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Zusammenfassung Die «Prospektive Cardiovascular Münster» (PROCAM)-Studie wird seit 1979 bei Betriebsangehörigen im Raum Westfalen durchgeführt. Bis zum Ende der Rekrutierungsphase (Jahresende 1985) haben 20060 Personen beiderlei Geschlechts von 17 bis 65 Jahren an der Untersuchung teilgenommen. Die Untersuchung zu Beginn der Beobachtungszeit umfasst eine Anamnese nach standardisiertem Fragebogen, die Messung von Blutdruck und anthropometrischen Grössen, ein EKG sowie eine Blutentnahme nach zwölfstündiger Nahrungskarenz.Bei einer Längsschnittauswertung von Männern im Alter von 40 bis 65 Jahren, die zu Beginn noch keinen Herzinfarkt oder Schlaganfall erlitten hatten und einheitlich vier Jahre nachbeobachtet wurden, traten 73 Herzinfarkte oder koronare Todesfälle innerhalb des Beobachtungszeitraumes auf, während 2681 Probanden ohne Herzinfarkt oder Schlaganfall den Zeitraum überlebten.Durch eine Hyper/Dyslipoproteinämie (Cholesterin > = 300 mg/dl oder Cholesterin und/oder Triglyzeride > = 200 mg/dl und gleichzeitig HDL-Cholesterin unter 35 mg/dl) sowie einer multiplen logistischen Funktion unter Berücksichtigung der Parameter Alter, HDL-Cholesterin, Cholesterin, systolischer Blutdruck sowie der ja-nein Merkmale Zigarettenrauchen, Diabetes melliutus, Herzinfarkt in der Familie und Angina pectoris gelang es, jeweils ein Risikokollektiv abzugrenzen, das bei einer Prävalenz von unter 20% über zwei Drittel aller Inzidenzen umfasste. Als bester prädiktiver Einzelparameter erwies sich das HDL-Cholesterin.
Results of the Prospective Cardiovascular Münster (PROCAM) study
Summary In the Prospective Cardiovascular Münster(PROCAM) study since 1979 employees have been examined for cardiovascular risk factors and held under observation for the onset of clinically significant signs of atherosclerosis (myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary death). Until the end of recruitment (end of 1985) 20060 male and female employees aged 17–65 from 52 industrial companies in Westfalia have participated. The voluntary examination at the start of the observation period includes a standardised questionnaire, a physical examination, blood pressure measurements and an ECG. Blood samples are taken after an overnight fast.The data presented here describe the longitudinal evaluation of initially healthy men aged 40 to 65 who had suffered no myocardial infarction or stroke before the examination. In an uniform follow-up period of four years 73 myocardial infarctions and coronary deaths were observed while 2681 men had survived without myocardial infarction or stroke.By far the best single parameter for establishing a risk group was HDL cholesterol. Using the characteristic hyper/dyslipoproteinemia which means cholesterol > = 300mg/dl or HDL cholesterol < 35mg/dl combined with cholesterol > = 200mg/dl and/or triglyceride > = 200 mg/dl or a multiple logistic function including age. cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris and a family history of myocardial infarction patients at high risk for coronary heart disease could be identified. More than two thirds of new events happened in each of these high risk subgroups, which comprise less than 20 percent of men under consideration each.

Résultats de l'étude prospective de Münster (PROCAM)
Résumé Dans cette étude, les employés de différentes entreprises de Westphalie ont été examinés: environ 20000 personnes des deux sexes, âgées de 17 à 65 ans ont été recrutées pour cette étude (jusqu'à la fin de 1985). L'observation porte sur une anamnèse standardisée, sur la mesure de la pression sanguine et de différentes valeurs anthropométriques, un ECG et un examen sanguin suivant 12 heures de jeûne. Les données présentées ici concernent l'évaluation de la cohorte des hommes en bonne santé, âgés de 40 à 65 ans, qui n'avaient eu aucun accident cardiovasculaire avant le premier examen. Durant une période de suivi uniforme de 4 ans, 73 infarctus ou décès ont été observés, alors que 2681 hommes ont survécu. Le meilleur paramètre prédicteur pour établir un groupe à risque est, de loin, le cholestérol HDL. En utilisant les caractéristiques de l'hyper/ dyslipoprotéinémie (cholestérol > 300 mg/dl ou cholestérol HDL < 35 mg/dl, combiné avec un cholestérol > 200 mg/dl ou/et des triglycérides > 200 mg/dl) et une fonction de régression logistique multiple prenant en compte l'âge, le cholestérol HDL, le cholestérol, la pression systolique, le tabagisme, le diabète sucré, l'anamnèse familiale de coronaropathies, il est possible de caractériser un groupe à risque élevé: deux tiers des événements cardiovasculaires surviennent dans ce groupe, alors qu'ils ne concernent que 20% de la population masculine observés.
