Purpose/aim: To focus on current aspects of primary thyroid lymphoma (PTL), which is a rare clinical entity usually manifested by a rapidly growing mass in the neck that can cause pressure symptoms.
Materials and Methods: Relevant papers in PubMed published through June 2017 were selected to track updated information about PTL with an emphasis on diagnosis and novel therapeutic management.
Results: The most frequent cases include non-Hodgkin lymphoma derived from B-cells, mainly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) followed by mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma or a mixed type. Other subtypes are less common. Lymphomas derived from T-cells and Hodgkin lymphomas are extremely rare. Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis has been implicated as a risk factor for lymphoma. At the molecular level, the Wnt5a protein and its receptor Ror2 are involved in the course of the disease. Ultrasonography, fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy, and core or open biopsy combined with new diagnostic facilities contribute to an accurate diagnosis. An increased potential exists for a cure without the need for a radical surgical procedure. Modern chemoradiation therapy plus the monoclonal antibody rituximab, which acts against CD20, have limited the need for surgical interventions and provide an excellent outcome in most cases. However, some cases have resulted in treatment failure or recurrence.
Conclusions: A multidisciplinary approach must be used to define the management policy in each case. Future efforts by researchers are likely to be focused on the molecular level. 相似文献
Physicians treating nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF) assess stroke and bleeding risks when deciding on anticoagulation. The agreement between empirical and physician-estimated risks is unclear. Furthermore, the association between patient and physician sex and anticoagulation decision-making is uncertain.
We pooled data from 2 national primary care physician chart audit databases of patients with AF (Facilitating Review and Education to Optimize Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation and Coordinated National Network to Engage Physicians in the Care and Treatment of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Chart Audit) with a combined 1035 physicians (133 female, 902 male) and 10,927 patients (4567 female and 6360 male).
Male physicians underestimated stroke risk in female patients and overestimated risk in male patients. Female physicians estimated stroke risk well in female patients but underestimated the risk in male patients. Risk of bleeding was underestimated in all. Despite differences in risk assessment by physician and patient sex, > 90% of patients received anticoagulation across all subgroups. There was modest agreement between physician estimated and calculated (ie, CHADS2 score) stroke risk: Kappa scores were 0.41 (0.35-0.47) for female physicians and 0.34 (0.32-0.36) for male physicians.
Our study is the first to examine the association between patient and physician sex influences and stroke and bleeding risk estimation in AF. Although there were differences in agreement between physician estimated stroke risk and calculated CHADS2 scores, these differences were small and unlikely to affect clinical practice; further, despite any perceived differences in the accuracy of risk assessment by sex, most patients received anticoagulation. 相似文献
Since accelerated atherosclerosis has been reported in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), predictive biomarkers of cardiovascular disease (CVD) are needed. Among non-traditional risk factors, bone mineral density (BMD) has been related to CVD. However, its role in SLE remains controversial. This study aims to analyze the associations of subclinical atherosclerosis with traditional and non-traditional CV risk factors.
Methods and results
In a cross-sectional study, atherosclerosis burden was compared between 112 female SLE patients and 31 controls. Plaque number and carotid intima-media wall thickness (cIMT) were assessed by ultrasonography. In a retrospective study, BMD determinations obtained 5-years before the ultrasonography assessment were analyzed in a subgroup of 62 patients. Plaque frequency was increased in SLE, even in patients without CV events or carotid wall thickening. cIMT was increased in patients with CVD, positively correlated with body mass index (BMI). Interestingly, a paradoxical effect of BMI on carotid parameters was observed. Whereas underweight patients (BMI < 20) showed increased prevalence of carotid plaques with low cIMT, those with BMI > 30 showed higher cIMT and plaque burden. Overweight patients (25 < BMI<30) exhibited both elevated cIMT and plaque number. BMI was an independent predictor of BMD. In our retrospective study, patients with either clinical or subclinical CVD exhibited lower BMD levels than their CV-free counterparts. A low lumbar spine BMD independently predicted CVD development after adjusting for confounders.
SLE was associated with a higher subclinical atherosclerosis burden, a bimodal effect being observed for BMI. Decreased BMD can be a CV risk biomarker in SLE. 相似文献
Lung ultrasound can accelerate the diagnosis of life-threatening diseases in adults with respiratory symptoms.
Systematically review the accuracy of lung ultrasonography (LUS) for emergency diagnosis of pneumonia, acute heart failure, and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/asthma in adults.
PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, and LILACS (Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde; until 2016) were searched for prospective diagnostic accuracy studies. Rutter-Gatsonis hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic method was used to measure the overall accuracy of LUS and Reitsma bivariate model to measure the accuracy of the different sonographic signs. This review was previously registered in PROSPERO (Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York, UK; CRD42016048085).
