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We describe a case of a boy with Von Hippel-Lindau disease who presented with recurrent right adrenal pheochromocytoma 4.5 years after laparoscopic bilateral partial adrenalectomy. The boy had a second laparoscopic adrenal-sparing removal of the tumor. By this technique, not only the recurrent tumor was successfully removed but also the unaffected adrenal cortex could be preserved for the second time. To our knowledge, this is the first published case of its type.  相似文献   
Prognostic significance of p53 and FHIT in advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prognostic significance of p53 and fragile histidine triad (FHIT) expression in advanced oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective collection of clinical data was correlated with the protein expression. METHOD: The expression of p53 and FHIT in specimens from patients with previously untreated advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx was determined by immunohistochemistry. The expression of p53 and FHIT was statistically correlated with survival outcome. The primary endpoints were overall survival and disease-free survival. RESULTS: Thirty-four patients were analyzed in this study. Overexpression of p53 was observed in 41.2% (14/34) of tumors and was associated with a trend toward an improved overall survival using univariate (P =.1088, risk ratio [RR] = 0.503) and multivariate (P =.1533, RR = 0.470) analyses. Marked reduction or complete absence of FHIT expression was observed in 57.6% (19/33) of tumors. Patients with tumors showing no reduction in FHIT expression had a lower overall survival using univariate (P =.04, RR = 2.27) and multivariate (P =.013, RR = 4.41) analyses. CONCLUSION: Overexpression of p53 predicted a trend toward an improved prognosis, whereas no reduction in FHIT expression predicted a significantly poorer outcome in patients with advanced oropharyngeal cancer.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The authors attempted to estimate the occurrence, frequency, and pattern (winter versus summer) of seasonal affective disorder in African American college students. They hypothesized that winter seasonal affective disorder would be more prevalent than summer seasonal affective disorder. METHOD: Undergraduate and graduate college students who identified themselves as African Americans living in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area were invited to participate in the study. The Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire was used to calculate a global seasonality score and to estimate the frequency of seasonal affective disorder and subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder. The frequency of the summer versus winter pattern of seasonality of seasonal affective disorder was compared by using multinomial probability distribution tests. The effects of gender and the awareness of seasonal affective disorder were evaluated with a two-way analysis of variance. RESULTS: Of 646 students who were invited to participate, 597 returned the questionnaires, and 537 (83.1%) fully completed them. Winter seasonal affective disorder was significantly more prevalent than summer seasonal affective disorder. The mean global seasonality score was 8.3 (SD=5.3). The majority of the subjects (80%) were not aware of the existence of seasonal affective disorder. CONCLUSIONS: The authors found that the frequency, magnitude, and pattern of seasonality of mood in African American students were similar to those previously reported in the general population at similar latitude, but that awareness of the existence of seasonal affective disorder, a condition with safe and effective treatment options, was lower.  相似文献   


The nation-wide epidemiological survey of psychiatric disorders in term of lifetime prevalence is not adequately known in Iran. The prevalence of lifetime psychiatric disorders was estimated among the population of aged 18 and over on gender, age group, educational level, occupational status, marital status, and residential area.


The subjects were 25,180 individuals selected through a clustered random sampling method. The psychiatric disorders were diagnosed on the bases of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV criteria. It is the first study in which the structured psychiatric interview administered to a representative sample of the Iranian population age 18 and over by the 250 trained clinical psychologist interviewers. The data was entered through EPI-Info software twice in an attempt to prevent any errors and SPSS-11 statistical software was also used for analyses. The odds ratios and their confidence intervals estimated by using logistic regression.

Results and Discussion

The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was 10.81%. It was more common among females than males (14.34% vs. 7.34%, P < 0.001). The prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders were 8.35% and 4.29% respectively. The prevalence of psychotic disorders was 0.89%; neuro-cognitive disorders, 2.78% and dissociative disorders, 0.77%. Among mood disorders, major depressive disorder (2.98%) and among anxiety disorders, phobic disorder (2.05%) had the higher prevalence. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among divorced and separated 22.31%; residents of urban areas 11.77%; illiterates 13.80%; householders 15.48%; unemployed 12.33% that were more than other groups.


The mental health pattern in Iran is similar to the western countries, but it seems that the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Iran may be lower than these countries.It is estimated that at least about 7 millions of Iranian population suffer from one or more of the psychiatric disorders. It shows the importance of the role of the psychiatric disorders in providing preventive and management programs in Iran.
AIMS: To investigate how risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of several drug classes is perceived by health vs non health professionals. METHODS: Four hundred health professionals (i.e. 278 general practitioners, 76 pharmacists and 46 pharmacovigilance professionals) and 153 non health professionals were interviewed. Visual analogue scales were used to define a score of perceived risk of ADRs associated with each drug class (ranking from 0 to 10). RESULTS: Anticoagulants were ranked as the most dangerous drugs by general practitioners [median score (25th-75th centiles): 7.9 (6.7-9.0)], pharmacists [8.7 (7.8-9.7)] and pharmacovigilance professionals [8.1 (7.2-9.0)]. For non health professionals, the class ranked first was sleeping pills [8.7 (7.2-9.4)] followed by tranquillisers [8.2 (6.4-9.2)] and antidepressants [8.0 (5.9-9.1)]. Aspirin was listed in the last position by non health professionals [3.4 (1.5-5.4)]. CONCLUSIONS: There are major differences in the perception of risk of ADRs between health professionals and non health professionals.  相似文献   
Urinary tract infections are common, especially among women, and cause significant morbidity. While prognosis is probably more dependent on whether or not an episode of urinary tract infection is complicated (ie, associated with functional, metabolic, or anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract) or uncomplicated, anatomic localization of infection has important implications for therapy. Pyelonephritis is difficult to diagnose with a high degree of accuracy based on clinical findings alone. Radiologic imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of selected patients. Noninvasive and inexpensive methods to allow accurate localization of infection are needed.  相似文献   


Functional constipation is a common and challenging problem in pediatrics. Fecal disimpaction prior to maintenance therapy is recommended to ensure successful treatment. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and patient''s compliance of the two methods of paraffin oil administration (oral and rectal route) with the purpose of disimpaction in treatment of children with functional constipation.


A total of 80 children (49 males and 31 females) aged 1–12 years, with functional constipation according to Rome III criteria, whose rectal examination confirmed fecal impaction were divided into two groups randomly. Group I received 3 ml/kg/day paraffin oil orally and group II received 3ml/kg/day paraffin oil rectally during 3 consequent days. Successful treatment was defined as no detectable fecal impaction in rectal examination after at most 72 hours. Patient compliance and family satisfaction also was evaluated using a scored questionnaire.


Response to the treatment in both groups was with 92.5% and 82.5% in group I and II, respectively. So, there was no significant difference between the two methods of therapy. Family satisfying and compliance were obviously more achieved in group 1 (87.5% vs 57.5%) than in Group 2 (P<0.001). No parents in group I complained about type of treatment while 12.5% of parents in group II were unsatisfied with the mode of paraffin oil administration. The most common side effect of paraffin oil in both groups was anal oil seepage (27.5%). Nausea and abdominal pain were more common side effects in group 1 and 2 respectively.


It seems that using paraffin oil per oral route in comparison with rectal route could be a preferred option for disimpaction in children causing less anxiety to the family.  相似文献   
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