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Clinical experience of phototherapy for non-haemolytic hyperbilirubinaemia in 3999 infants in Kandang Kerbau Hospital, Singapore, is documented. Phototherapy was most effective in extremely preterm infants with very low birth weight (gestation less than or equal to 32 weeks, birth weight less than or equal to 1500 g) and least effective in full term infants with very low birth weight (gestation greater than or equal to 37 weeks, birth weight less than or equal to 1500 g) and large preterm infants (gestation less than 37 weeks, birth weight greater than 2270 g). Overall, phototherapy was effective in almost all the infants, with a failure rate of only 2.00/1000 infants. No characteristic features common to all the failures could be detected. The bilirubin rebound was usually mild; repeat phototherapy was required in only 30 infants (7.50/1000), with the response to the second exposure comparable to that to the first. No infant required a third exposure. All the infants tolerated phototherapy well, none developing any illness that could be attributed to the treatment. This clinical experience shows that phototherapy for the treatment of nonhaemolytic hyperbilirubinaemia is effective and safe.  相似文献   
Roentgen endovascular occlusion with spiral emboli was used in 240 patients with different diseases. The introduction of spiral emboli into the arteries of abdominal and retroperitoneal organs was fulfilled through usual angiographic catheters. Duration of the arterial occlusion was checked up in the following angiographic examinations and showed the devices described to be appropriate for a continuous arterial blockade. No complications resulting from the introduction of the spiral embolus were noted.  相似文献   
Although many studies as well as conventional wisdom suggest that increases in income result in improved diet and nutritional status in rural areas of developing countries, several recent studies have failed to demonstrate such a relationship. In this paper the relationships between material wealth and income and dietary strategies are examined for an agricultural community in rural Mexico. A superficial examination focusing on summary indices of dietary adequacy frequently cited in the literature and indices of wealth and income demonstrates a positive relationship between them in this community. However, an examination of the same data emphasizing alternative dietary strategies to achieve nutritional adequacy shows a more complex picture. Increasing income is associated with consumption of purchased foods especially foods of animal origin, and is not associated with the consumption of staple foods produced within the household. Diets dependent on purchased foods do not necessarily meet nutritional needs more adequately than diets which rely on agricultural products and gathered foods. Among the implications of this research are a need for a method of analysis which focuses on alternative nutritional strategies available in particular settings, and a need to reassess the relative importance of income generating activities and subsistence agriculture in areas undergoing agricultural change.  相似文献   
Thirty outpatients with panic disorder (PD) were treated at an anxiety clinic using a symptom-focused approach. Thirteen (43%) had no history of major depressive disorder (MDD), 12 (40%) had a history of secondary MDD, and 5 (17%) had history of primary MDD. The outcome was equally good in patients with no history of MDD (77% had good or excellent outcomes) and patients with a history of secondary MDD (83% had good or excellent outcomes). Patients with a history of primary MDD had the worst outcomes. These findings agree with earlier studies showing that secondary MDD does not adversely affect prognosis of patients presenting for treatment of PD.  相似文献   
The involvement of excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors in mediation of the toxic effects of cocaine was studied in male ICR mice. Cocaine HCl (90 mg/kg, IP) induced seizures in 95% and death within 24 h in 68% (n = 135) of the animals. There was a significant correlation (r = .54) between the time to onset of convulsions and the time to death in mice which died within 30 min of injection (n = 84). Pretreatment with selected EAA receptor antagonists 15 min prior to cocaine differentially blocked cocaine toxicity. Selective N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonists (MK-801, dextrorphan, CPP) decreased both the incidence of seizures and mortality. A nonselective EAA antagonist, kynurenic acid, decreased lethality in doses which did not reduce convulsions. A similar action was observed following pretreatment with the selective kainic acid/AMPA receptor antagonist, GDEE. Antagonists at EAA receptors can provide significant protection against cocaine-induced toxicity. Moreover, the data provide evidence for the involvement of both NMDA and non-NMDA receptor subtypes in aspects of cocaine toxicity.  相似文献   
Cerebral dysgenesis encompasses varied disorders of brain development. Based on the understanding of these conditions provided by histopathologists, embryologists, radiologists and developmental pediatricians, surgeons are able to appropriately assist in the care of these patients. The surgeon can offer assessment of the ventriculomegaly that commonly accompanies cerebral dysgenesis in addition to providing methods to control hydrocephalus, to reconstruct cranial and facial malformations and to remove dysfunctional tissue. For most patients, surgical intervention is only one of the many factors that determine developmental prognosis. Based on the foundation built by other specialists, this review discusses cerebral dysgenesis from the perspective of historical and current surgical interventions.  相似文献   
In the present experiments we have investigated the influence of wall shear rate and axial position on platelet and fibrin deposition which results when flowing human non-anticoagulated blood is exposed to either non-procoagulant fibrillar collagen (human type III) or procoagulant subendothelium (rabbit aorta). Platelet adhesion, thrombus volume and fibrin deposition were morphometrically evaluated at axial positions of 1 and 13 mm following perfusions for 5 min at shear rates of 100, 650 and 2,600 s-1. An axially-dependent decrease of platelet adhesion (34-57%, p less than 0.01-0.05) and thrombus volume (57-80%, p less than 0.05) was observed on collagen at all shear rates. On subendothelium, an axially-dependent decrease was observed for platelet adhesion only at 100 s-1 (29%; p less than 0.01) and for thrombus volume at shear rates of 650 s-1 and above (49-58%, p less than 0.01). Deposition of fibrin on subendothelium was axially decreased (16-42%, p less than 0.05) at all shear rates, while no significant axial differences were seen on collagen. However, substantially more fibrin was deposited on the subendothelium (p less than 0.05), and the upstream platelet adhesion and thrombus volume were lower than on collagen (p less than 0.05) at 100 s-1 and 650 s-1. The axially-dependent phenomena on the two surfaces are consistent with the concept of rapid-growing upstream thrombi which deplete the blood layer streaming adjacent ot the surface of platelets, leading to decreased platelet deposition further downstream.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We studied the incidence of cerebral hemorrhage in an animal model of embolic stroke to determine the safety of aspirin, heparin, and tissue plasminogen activator therapies. We occluded the middle cerebral arteries of rabbits with labeled blood clots and administered either tissue plasminogen activator, heparin, aspirin, tissue plasminogen activator plus aspirin, tissue plasminogen activator plus heparin, or saline at various times after stroke. Compared to saline controls, both the aspirin-only and the tissue plasminogen activator-plus-aspirin groups had a significantly higher incidence of cerebral hemorrhage, whereas the heparin and tissue plasminogen activator combination groups did not. We conclude that aspirin antiplatelet therapy alone may increase the risk of hemorrhagic infarction, whereas heparin or tissue plasminogen activator therapy appears to be relatively safe.  相似文献   
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