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Summary. In this study, we have examined our records for the isolation of Candida tropicalis from clinical specimens of patients with heterogeneous clinical presentations during the past 5 years. We have found that this species ranks third among all yeasts in frequency of isolation from clinical specimens and that the trend of recovery from the specimens is rising over the years. The isolation rate of C. tropicalis was highest from urine specimens (36%) followed by respiratory specimens (22%). The frequency of isolation of C. tropicalis from vaginal specimens was relatively high (14%), however the trend was declining over the years. In general, the high recovery of Candida tropicalis from clinical specimens of patients with variable disease supports the views of this organism being a major pathogen.
Zusammenfassung. Die Studie basiert auf einer Durchsicht der Patientenarchive der letzten fünf Jahre auf die Isolationshäufigkeit von Candida tropicalis aus klinischen Untersuchungsmaterialien von Patienten mit unterschiedlichen klinischen Krankheitsbildern. Diese Hefeart war die dritthäufigste mit steigender Tendenz über die Jahre. Die Isolierungsrate von C. tropicalis war am höchsten aus Urin (36%), gefolgt von Respirationstrakt-Materialien (22%). Die Isolationshäufigkeit aus dem hinteren Scheidengewölbe war relativ hoch (14%), nahm jedoch mit den jahren ab. Allgemein unterstreicht die hohe Isolationsrate von C. tropicalis aus klinischen Untersuchungsmaterialien die ätiologische Bedeutung dieses Erregers.  相似文献   
Fibroblasts incorporated within collagen gels induce a cell-mediated contraction of the gel to form a three-dimensional, tissue-like structure by a mechanism thought to mimic wound contraction in vivo . In this study a gel contraction model was used to investigate the ability of fibroblasts derived from adult gingiva, adult skin and fetal skin to organise a collagen matrix. In addition the effects of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) on the contraction process was also investigated. Over the concentration range 5-50 U/ml, IL-1β induced a statistically significant inhibition of gel contraction in all fibroblast cell types ( P <0.05), although fetal fibroblasts appeared least responsive and gingival fibroblasts most responsive to the inhibitory effects of this cytokine. Comparison of gel contraction by the different fibroblast strains indicated that fetal and gingival fibroblasts shared similar contraction kinetics. For the adult skin fibroblasts, three of five strains studied showed significantly diminished levels of gel contraction compared to fetal and gingival cells. This apparent difference in fibroblast phenotype may, at least in part, explain the fetal-like wound healing pattern seen in the oral mucosa.  相似文献   
Membrane-bound CD14 acts as a receptor for lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on monocytes/macrophages and neutrophils. Studies have suggested that the activation of monocytes/macrophages by the binding of LPS to membrane-bound CD14 may require the association of a signal-transducing molecule with membrane-bound CD14. The observation that non-CD14 expressing cells, such as endothelial cells, can nevertheless be activated by a complex of LPS and a soluble form of CD14 (sCD14) suggests that the receptor for this complex may be identical to the signal transducing molecule associated with membrane-bound CD14. The studies described show that two CD14-specific MoAb are able to block the LPS-induced activation of endothelial cells but do not affect the response of monocytes to LPS. This suggests that the interaction of the sCD14:LPS complex with endothelial cells is distinct from the interaction of membrane-bound CD14 with its putative signal-transducing molecule.  相似文献   
Summary GM1- and GM2-gangliosides were isolated from brain and radio-labelled. The labelled moieties were localized by hydrolysis with lysosomal enzymes, followed by thin-layer chromatography of the products. High-resolution loading tests with labelled gangliosides were developed and found to differentiate infantile and juvenile forms of GM1- and GM2-gangliosidoses as well as the identification of B, O and AB types of GM2-gangliosidosis.  相似文献   
The recently developed ELISA for the thrombin-antithrombin III complex (TAT) is a sensitive, specific, and simplified means of detecting intravascular coagulation. For further evaluation of the thrombogenicity of a polyamide (P) and a Hemophan (H) hollow-fibre dialyzer a cross-over study was done in ten stable patients on maintenance hemodialysis. At the same doses of heparin (mean bolus of 30 U/kg bw and maintenance doses of 86 U/kg bw), thrombin time and partial thromboplastin time were significantly lower using H. At the end of dialysis TAT was significantly higher in H (mean +/- SEM before HD 3.57 +/- .56, at 240 min 14.9 +/- 6.5 ng/ml, p less than 0.05, Wilcoxon-test) than in P (before HD 4.36 +/- .98, at 240 min 8.95 +/- 3.0 ng/ml, p less than 0.05 H 240 vs. P 240, Wilcoxon-test). Visible clotting was more pronounced in the H filter. Among other favourable features of blood compatibility the polyamide/polyvinylpyrrolidone copolymer with a hydrophilic/hydrophobic microdomain structure has less thrombogenicity. The modified cellulosic membrane H has advantages in complement activation and leukocyte depression, but thrombogenicity seems less favourable since the incorporated diethyl-amino-ethyl groups with their positive charge bind and inactivate negatively charged heparin.  相似文献   
