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牙列缺损的计算机三维建模   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
目的 建立牙列缺损的计算机三维模型。方法 采用表面绘制法,依据CT扫描头颅骨标本获得的二维断层图像数据在3D Studio Max中沿牙体长轴放样、微调并赋以材质,得到牙列缺损的计算机三维模型。结果 能在计算机中方便快速地模拟任意类型的牙列缺损,并可全方位地旋转、放大和缩小。结论 提供了一种牙列缺损三维建模的新方法,有利于三维义齿专家系统的开发和计算机辅助教学。  相似文献   
目的探讨经关节入路微创钢板固定(MIPPO)技术治疗股骨远端C型骨折的临床疗效。方法2002年4月~2005年2月,应用MIPPO技术治疗股骨远端C型骨折14例,按AO/ASIF分类:C1型3例,C2型6例,C3型5例。先行关节内骨折切开复位、松质骨螺钉固定,再行髁上部分骨折间接复位、经关节内切口插入髁支撑钢板或LISS钢板桥接固定骨折。结果12例患者获得10~32个月(平均18.4个月)随访,骨折均获愈合,愈合时间10周~12个月,平均4.6个月。按Kolmert和Wulff的评价标准:优4例,良5例,可2例,差1例,优良率为75%。结论应用MIPPO技术治疗股骨远端C型骨折实现了微创操作,具有创伤小、软组织干扰少、骨折愈合快等优点,疗效满意。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Studie ist die klinische Evaluierung einer Hormontherapie mit Octreotid und Tamoxifen beim Tumorrezidiv des prim?r R0-resezierten Pankreascarcinoms. Methodik: In einer prospektiven Studie erfolgte beim nicht resektablen Tumorrezidiv eines duktalen Adenocarcinoms nach prim?rer R0-Resektion, nach Einholung des Patienteneinverst?ndnisses und histologischer Diagnosesicherung die medikament?se Dauertherapie mit Octreotid (3 × 100 μg/d s. c.) und Tamoxifen (1 × 20 mg/d oral). Zielkriterien waren die mediane überlebenszeit, die Lebensqualit?t (EORTC-QLQ-30-Fragebogen) und die Nebenwirkungen der Therapie. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit einer aus 14 Patienten bestehenden Kontrollgruppe der eigenen Klinik verglichen, die bei gleichen Einschlu?kriterien in dem vorhergehenden 1-Jahres-Zeitraum (September 1995 bis September 1996) ausschlie?lich symptomorientiert im Sinne von „best supportive care“ behandelt wurden. Ergebnisse: Zwischen Oktober 1996 und April 1998 wurden 14 Patienten in die Therapiestudie aufgenommen. Die Tumorrezidive wurden durchschnittlich 13 ( ± 6,8) Monate nach einer R0-Resektion diagnostiziert. Die mediane überlebenszeit der Therapiegruppe (n = 14) war mit 7 (3–12) Monaten signifikant (p < 0,05) gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe (n = 14) mit 3,5 (1,5–5) Monaten verl?ngert. Die Octreotid-Tamoxifen-Gruppe litt weniger unter Appetitlosigkeit, übelkeit, Fatigue sowie Tumorschmerz und ben?tigte weniger Analgetica als die Kontrollgruppe. Als Nebenwirkungen der Octreotid-Tamoxifen-Therapie traten lediglich bei 2 Patienten in den ersten 14 Tagen nach Beginn der Behandlung Diarrhoen auf. Schlu?folgerung: Die kombinierte Hormontherapie mit Octreotid und Tamoxifen kann sehr gut ambulant durchgeführt werden und ist relativ nebenwirkungsarm. Es deutet sich ein Fortschritt in der palliativen Therapie des rezidivierten Pankreascarcinoms an.   相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungVorgetragen in der Medizinischen Gesellschaft zu Gie\en am 8. VII. 1930.  相似文献   
High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin (polyvalent immunoglobulin G) has been shown to be of benefit in some patients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), possibly by producing reticuloendothelial system blockade. We studied this approach in patients refractory to random donor platelet transfusion using an IV IgG preparation manufactured by the Swiss Red Cross. Eleven adult patients with acute leukemia received either 0.4 g IgG/kg/d intravenously X five days (four patients) or 0.6 g/kg/d X five days (seven patients). All patients had high levels of lymphocytotoxic antibody and poor responses to random donor platelets. Except for mild headaches in two patients, there were no side effects related to the IgG infusions. All patients had significant elevations of serum IgG on the day after completion of treatment. Either random donor or partially HLA-matched platelet transfusions were administered the day after and, in some cases, during the IgG therapy. No patient had an improvement in one hour posttransfusion platelet count increments. Two additional patients received pooled platelet concentrates incubated for 30 minutes at 37 degrees C with IgG at a final concentration of 3 g% prior to transfusions. These results indicate that high-dose IgG, an extremely expensive treatment, cannot be recommended for alloimmunized adults with leukemia.  相似文献   
