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Summary We report a case of a male patient suffering from a severe hemorrhagic radiation proctitis which gradually ceased with hyperbaric oxygen. We discuss the mechanisms of chronic radiation injury and the effect of the hyperbaric oxygen. This therapy is proposed as an alternative to surgical intervention for this abnormality.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether bacterial cultures of the wounds of patients undergoing clean orthopedic surgery would help predict infection. METHODS: During 1 year, 1,256 cultures were performed for 1,102 patients who underwent clean orthopedic surgery. Results were analyzed to evaluate their ability to predict postoperative infection. RESULTS: The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the cultures were 38%, 92%, 7%, and 99%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Cultures performed during clean orthopedic surgery were not useful for predicting postoperative infection.  相似文献   
Forty-four evaluable patients with intracranial meningiomas were assessed for the expression of the cell-cycle regulator cyclin D1 and of proteins involved in proliferation and apoptosis such as PCNA, MIB-1, p53 and bcl-2. Analyses were carried out by western blot and immunohistochemistry after immediate processing of fresh tumor specimens. By western blot, expression of cyclin D1 significantly correlated with p53 (p=0.02) and with proliferative activity, as assessed by PCNA expression (p=0.0009). By immunohistochemistry, a significant relationship between cyclin D1 and the proliferation marker MIB-1 was confirmed (p=0.05), whereas significance with bcl-2 expression was not found (p=0.01). Moreover, although the association with tumor grade appeared of borderline statistical significance (p=0.07), all the grade II/III meningiomas showed increased expression of cyclin D1 and high proliferative activity. In conclusion, data from this preliminary study seem to suggest a potential value of the combined expression of cyclin D1 and proliferation indicators in defining subgroups of meningiomas with a more aggressive biological behavior.  相似文献   
There remains doubt about the need for gastroenterostomy in patients with advanced cancer of the pancreatic head, performed either prophylactically or when passage of food becomes impossible. The records of 142 patients admitted for advanced pancreatic cancer to the Erasmus University Hospital over a period of 11 years were reviewed. We concentrated especially on the pre- and postoperative intake of food in cases involving gastroenterostomy and the morbidity and mortality associated with abdominal surgery in these patients. Of 129 patients without symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction at the time of diagnosis, 31 underwent prophylactic gastroenterostomy. The procedure did not prevent gastric outlet obstruction in 4 patients. Of the remaining 98 patients, 15 developed gastric outlet obstruction. Cox proportional hazards analysis showed no significant difference in the interval to the occurrence of a symptomatic obstruction between these two groups, taking into account other covariables. Postoperative complications and mortality regarding a gastroenterostomy were high, ranging from 9% to 41% and 11% to 33%, respectively. Our results do not indicate that prophylactic gastroenterostomy may significantly prevent future gastric outlet obstruction; therefore, as it also increases morbidity, it should not be performed. A gastroenterostomy to relieve symptoms should be considered carefully, as the success rate is low and is accompanied by a considerable incidence of morbidity and mortality.
Resumen Persiste la duda sobre la necesidad de practicar gastroenterostomía en pacientes con cáncer avanzado de la cabeza del páncreas, así sea profiláctica o en presencia de obstrucción al paso de los alimentos. Se revisaron las historias de 142 pacientes con cáncer avanzado de la cabeza del páncreas en el Hospital de la Universidad de Erasmo observados en un periodo de 11 años. El estudio se concentré especialmente sobre la ingesta pre y postoperatoria de alimentos en los pacientos con gastroenterostomía y en la morbilidad y mortalidad asociada con la cirugía abdominal. De 129 pacientes libres de síntomas de obstrucción en el momento del diagnóstico, 31 fueron sometidos a gastroenterostomía profiláctica; el procedimiento no logró prevenir la obstrucción gástrica en 4 casos. De los 98 pacientes restantes, 15 desarrollaron obstrucción gástrico. El análisis proporcional de Cox no demostró diferencia significativa en el intervalo transcurrido hasta la aparición de los sintomas entre los dos grupos, tomando en consideración diversas variables. Las tasas de complicaciones y de mortalidad postoperatoria en relación con la gastroenterostomía fueron elevadas, 9–41% y 11–33%, respectivamente. Nuestros resultados no indican que la gastroenterostomía profiláctica pueda prevenir la obstrucción gástrica y, por cuanto incrementa la morbilidad, no debe ser realizada. La gastroenterostomía por razones de sintomatologia debe ser cuidadosamente considerada, puesto que la tasa de éxito es baja y se acompana de considerable morbilidad y mortalidad.

