results.
Conclusions Thus, we concluded that RANTES may play an important role the pathogenesis of allergic inflammation through its involvement in eosinophil activation, as evidenced by oxygen products, as well as in selective eosinophil infiltration as selective eosinophil chemoattractant.  相似文献   
A new mutation in the serine-threonine klnase domain of the transforming growth factor β type II receptor (TGFpRII) was found in a case of diffuse, B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the stomach. A mfssense mutation (ACA to GCA, Thr to Ala) was detected In exon 5, and a wild type allele was also present. This Is the first naturally occurring mutation in the klnase domain of this gene identified in human primary lymphoma. The replication error at three loci was negative, and the poly A tract of exon 3, which is frequently a target of mismatch repair genes, was intact. Malignant lymphoma of B cell origin in the stomach Is an addition to an expanding catalogue of tumors with TGFβRII alterations, and the biological sequelae of the change in the functional domain and the clinical characteristics of the patient in this study are intriguing.  相似文献   
Percutaneous aspiration biopsy of the pancreas using a heparinized 22-gauge fine needle was performed under ultrasonic guidance in five patients with benign pancreatic diseases and in 18 patients with pancreatic cancer. Using a heparinized needle and syringe, it was possible to make good smears containing abundant tumor cells and to obtain small tissue specimens. Using egg albumin as binding material, a new cell-block technic was developed to conveniently obtain histologic specimens. In this way, a correct diagnosis was made cytologically in all 23 patients suspected of having a pancreatic malignancy. Histologic specimens were obtained in 22 (95.6%) our of 23 patients. A correct diagnosis was established histologically in all patients from whom histologic materials were obtained. This procedure thus has proved a very reliable method for diagnosing pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   
We observed the changes in the metabolism of glycosaminoglycans of cultured smooth muscle cells from the rat aorta during subculture. The primary culture was achieved by the enzymatic dispersion method. The metabolism of glycosaminoglycans in smooth muscle cells was estimated by measuring the incorporation rate of D-[1-14C] glucosamine and [35S] sulphate. Smooth muscle cells were harvested by trypsinization, and glycosaminoglycans were separately extracted and purified from trypsin digest and cells. In the cells of the stationary phase of primary culture, the incorporation of both D-[1-14C] glucosamine and [35S] sulphate into dermatan sulphate was greater than that into heparan sulphate. However, in the trypsin digest, the incorporation of D-[1-14C] glucosamine and [35S] sulphate into dermatan sulphate was less than and equal to that into heparan sulphate. In both the cells and the trypsin digest, the incorporation of D-[1-14C] glucosamine and [35S] sulphate into heparan sulphate decreased and that into dermatan sulphate increased with increase in the number of passages. These results indicate that there is a development of serial modulation in the metabolism of glycosaminoglycans in the cultured smooth muscle cells, in the early passage of subculture and that such should be taken into consideration when analysing the observations.  相似文献   
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