The metabolism of chemical carcinogens was investigated in liverpreparations from 28 captive woodchucks (Marmotamonax). Of these,23 were naturally infected with the wood-chuck hepatitis virus(WHV), and eight also had primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC).Twenty-nine parameters were investigated in liver subcelhilarfractions, including cross-reactivity with HBsAg, and biochemicalparameters, such as -glutamyl transpeptidase, cytochrome P-450and mirosomal monooxygenases (aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase,ethodycoumarin and ethoxyresorufin deethylases, amino-pyrineand dimethylnitrosamine demethylases, and testosterone 7-and16ß- and 6ß-hydroxylases), uridine 5'-diphos-phoglucuronosyltransferase, GSH and related enzymes (peroxidase, reductaseand S-transferase), as well as other cytosolic enzyme activities(glucose 6-phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenases,NADPH- and NADH-dependent diaphorases, and DT diaphorase). Inaddition, liver preparations were used in order to quantifythe metabolic activation into bacterial mutagens of five procarcinogens(aflatoxin B1, the pyrolysis products Trp-P-2 and MelQ, 2-aminofluoreneand dimethylnitrosamine) and the decrease of potency of threedirect-acting mutagens (sodium di-chromate, ICR 191 and 4-nitroquinoline1-oxide). WHV infection produced a significant stimulation ofcarcinogen metabolism, as shown by the simultaneous change indetoxification parameters (GSH depletion) and activation indices(enhancement of microsomal monooxygenases and of pro-carcinogenactivation into mutagenic metabolites). There were no significantdifferences between WHV-positive samples from animals, withoutPHC and the noncancerous tissue of PHC-bearing animals, whereasa decrease of both activation and detoxification indices wasrecorded in the turmorous tissue. There was a considerable interindividualvariability among WHV carriers, which was tentatively ascribedto genetic factors. Pregnancy was the only known factor influencingthe results in WHV carriers. However, even by excluding pregnantanimals, the effects on carcinogen metabolism produced by WHVinfection were still statistically significant. These results,together with previous data obtained in humans, revealed thatmetabolic factors may play a role in the synergism between viralhepatitis and chemical hepato-carcinogens in the etiopathogenesisof PHC.  相似文献   
Astrocytes are capable of regulated release of messenger molecules. Astrocytes cultured from new born rodent brain express a variety of classical presynaptic proteins. We investigated the question whether the capability to express synaptic proteins in culture was a feature only of immature astrocytes, and whether these proteins were also expressed by astrocytes in situ. Experiments were performed with transgenic mice expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein under the control of the human glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter. Using double fluorescence and astrocytes cultured from 1 to 16 day-old animals we show that the astrocytic expression of synaptic proteins in culture is invariant of the age of donor animals. Culturing can induce the astrocytic expression of specific synaptic proteins such as SV2, synaptophysin and SNAP-25. Astrocytes in brain sections of 1-16 day-old animals revealed a punctuate immunofluorescence for secretory carrier membrane protein (SCAMP), SNAP-23, synaptobrevin II, and cellubrevin, to a minor extent for SNAP-25 and synaptophysin, and none for SV2. Our results demonstrate that cultured astrocytes express synaptic proteins not present in situ. Nevertheless, astrocytic organelles in situ are equipped with molecules that could be involved in regulated exocytosis of messenger substances.  相似文献   
We studied vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in bone marrow sections obtained from 3 healthy donors and 41 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) of various French-American-British (FAB) subtypes by immunohistochemical analysis using an anti-VEGF antibody. In normal bone marrow, the anti-VEGF antibody reacted with myeloid progenitor cells and megakaryocytes but not with erythroid cells or mature granulocytic cells. High levels of VEGF were found in the bone marrow in patients with AML-M1, -M2, -M3, -M4, -M4Eo, and -M5. In these leukemias, the vast majority of myeloblasts (> 90%) expressed VEGF. By contrast, in AML-M0, the percentage of VEGF-positive blasts was lower in most cases (median, 42%), and if at all detectable, these blast cells contained only trace amounts of VEGF. In AML-M3 and -M4Eo, maturing granulocytes failed to express VEGF similar to granulocytes in normal bone marrow. In AML-M6, myeloblasts exhibited VEGF, whereas erythroid cells did not. In AML-M7, blast cells and megakaryocytes were identified as major sources of VEGF. In summary, VEGF expression in the bone marrow is restricted to certain stages of differentiation and maturation of myeloid cells and correlates with the FAB category.  相似文献   