Yersinia enterocolitica synthesizes N-acyl-L-homoserine lactone (AHL) signal molecules via the LuxR-LuxI homologues YenR-YenI. In this study we checked two prototypes of mouse-virulent Y. enterocolitica serotype O8 strains WA-314 and 8081 for AHL production in vitro and in vivo (mouse infection model). We used thin-layer chromatography in combination with the Escherichia coli AHL biosensor to identify the AHL species produced. We detected only OHHL [N-(3-oxohexanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone] and not HHL (N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone) produced by Y. enterocolitica O8 in culture supernatant or infected mouse tissue. This is the first report demonstrating AHL production by yersiniae during infection.  相似文献   
There is a growing body of research on manualized self-help interventions for bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED). Study and treatment dropout and adherence represent particular challenges in these studies. However, systematic investigations of the relationship between study, intervention and patient characteristics, participation, and intervention outcomes are lacking. We conducted a systematic literature review using electronic databases and hand searches of relevant journals. In metaregression analyses, we analyzed study dropout as well as more specific measures of treatment participation in manualized self-help interventions, their association with intervention characteristics (e.g. duration, guidance, intervention type [bibliotherapy, CD-ROM or Internet based intervention]) and their association with treatment outcomes. Seventy-three publications reporting on 50 different trials of manualized self-help interventions for binge eating and bulimia nervosa published through July 9th 2012 were identified. Across studies, dropout rates ranged from 1% to 88%. Study dropout rates were highest in CD-ROM interventions and lowest in Internet-based interventions. They were higher in samples of BN patients, samples of patients with higher degrees of dietary restraint at baseline, lower age, and lower body mass index. Between 6% and 88% of patients completed the intervention to which they had been assigned. None of the patient, study and intervention characteristics predicted intervention completion rates. Intervention outcomes were moderated by the provision of personal guidance by a health professional, the number of guidance sessions as well as participants' age, BMI, and eating disorder related attitudes (Restraint, Eating, Weight and Shape Concerns) at baseline (after adjusting for study dropout and intervention completion rates). Guidance particularly improved adherence and outcomes in samples of patients with bulimia nervosa; specialist guidance led to higher intervention completion rates and larger intervention effects on some outcomes than non-specialist guidance. Self-help interventions have a place in the treatment of BN and BED, especially if the features of their delivery and indications are considered carefully. To better determine who benefits most from what kind and “dosage” of self-help interventions, we recommend the use of consistent terminology as well as uniform standards for reporting adherence and participation in future self-help trials.  相似文献   
Primary Autosomal Recessive Microcephaly (MCPH) is characterized by congenital microcephaly usually without additional clinical findings. The most common gene implicated in MCPH is ASPM and a large percentage of mutations described have been homozygous and in consanguineous families primarily of East Asian and Middle Eastern origin. ASPM sequencing was performed on 400 patients between the years 2009 and 2012. Seventy of the patient samples were also analyzed for copy number changes in the ASPM gene. Forty protein truncating mutations, including 29 novel mutations, were identified in 39 patients with MCPH. Approximately one third of patients were compound heterozygotes, indicative of non‐consanguinity in these patients. In addition, 46 non‐synonymous variants were identified and interpreted as variants of uncertain significance. No deletion/duplication in ASPM was identified in the patients analyzed. A wide ethnic distribution was observed, including the first reported patients with ASPM‐related MCPH of Hispanic descent. Clinical information was collected for 26 of the ASPM‐positive patients and 41 of the ASPM‐negative patients. As more individuals are identified with MCPH, we anticipate that we will continue to identify ASPM mutation‐positive patients from all ethnic origins supporting the occurrence of this genetic condition beyond that of consanguineous families of certain ethnic populations.  相似文献   
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