We reported recently that a novel immunomodulator, 7-thia-8-oxoguanosine (7T80G)2 inhibited formation of pulmonary melanoma metastases (1), prevented against viral infection in mice (2) and potentiated the efficacy of a weakly immunogenic leukemia vaccine (3). Since certain tumor metastases and virus infected cells are targets to natural killer cells (NK cells), we now investigated whether 7T80G is capable of activating NK cells in mice using NK cell sensitive YAC-1 and B16 and NK cell insensitive P815 targets. CBA/CaJ spleen cells incubated in vitro with 7T80G at concentrations ranging from 0.005 to 0.5 mM responded with increased NK cell activity (32-62 %) compared to controls (4-8%) to YAC-1 targets. Similar levels of augmentation in NK cell activity were observed when 40-168 mg/kg of 7T80G was administered in vivo. In addition to the spleen, 7T80G activated NK cells in the bone marrow (BM), the lungs, the liver, and in peritoneal exudate cells (PE). Although 7T80G elicited activation of NK cells was observed as early as three hours after treatment, the maximal activity was observed after 24 h in the spleen; 12 h in the BM; 48 h in the lungs, and 72 h in PE. Administration of the drug by s.c, i.v., and i.p. routes all induced activition of NK cells in spleen, BM and PE. 7T80G was found to activate NK cells in seven inbred and an outbred mouse strain, suggesting that the induced cytotoxicity against allogeneic and syngeneic tumor cells is not strain specific as well as independent of MHC restriction. C3H/He, CBA/CaJ and BDF/1 displayed higher levels of increased NK cell activity, whereas AKR mice were low responders. Low concentrations of IL-2 (0.25-5 U/ml) that induce little or no NK cell activity, when used in combination with 7T80G, elicited significant enhancement of NK cell cytotoxicity. In contrast, IFN and 7T80G showed no such synergism.  相似文献   
A case illustrating the potentially fatal complication of endogenous Gram Negative Aerobic Bacillus (GNAB) septicaemia secondary to nosocomial pneumonia is presented along with current theories as to its aetiology. The technique of selective decontamination of the digestive tract is designed and advocated to prevent such occurrences; oral and maxillofacial surgeons should be aware of this approach. It may be, however, that by using much simpler manoeuvres such as changes in policy regarding gastric stress ulcer prophylaxis, the already small risk of such an occurrence will be further reduced. Awareness of this condition will allow a higher index of suspicion when presented with catastrophic septic complications on the ITU and aid in more rational planning of antimicrobial therapy.  相似文献   
Factors associated with levels of physical activity at work and during leisure time were analyzed among 577 subjects who had been selected as population controls for a case-control study by random selection from telephone directories. The intensity of physical activity at work was inversely associated with body mass index, the proportion of professionals & managers, consumption of western style breakfast, coffee, butter/margarine, and whisky; and positively associated with rice intake. Frequency of physical activities during leisure time was positively associated with consumption of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, milk, cheese and coffee, and moderation in eating; and inversely associated with rice intake and the prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms and medication. The association of physical activity with these factors should be considered in studying its relationship to disease risk.  相似文献   
Two-color flow cytometry was carried out to determine the correlation between cell-mediated immunity and the levels of proteinuria in 30 patients with membranous nephropathy. Lymphocyte subpopulations were measured by two-color flow cytometry using various monoclonal antibodies of the Leu series. Clinically, the patients were divided into four stages as follows: 1. untreated nephrotic stage, 2. prednisolone (PSL) treated nephrotic stage, 3. persistent proteinuric stage (incomplete remission, ICR) and 4. complete remission (CR). Two-color flow cytometry showed a significant decrease in Leu 2a+15+ (suppressor T) cells and relative increase in Leu 3a+8+ (suppressor inducer T) cells in the untreated nephrotic stage. The mean Leu 3a+8-/Leu 2a+15+ (helper/suppressor) cell ratio was normalized in the persistent proteinuric stage or complete remission after treatment with PSL. Patients with membranous nephropathy showed a significant elevation of Leu 2a+DR+ cells after treatment with PSL. The abnormalities of suppressor T cells and suppressor inducer T cells in the peripheral blood appear to reflect the levels of proteinuria in patients with membranous nephropathy. It was concluded that PSL might stimulate Leu 2a positive cells and then increase the number of Leu 2a+15+ cells in the peripheral blood of patients with membranous nephropathy.  相似文献   
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