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Summary In cases where a reconstruction of defects in the larynx, oral cavity, the pharynx or in the ear region has been performed using skin flaps, a temporary fistula is formed at the point of entry.This fistula can be closed later after the flap has taken and the flap pedicle dissected.We would like to demonstrate with some examples that with the use of deepithelisation it is possible to achieve a primary wound closure. This way no temporary fistula results and additional surgery is avoided in many cases.Furthermore flap deepithelisation offers a way to bring good vascularised tissue under the skin and cover subcutaneous defects, for example those after radiotherapy.

Die Veröffentlichung des Manuskripts soll in Laryngol Rhinol Otol (Stuttg) erfolgen  相似文献   
Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
All surgical patients are at risk for the development of deep venous thrombosis and subsequent pulmonary embolism or postphlebitic syndrome. The evolution of ultrasonographic imaging has increased the awareness of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of deep venous thrombosis. Duplex imaging and Doppler color flow imaging have made the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis relatively simple, painless, inexpensive, and definitive. These procedures have gained acceptance by both patients and physicians. Several risk factors have been identified that increase the chance of the development of deep venous thrombosis. These factors include a history of deep venous thrombosis, presence of a malignant process, increasing age, cigarette smoking, obesity, prolonged bed rest, and general anesthesia. The greater the number of risk factors, the more aggressive prophylaxis should be. Means of prophylaxis have improved, and surgeons now generally agree that some form of prophylaxis is required. Heparin and intermittent compression devices appear to be equally effective in preventing deep venous thrombosis. The addition of venous monitoring in high-risk patients permits immediate identification of the presence of deep venous thrombosis. During the last decade, the treatment of patients with deep venous thrombosis has changed little. Heparin followed by warfarin remains the treatment of choice. A small group of patients receive fibrinolytic therapy for deep venous thrombosis. Although the incidence of postoperative deep venous thrombosis has decreased during the last decade, it remains a significant complication.  相似文献   
1. A 26-32 month follow-up of 16 heroin-dependent subjects who entered a pilot trial of treatment with buprenorphine (a mixed agonist/antagonist) suggests that positive response to treatment may identify a subgroup of untreated addicts whose levels of psychosocial functioning are intermediate between those for whom methadone (a pure agonist) or naltrexone (a pure antagonist) would be indicated. 2. Buprenorphine's pharmacologic profile provides a missing link in available modalities for opiate dependence treatment, making it acceptable for many addicts who will not accept methadone maintenance treatment, join a residential therapeutic community, or be successful on naltrexone treatment. 3. Eight of the 16 ss were abstinent from heroin while receiving 0.6-3.9 mg/day buprenorphine and counseling. Responders (mean age 34 yrs) had been heroin dependent for a mean of 9.5 years (range 6-17 yrs), all were self-supporting, 4 lived with a non-addicted spouse, 5 had no prior treatment for addiction and 3 had prior naltrexone treatment, but had discontinued it and relapsed. Non-responders (mean age 30 yrs) had been heroin dependent for a mean of 7.4 yrs (range 2-19 yrs), 7 had no regular employment, all were single and 7 had no prior treatment for addiction. 4. Levels of psychosocial functioning (work, home, leisure) and global assessments of functioning were significantly higher for buprenorphine responders than non-responders (p less than .001 and p less than .01 respectively). 5. A new formulation of buprenorphine needs to be developed for addiction treatment, ideally consisting of 0.5 mg and 2.0 mg sublingual tablets.  相似文献   
A patient with Graves' disease had a symptomatic thrombocytopathy during periods of remission. When euthyroid, she noticed bruising, petechiae, and epistaxis. Hemostatic abnormalities included prolongation of the bleeding time by aspirin, reduced platelet retention (a second-phase defect), and abnormal thrombin-induced aggregation and serotonin release. When hyperthyroid, bleeding symptoms resolved, and platelet function returned to normal. These observations suggest that mild bleeding disorders may be influenced either directly or indirectly by thyroid hormone levels.  相似文献   
Formulae for the calculation of the count of microorganisms isolated from natural bacterial biocenoses of a child's body have been derived. The authors suggest a variant of simplified drip method for the computation of microorganism colonies in solid media. The described method helps cut down the nutrient media consumption at least 3-fold and is time-saving.  相似文献   
A fluid-fiber-collagen stress tensor is used to describe the rheology of the left ventricle of the heart. Linear theory is used to find the equilibrium solutions for the end-diastolic and end-systolic states of general axisymmetric shapes that are small perturbations of a thick-walled finite cylinder. The general problem can be studied by superposing the effects of variable midwall radius but constant wall thickness with those of variable wall thickness but constant midwall radius. A Fourier series representation is used to describe the midwall radius and thickness functions. Numerical calculations are performed to determine the deformed geometry and spatial distributions of tissue pressure, stresses, and fiber strains. The calculations proved to be highly accurate when compared to an analytical solution obtained for the special case of no fibers. The results show significant longitudinal differences when compared to results for the cylindrical geometry, with more sensitivity to variation in wall thickness than to variation in midwall radius.  相似文献   
A review of 96 consecutive patients who suffered neuro-ophthalmologic injuries in motorcycle accidents revealed a wide range of findings. These findings were similar to signs associated with other forms of closed-head trauma, aside from a higher incidence of trochlear nerve palsies.  相似文献   
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