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Late potentials detected by signal averaged electrocardiography are predictive of ventricular arrhythmia induction and sudden cardiac death. Prior studies have used a variety of equipment and filtering parameters. The correlation between data from two commercially available signal averaging units and the effects of bandpass as opposed to high-pass filtering were studied in 18 hospitalized patients. The addition of a low-pass filter at 250 Hz to high-pass filtering at 40 Hz caused no significant change in any time domain variable (total duration of the filtered QRS, root mean square voltage of the last 40 msec of the filtered QRS, and duration of low-amplitude potentials < 40 μV). However, the data was significantly different (P < 0.01) when studies from the two machines were compared. We conclude that bandpass filtering does not affect time domain late potential variables in a clinically relevant fashion compared to high-pass filtering alone. Significant data differences exist between the two different pieces of equipment. Therefore, caution should be exercised in extrapolating data obtained from each of the different machines.  相似文献   
Pulsatile ocular blood flow   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Teratology Study in Rats with Amsacrine, an Antineoplastic Agent.ANDERSON, J. A., PETRERE, J. A., SAKOWSKI, R., FITZGERALD, J.E., AND DE LA IGLESIA, F. A. (1986). Fundam. Appl. Toxicol.7, 214–220. Amsacrine, an acndinylamino derivative usedin the treatment of refractory leukemias, was evaluated forits teratogenic potential in pregnant rats. The compound wasgiven by intrapentoneal (ip) administration on Days 6 to 9 ofgestation to groups of 20 female CD rats at levels of 0.5, 1.0,and 2.0 mg/kg. Appropriate vehicle and untreated controls wereincluded. Dams given 2.0 mg/kg lost weight during and afterthe treatment period. Food consumption was comparable to controlsat all dose levels except for the high dose group in the post-treatmentperiod. Decreased litter size, increased postimplantation loss,and reduced fetal weights occurred with doses of 2.0 mg/kg.Significantly reduced fetal body weight and increased incidenceof stunting were the only adverse findings at 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg,respectively. Two fetuses at 2.0 mg/kg, one at 1.0 mg/kg, oneat 0.5 mg/kg, and two vehicle control fetuses had gross abnormalities.Fetotoxicity, manifested by inhibition of osteogenesis and minorskeletal abnormalities, occurred with doses of 0.5 mg/kg ormore. The results indicate that amsacrine was embryolethal torats at doses of 2.0 mg/kg and embryotoxic at lower dose levels.Teratogenicity was not evident at doses which did not affectfetal survival.  相似文献   
Disposition and Metabolism of [l4C]Dibenzo[c,g]carbazole Aerosolsin Rats after Inhalation. Bond, J. A. Ayres, P. H., Medinsky,M. A., Cheng, Y. S., Hirshfield, D., and McClellan, R. O. (1986).Fundam Appl Toxicol. 7, 76-85. Dibenzo[c.£]carbazole (DBC)is a nitrogen-containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon thathas been detected in tobacco tars, industrial oils, and dieselengine exhaust fumes. DBC is carcinogenic in respiratory tracttissue of hamsters and in lungs, kidneys, and livers of mice.The purpose of this research was to determine the respiratorytract deposition, distribution in tissues, metabolism, and excretionof DBC in rats after inhalation. Rats were exposed nose-onlyto 1.1 or 13 Mg [14C]DBC/liter air for 60 min. Activity medianaerodynamic diameters for the two concentrations of DBC rangedfrom 0.7 to 0.8 pm. Unne. feces, and selected tissues were collectedfor various times after exposure. The fractional depositionfor the 1.1 and 13 ug/liter exposure concentrations was similar,13 and 16%, respectively. The dominant route of excretion of14C following exposure to either concentration of DBC was thefeces, accounting for approximately 95% of the total 14C eliminated.Half-time for fecal excretion was 20 ± 6 hr (x ±SE). Gastrointestinal absorption of [I4C]DBC was 43%. Radioactivitywas widely distributed to all tissues examined, with the respiratorytract (lung, trachea, larynx, and nasal turbinates), upper gastrointestinaltract (stomach and small intestine), the liver, and the adrenalscontaining the highest