Résumé Réaliser une gastroentérostomie de faÇon prophylactique ou seulement lorsque l'alimentation devient impossible chez un patient ayant un cancer de la tÊte du pancréas reste une question sans réponse. Les dossiers de 142 patients ayant un cancer avancé de la tÊte du pancréas, observés à l'HÔpital Universitaire Erasmus en l'espace de 11 ans, ont été revus. Nous avons noté la possibilité d'alimentation en périodes préet postopératoire ainsi que la morbidité et mortalité en rapport avec la chirurgie chez ces patients. Des 129 patients n'ayant pas de symptÔmes d'obstruction postpylorique au moment du diagnostic, 31 ont eu une gastroentérostomie à titre prophylactique. Cette intervention n'a pu prévenir l'obstruction chez 4 de ces patients. Des 98 autres patients, 15 ont développé une obstruction postpylorique. Une analyse multifactorielle selon le modèle de Cox n'a pu démontrer de différence significative entre les deux groupes pour l'intervalle entre le moment du diagnostic et la survenue de l'obstruction. Le taux de complications et de décès postopératoires après gastroentérostomie était élevée, variant respectivement entre 9% et 41% et 11% et 33%. Nos résultats indiquent que la gastroentérostomie à titre prophylactique ne prévient pas la survenue d'une obstruction postpylorique mais qu'elle accroÎt la morbidité. Dans ces conditions, la gastroentérostomie ne devrait Être réalisée qu'en cas d'obstruction symptomatique, mais en sachant qu'elle n'est pas toujours couronnée de succès et que les taux de mortalité et de morbidité ne sont pas nuls.
To study the effect of different schedules of allergen administration on the early (EAR) and late allergic reaction (LAR), 15 asthmatic patients with dual response after allergen challenge were submitted to two consecutive bronchoprovocation tests (BPT). BPT1 was carried out with semilogarithmic increase of allergen doses until a FEV1 drop of 20% was recorded. BPT2 was performed 2 weeks later using the highest allergen dose that had elicited the dual reaction in BPT1. Both EAR and LAR were very similar for a given patient. As the allergen dose used in BPT2 is smaller than the cumulative allergen dose administered in BPT1, this protocol takes into account a possible influence on BPT2 of bronchial hyperreactivity induced by BPT1 performed 2 weeks before.  相似文献   
We report two patients with ipsilateral attacks of cluster headache and chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. The first patient, a 33-year-old man, started having attacks of chronic cluster headache at the age of 27. At 33, they were replaced by typical attacks of ipsilateral chronic paroxysmal hemicrania which showed a dramatic improvement with indomethacin 150 mg daily. After two days of complete remission, cluster headache attacks reappeared and persisted until verapamil, 360 mg a day, was added to indomethacin. The second patient, a 45-year-old man, first developed attacks of episodic cluster headache at the age of 35. At 44, he experienced ipsilateral typical attacks of chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, and two months later attacks of cluster headache. Under verapamil 240 mg daily, attacks of cluster headache disappeared, but those of chronic paroxysmal hemicrania increased in frequency until indomethacin 150 mg daily was added. These observations suggest a close relationship but not a similarity between cluster headache and chronic paraoxysmal hemicrania, and show the practical therapeutic interest of maintaining this distinction.  相似文献   
A 66-year-old man with atrial fibrillation was referred soon after developing left lower limb and abdominal pain with rectal bleeding. An immediate flush aortogram showed embolic occlusion of the left distal superficial femoral artery and superior mesenteric artery (SMA), 3 cm from its ostium. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activitor (rtPA) 40 mg was selectively in stilled in the SMA in two boluses. Abdominal symptoms resolved within 48 h, and complete recanalization of the SMA was shown on angiography. Exploratory laparotomy after 72 h showed a normal small bowel and right colon, and was completed by femoropopliteal embolectomy. Six months later, the patient remained asymptomatic.  相似文献   
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