Objective: To compare comorbidities, drug use, benefit costs, absences, medication persistence/adherence between employees with fibromyalgia initiating treatment with pregabalin (PGB) vs. antidepressant Standard of Care ([SOC] amitriptyline, duloxetine, or venlafaxine). Methods: Retrospective study of 240 adults initiating PGB or SOC after 7/1/2007. Multivariate regression models on propensity‐score‐matched cohorts compared postindex costs, absences, and adherence between cohorts. Results: Pregabalin users had significantly more preindex muscle pain and dizziness and less depression than SOC (each P < 0.05). Use of some non‐PBG/SOC drugs differed. No differences were found in total medical, drug, or absenteeism cost. PGB had more sick leave (9.8 vs. 6.8 days, P = 0.04), but other absence types were similar. All adherence metrics were nonsignificantly greater for PGB vs. SOC. Conclusion: Despite several comorbidity and drug use differences, most employee benefit outcomes and adherence did not differ between the cohorts. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Regular blood donors are at risk of iron deficiency, but characteristics that predispose to this condition are poorly defined. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 2425 red blood cell donors, either first‐time (FT) or reactivated donors (no donations for 2 years) or frequent donors, were recruited for follow‐up. At enrollment, ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), and hemoglobin were determined. Donor variables included demographics, smoking, dietary intake, use of iron supplements, and menstrual and/or pregnancy history. Models to predict two measures of iron deficiency were developed: Absent iron stores (AIS) were indicated by a ferritin level of less than 12 ng/mL and iron‐deficient erythropoiesis (IDE) by a log(sTfR/ferritin) value of 2.07 or greater. RESULTS: A total of 15.0% of donors had AIS and 41.7% IDE. In frequent donors, 16.4 and 48.7% of males had AIS and IDE, respectively, with corresponding proportions of 27.1 and 66.1% for females. Donation intensity was most closely associated with AIS and/or IDE (odds ratios from 5.3 to 52.2 for different donation intensity compared to FT donors). Being female, younger, and/or menstruating also increased the likelihood of having AIS and/or IDE, as did having a lower weight. Marginally significant variables for AIS and/or IDE were being a nonsmoker, previous pregnancy, and not taking iron supplements. Dietary variables were in general unrelated to AIS and/or IDE, as was race and/or ethnicity. CONCLUSION: A large proportion of both female and male frequent blood donors have iron depletion. Donation intensity, sex and/or menstrual status, weight, and age are important independent predictors of AIS and/or IDE. Reducing the frequency of blood donation is likely to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency among blood donors, as might implementing routine iron supplementation. 相似文献
Objective: Prognostication bias, in which a clinician predicts a negative outcome and terminates resuscitation (TR) thereby ensuring a poor outcome, is a rarely identified limitation of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) research. We sought to estimate the number of deaths due to intra-arrest prognostication in a cohort of OHCA's, and use this data to estimate the incremental benefit of continuing resuscitation. Methods: This study examined a cohort of consecutive non-traumatic EMS-treated OHCAs from a provincial ambulance service, between 2007 and 2011 inclusive. We used Cox and logistic regression modeling, adjusting for Utstein covariates, to estimate the probability of ROSC, survival, and favorable neurological outcomes as a function of resuscitation time, and applied these models to estimate the number of missed survivors in those who had TR (prior to 20, 30, or 40 minutes). We determined the time juncture at which (1) the likelihood of survival fell below 1%, and (2) the proportion of survivors who had achieved ROSC exceeded 99%. Results: Of 5674 adult EMS-treated cases, 46% achieved ROSC, and 12% survived. The median time of TR was 27.0 minutes (IQR 19.0–35.0). Continuing resuscitation until 40 minutes yielded an estimated 17 additional survivors (95% CI 13–21), 10 (95% CI 7–13) with favorable neurological outcomes. The probability of survival of those in refractory arrest decreased below 1% at 28 minutes (95% CI 24–30 minutes). At 36 minutes (95% CI 34–38 minutes) >99% of survivors had achieved ROSC. Conclusion: We identified possible deaths due to intra-arrest prognostication. Resuscitation should be continued for a minimum of 30 minutes in all patients, however for those with initial shockable rhythms 40 minutes appears to be warranted. Interventional trials and observational studies should standardize or adjust for duration of resuscitation prior to TR. 相似文献
Purpose: To conduct a literature review identifying barriers and facilitators students with physical disabilities (SwD-P) may encounter in science and engineering (S&E) laboratories.