Twenty-five studies were included: 14 assessing pneumonia, 14 assessing acute heart failure, and four assessing exacerbations of COPD/asthma. The area under the summary receiver operating characteristic curve of LUS was 0.948 for pneumonia, 0.914 for acute heart failure, and 0.906 for exacerbations of COPD/asthma. In patients suspected to have pneumonia, consolidation had sensitivity of 0.82 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.74–0.88) and specificity of 0.94 (95% CI 0.85–0.98) for this disease. In acutely dyspneic patients, modified diffuse interstitial syndrome had sensitivity of 0.90 (95% CI 0.87–0.93) and specificity of 0.93 (95% CI 0.91–0.95) for acute heart failure, whereas B-profile had sensitivity of 0.93 (95% CI 0.72–0.98) and specificity of 0.92 (95% CI 0.79–0.97) for this disease in patients with respiratory failure. In patients with acute dyspnea or respiratory failure, the A-profile without PLAPS (posterior-lateral alveolar pleural syndrome) had sensitivity of 0.78 (95% CI 0.67–0.86) and specificity of 0.94 (95% CI 0.89–0.97) for exacerbations of COPD/asthma.
Lung ultrasound is an accurate tool for the emergency diagnosis of pneumonia, acute heart failure, and exacerbations of COPD/asthma. 相似文献
In the United States there has been a large increase in participation in lacrosse for both males and females. The purpose of this study was to analyze the number of head injuries, injury rates (calculated using the reported number of participants) and types of head injuries that are seen in emergency departments in the United States.
We compared injuries between male and female lacrosse participants. This was a retrospective study using a publicly available database produced by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and information about lacrosse participation from US Lacrosse.
A linear regression was performed and showed a positive correlation between number of head injuries to males and time from 2002 to 2010 (R2?=?0.823; p?=?0.001). While the number of injuries to the head in female lacrosse participants was not significant. There was a negative correlation between the number of head injuries to males from 2010 to 2016 (R2?=?0.800; p?=?0.007), but again, there was no significance for female injury count (R2?=?0.417; p?=?0.117). Other significant differences between head injuries in males and females included the mechanism of injury and the type of injury recorded.
The most recent data from 2010 to 2016, suggest that both males and females have had a decrease in injury rate. However the total number of female head injuries is not significantly decreasing and as the sport continues to grow there will likely be more total head injuries and visits to the emergency department. 相似文献
ZusammenfassungHintergrund Bedingt durch die intraoperative Katecholaminsekretion mit hämodynamischen Veränderungen, einem größeren Tumordurchmesser und einer deutlichen Neovaskularisation ist die Adrenalektomie beim Phäochromozytom im Vergleich zu anderen Nebennierenerkrankungen schwieriger und potenziell komplikationsträchtiger. Ziel unserer Studie war die Frage, ob das Risiko intraoperativer kardiovaskulärer Komplikationen durch das minimal-invasive Vorgehen potenziert wird.Patienten und Methodik Im Zeitraum zwischen Februar 1992 und Mai 2005 wurden in unserer Klinik 82 Eingriffe wegen eines Phäochromozytoms bei 71 Patienten durchgeführt. Davon wurden 8 (1) Patient(en) bi-(tri-)lateral adrenalektomiert und bei 2 Patienten erfolgte eine ipsilaterale Rezidivoperation. Eingeschlossen sind 5 weitere Patienten mit Rezidiv nach Erstoperation vor 1992. Sechsunddreißig Eingriffe erfolgten konventionell (transperitoneal n=35, retroperitoneal n=1) und 46 Operationen endoskopisch (transperitoneal n=28, retroperitoneal n=18), davon keine Konversion zum offenen Vorgehen.Ergebnisse Das mediane Alter zum Zeitpunkt der Operation betrug 45 (24–75) Jahre bei einer Anamnesedauer von 12 (0–180) Monaten. Die offen operierten Phäochromozytome waren mit 5,5 (1–19) cm vs. 3,5 (0,5–8) cm (endoskopisch) signifikant größer (p=0,0011). Patienten mit endoskopischer, insbesondere mit retroperitoneoskopischer Adrenalektomie hatten im Vergleich zum konventionellen Vorgehen intraoperativ höhere systolische und diastolische maximale Blutdruckwerte sowie Spitzen über 200 mmHg (statistisch nicht signifikant). Faktoren mit möglichem Einfluss auf intraoperative hämodynamische Veränderungen waren in der multivariaten Analyse das Geschlecht (p=0,0107), der operative Zugangsweg (p=0,0153), das Patientenalter (p=0,0364) und die Tumorgröße (p=0,0484). Die postoperative stationäre Verweildauer war nach endoskopischer Operation signifikant kürzer (p<0,0001).Schlussfolgerung Die endoskopische Adrenalektomie beim Phäochromozytom ist in der Routine ohne vermehrtes Risiko kardiovaskulärer Komplikationen die Methode der Wahl. Das offene Vorgehen sollte extraadrenalen Befunden oder sehr großen Tumoren mit Malignitätsverdacht vorbehalten bleiben. 相似文献