concentrations of [I4C]DBC equivalentswithin 1 hr after exposure. At both concentrations of DBC tested,clearance of I4C from tissues was rapid, with approximately60 to 98% of the initial tissue burden being cleared with half-timesranging from 1 to 16 hr. The remaining 2 to 40% in the tissueswas cleared with half-times that ranged from 1.5 to 14 days.Several metabolites were detected in the urine and feces, noneof which appeared to be either glucuronide or sulfate conjugates.Small quantities of [I4C]DBC were detected in the urine, althoughquantities were less than 1% of the initial respiratory tractburden of [I4C]DBC. The results from this research indicatethat DBC was rapidly absorbed from the lungs and translocatedto many tissues. Prior to elimination, primarily in the feces,DBC was extensively metabolized There appeared to be no effectof exposure concentration on the toxicokinetics of inhaled DBC.  相似文献   
Our data represent use, follow-up, and management decisions from seven independently functioning centers and most importantly, actuarial survival of ICRMDs that have been implanted for sufficient time period to allow assessment of time versus failure. General patterns of possible target durations for adequate performance for present or future generations of similar clinical devices may be suggested by the data that we have presented. However, it would be inappropriate to conclude from these data that any presently implanted ICRMD would have a particular functional reliability. These data, furthermore, only summarized device hardware performance and cannot and must not be used to determine either short-term or long-term individual patient status, management, or outcome.  相似文献   
We report two cases of ventricular arrest with persisting atrialactivity in association with propofol anaesthesia. In both cases,antichol-inergic agents corrected the arrhythmia. It is recommendedthat anticholinergic drugs be given routinely when propofolis used in association with vagal stimulants. *Address for Correspondence: Department of Anaesthesia, Universityof Cape Town School of Medicine, Anzio Road, Observatory 7925,South Africa.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of a tripeptide, l -phenylalanyl-glycyl-glycine (C13H17,N3O4), molecular weight = 279.3, has been determined. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P 212121, with a= 5.462(1) A, b= 15.285(5), c= 16.056(4), Z = 4 , and P(calc) = 1.384 g. cm-3. The final R-index is 0.052 for 866 reflections with θ/λ≤ 0.55 A-1 and 1 > σ. The molecule exists as a zwitterion, with the N-terminus protonated and the C-terminus in an ionized form. Both the peptide units are in the trans configuration and planar, though one of them shows significant deviations from planarity (|Δ| = 5.1°). The peptide backbone is folded, with the torsion angles of ψ1= 116.2(5)°, ψ31= 178.8(4), φ2=?89.7(5), ψ2=?28.9(6), ω2=?174.9(4), φ3= 134.9(5), ψ31= 7.8(6), ψ32=?172.6(4). The terminal glycine adopts a “d -residue” conformation. For the sidechain of phenylalanine, χ1= 175.5(4), χ2= - 127.0(6).  相似文献   
Symptoms and correlates of anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Forty-nine male weight lifters, all users of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AASs), completed an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire to investigate addictive patterns of use. At least one DSM-III-R symptom of dependence was reported by 94% of the sample. Three or more symptoms, consistent with a diagnosis of dependence, were reported by 57%. Dependent users (n=28) could be distinguished from non-dependent users (n=21) by their use of larger doses, more cycles of use, more dissatisfaction with body size, and more aggressive symptoms. Multiple regression analysis revealed that dosage and dissatisfaction with body size were the best predictors of dependent use. Patterns of other substances used, although not predictive of AAS dependence, revealed very low cigarette use and at the same time high alcohol consumption. These data support the notion that AASs are addicting, and suggest that dissatisfaction with body size may lead to dependent patterns of use. The implications for both prevention and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   
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