Method: Publications were identified from 1991 to 2015 in ERIC, web of science via web of knowledge, CINAHL, SCOPUS, IEEEXplore, engineering village, business source complete and PubMed databases using search terms and synonyms for accommodations, advanced manufacturing, additive manufacturing, assistive technology (AT), barriers, engineering, facilitators, instructor, laboratory, STEM education, science, students with disabilities and technology.
Results: Twenty-two of the 233 publications that met the review’s inclusion criteria were examined. Barriers and facilitators were grouped based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health framework (ICF). None of the studies directly found barriers or facilitators to SwD-P in science or engineering laboratories within postsecondary environments. The literature is not clear on the issues specifically related to SwD-P.
Conclusion: Given these findings, further research (e.g., surveys or interviews) should be conducted to identify more details to obtain more substantial information on the barriers that may prevent SwD-P from fully participating in S&E instructional laboratories.
Implications for Rehabilitation
Students with disabilities remain underrepresented going into STEM careers.
A need exist to help uncover barriers students with disabilities encounter in STEM laboratory.
Accommodations and strategies that facilitate participation in STEM laboratory environments are promising for students with disabilities
The noninvasive detection of turbulent coronary flow may enable diagnosis of significant coronary artery disease (CAD) using novel sensor and analytic technology. Eligible patients (n?=?1013) with chest pain and CAD risk factors undergoing nuclear stress testing were studied using the CADence (AUM Cardiovascular Inc., Northfield MN) acoustic detection (AD) system. The trial was designed to demonstrate non-inferiority of AD for diagnostic accuracy in detecting significant CAD as compared to an objective performance criteria (sensitivity 83% and specificity 80%, with 15% non-inferiority margins) for nuclear stress testing. AD analysis was blinded to clinical, core lab-adjudicated angiographic, and nuclear data. The presence of significant CAD was determined by computed tomographic (CCTA) or invasive angiography. A total of 1013 subjects without prior coronary revascularization or Q-wave myocardial infarction were enrolled. Primary analysis was performed on subjects with complete angiographic and AD data (n?=?763) including 111 subjects (15%) with severe CAD based on CCTA (n?=?34) and invasive angiography (n?=?77). The sensitivity and specificity of AD were 78% (p?=?0.012 for non-inferiority) and 35% (p?<?0.001 for failure to demonstrate non-inferiority), respectively. AD results had a high 91% negative predictive value for the presence of significant CAD. AD testing failed to demonstrate non-inferior diagnostic accuracy as compared to the historical performance of a nuclear stress OPC due to low specificity. AD sensitivity was non-inferior in detecting significant CAD with a high negative predictive value supporting a potential value in excluding CAD. 相似文献
Schwannomas or neurilemmoma are benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors, which most frequently occur at the cerebellopontine angle. This morphologic study examines vascular alterations in these tumors, comparing them to other benign spindle cell neoplasms of the nervous system, while correlating these findings with evidence of vascular permeability. Thirty-four nervous system spindle cell neoplasms, sixteen schwannomas, nine fibroblastic/transitional meningiomas and nine peripheral neurofibromas were stained with H&E, Prussian-blue stain, and immunoreacted for factor VIII-related antigen and interstitial albumin. Schwannomas had focal clusters of vascular proliferation including groups of small thin-walled vessels, as well as larger vessels with extensive hyalinization. Neurofibromas and meningiomas almost uniformly had modest numbers of well-defined, thin walled individual vessels. Free hemosiderin and hemosiderin-laden macrophages were frequently identified in schwannomas. Prussian-blue stain for iron revealed focal or fairly widespread positivity in almost all schwannomas, only one meningioma and none of the neurofibromas. Immunoreaction for albumin demonstrated leakage of vascular proteins into the interstitium confirming tumor vessel permeability in schwannomas. Neither neurofibromas nor meningiomas displayed any detectable interstitial albumin. The above findings confirm a degree of reactive proliferation of vessels in schwannoma along with functional deficits in their vascular integrity with permeability to protein and blood. The presence of hyalinized vessels, hemosiderin, both free and within macrophages, and more readily evident Prussian blue staining, may provide an additional diagnostic clue in discriminating between histologically similar spindle cell lesions. The study however raises the possibility that these changes likely precede or facilitate the degenerative ‘ancient change’ seen in some schwannoma. 相似文献