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Effacement of the fetal cisterna magna in association with myelomeningocele   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Goldstein  RB; Podrasky  AE; Filly  RA; Callen  PW 《Radiology》1989,172(2):409-413
The cisterna magna is effaced in association with myelomeningocele. The authors retrospectively investigated the size of the fetal cisterna magna as a predictor of fetal myelomeningocele in 67 pregnant women (17-38 menstrual weeks) referred for prenatal sonography because of an elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein level (n = 61) or a suspicion of fetal ventriculomegaly on previously obtained sonograms (n = 6). Twenty fetuses had myelomeningocele, 14 had isolated ventriculomegaly, and 33 were normal. A normal-sized cisterna magna (range, 4-9 mm in depth) was present in all normal fetuses. In 19 of 20 fetuses with myelomeningocele, the views of the posterior fossa were adequate, and in each of these the cisterna magna was effaced (n = 18) or very small (n = 1). The cisterna magna was effaced in five of 13 (38%) fetuses with isolated ventriculomegaly in whom the posterior fossa was adequately imaged. Although effacement of the cisterna magna is a nonspecific finding, the high negative predictive value of this sign is useful during routine screening of the fetal neural axis.  相似文献   
We used light and electron microscopy to analyze the eyelid inflammation that develops in transgenic mice that overexpress interleukin-4 (IL-4; Tepper et al, Cell 62:457, 1990). Analysis of alkaline Giemsa-stained plastic sections examined by light microscopy (Dvorak et al, J Exp Med 132:558, 1970), as well as by routine transmission electron microscopy, indicated that the mast cells in the inflammatory eyelid lesions were undergoing piecemeal degranulation, a form of secretion in which the cells' cytoplasmic granules exhibit characteristic morphologic changes that are thought to be associated with the prolonged, vesicle-mediated release of the granules' constituents. Moreover, by using a newly reported enzyme affinity-gold method, which stains histamine based on binding to diamine oxidase-gold (Dvorak et al, J Histochem Cytochem 41:787, 1993), we show that these activated mast cells had released much of their histamine content. The eyelid lesions also exhibited increased numbers of mast cells; interstitial fibrosis, particularly around cutaneous nerves and blood vessels; activated fibroblasts; focal axonal damage; venules with endothelial cells containing numerous vesiculo-vacuolar organelles; and infiltrates of neutrophils and eosinophils. Our findings illustrate that overexpression of the IL-4 gene in vivo can result in eyelid lesions associated with piecemeal degranulation of mast cells, as well as tissue fibrosis and a variety of other pathologic changes. These results also represent the first direct morphologic evidence for histamine secretion by mast cells in vivo.  相似文献   
Stevenson  KB; Clark  RA; Nauseef  WM 《Blood》1989,74(6):2136-2143
Erythrocytes possess a well-characterized submembranous filamentous network which interacts with transmembrane glycoproteins and is composed primarily of spectrin, ankyrin, band 4.1, and short actin filaments. An analogous structure was recently described in platelets. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) were examined for the presence and plasma membrane association of similar proteins. Isolated PMNs, free of contamination with erythrocytes or platelets, were disrupted by nitrogen cavitation and separated into subcellular organelles on a discontinuous Percoll gradient. Detergent lysates of plasma membrane vesicles, but not azurophilic or specific granules, contained insoluble actin filaments and associated proteins. Immunoblots of detergent-insoluble plasma membrane fractions contained proteins recognized by antibodies to brain fodrin and erythrocyte band 4.1, whereas blots probed with antibodies to erythrocyte spectrin and ankyrin were negative. Fodrin and band 4.1 were not detected in granule fractions, but some fodrin was present in the cytosol. The association of proteins related to fodrin and band 4.1 with the plasma membrane suggests that PMNs contain a submembranous skeleton structurally analogous to that of erythrocytes and platelets. The specific function of these proteins and their structural organization in human PMNs await further study.  相似文献   
Acoustic analysis of gradient-coil noise in MR imaging   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hurwitz  R; Lane  SR; Bell  RA; Brant-Zawadzki  MN 《Radiology》1989,173(2):545-548
A survey was conducted of acoustic noise levels in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging systems. Static magnetic flux and radio-frequency pulses did not affect the function of shielded sound-pressure detection equipment. Noise levels were measured at bore isocenter during a variety of imaging sequences in six MR imaging systems with magnetic fields of 0.35-1.5 T. Measured noise ranged from 82 to 93 dB on the A-weighted scale and from 84 to 103 dB on the linear scale. Noise levels increased during sequences employing thinner section thickness and shorter repetition and echo times and were independent of field strength. Gradient-coil noise in MR imaging is an annoyance but is well within safety guidelines.  相似文献   
Eighty-nine biliary strictures in 73 patients who had undergone percutaneous balloon dilatation were reviewed to determine long-term patency rates and clinical management problems. The majority of dilatations were performed in patients with anastomotic strictures (n = 44), iatrogenic strictures (n = 28), and strictures associated with sclerosing cholangitis (n = 17). Patency rates after 36 months or more were 67%, 76%, and 42%, respectively. Complications, mostly minor, occurred in less than 7% of patients. Of patients with significant biliary obstruction, 15% had little or no intrahepatic biliary duct dilatation demonstrated by cross-sectional imaging and/or direct cholangiography. No definite conclusions could be drawn about the utility of long-term internal/external stenting.  相似文献   
Agenesis of the corpus callosum is a complex malformation of the brain that has been associated with varying degrees of limbic system maldevelopment. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 11 patients with callosal agenesis (seven total, four partial) who underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, with particular attention to the associated malformations of the limbic system. Comparison was made with selected images from MR examinations of healthy volunteers and with necropsy specimens from other patients with callosal agenesis. Ten of 11 patients demonstrated limbic anomalies (severe motion artifact precluded evaluation of these structures in one patient). MR depicted not only the abnormalities intrinsic to callosal agenesis but also the frequently associated malformations of the limbic system.  相似文献   
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