Summary The spontaneous contractions of segments of rat portal veins have been examined in vitro under isotonic and isometric conditions. The power density spectra of recorded time series lasting 10–60 min were calculated. The spectra usually consist of harmonic frequency components. Only during shorter periods of analysis (10 min time series) we sometimes found additional non-harmonic components. All frequency components are proportionally shifted by changes of the bath temperature according to an average Q10 of 2.0. Increase of the load decreases the frequency of the contractions.The results of the spectral analysis, indicating a preponderance of a single source of periodicity, were supported by direct evidence of a pacemaker region. By recording contractions after systematic dissections of the portal vein segment, we found that spontaneous activity is generated at the central end of the segment.This work was supported by the Austrian Research Fund  相似文献   
A radioimmunoassay (RIA) which depends on the property of protein A ofStaphylococcus aureus to combine with the Fc-fragment of immunoglobulins was developed.This technique was employed to measure antibodies in human and various animal sera. It could be demonstrated that the staphylococcal RIA was at least as sensitive as the previously described radioimmunoprecipitation technique in detecting antibodies toM.pneumoniae in human sera. In addition, antibodies toM.pneumoniae could be demonstrated in sera of hamsters intranasally inoculated with the organisms. Antibodies could also be demonstrated in rabbit sera after immunization withM.pneumoniae. The test proved to be considerably more sensitive than conventional tests for detection of antibodies to the organisms. The test requires only small amounts of reagents and is relatively inexpensive.The results were presented in a preliminary form at the annual meeting of the Local Branch of the American Society for Microbiology, Frankfurt, March 1976 and the 77th ordinary meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Glasgow, September 1976  相似文献   
The prevalence of allergic diseases has been increasing continuously and, accordingly, there is a great desire to evaluate the allergenic potential of components in our daily environment (e.g., food). Although there is almost no scientific evidence that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) exhibit increased allergenicity compared with the corresponding wild type significant concerns have been raised regarding this matter. In principle, it is possible that the allergenic potential of GMOs may be increased due to the introduction of potential foreign allergens, to potentially upregulated expression of allergenic components caused by the modification of the wild type organism or to different means of exposure. According to the current practice, the proteins to be introduced into a GMO are evaluated for their physiochemical properties, sequence homology with known allergens and occasionally regarding their allergenic activity. We discuss why these current rules and procedures cannot predict or exclude the allergenicity of a given GMO with certainty. As an alternative we suggest to improve the current evaluation by an experimental comparison of the wild-type organism with the whole GMO regarding their potential to elicit reactions in allergic individuals and to induce de novo sensitizations. We also recommend that the suggested assessment procedures be equally applied to GMOs as well as to natural cultivars in order to establish effective measures for allergy prevention.  相似文献   
In light of evidence of linkage of obesity to chromosome 2q31-q37, we hypothesized that the calpain-10 gene 'high-risk' haplotype combination for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is involved in early onset obesity. We screened the NIDDM 'high-risk'-haplotype combination formed by the alleles 112 and 121 of the polymorphisms UCSNP-43, -19, and -63 in 166 families consisting of an extremely obese child or adolescent (mean BMI percentile: 99.3+/-1.38), one or more obese sibs (mean BMI percentile: 97.42+/-2.88), and both of their parents. Genotyping for three calpain-10 gene polymorphisms was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with (a) length polymorphism detection (UCSNP-19) or (b) allele-specific PCR (UCSNP-43 and -63). To allow for correct haplotype assignment all individuals were additionally genotyped for two microsatellite markers (D2S125 and D2S2338). We followed a hierarchical test procedure. As the first step, model-free linkage analysis was performed using maximum likelihood binomial statistics. The second stage consisted of a one-sided asymptotic pedigree disequilibrium test for the UCSNP-43 and on an exploratory level for the other SNP-markers and all haplotypes formed by the three SNPs. The final stage investigated the reported haplotype combination. We failed to detect an initial linkage of obesity to this region (LOD score <0.4). All subsequent exploratory analyses were negative. Our analysis of the relationship between the NIDDM 'high-risk' haplotype combination and extreme early onset obesity revealed no evidence for linkage and association.  相似文献   
In the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, as in most fungi, little is known about the efficiency of the asexual transmission of optional mitochondrial plasmids, vertically through conidia, and horizontally through hyphal anastomoses. In this paper, we show that pCRY1, a circular mitochondrial plasmid, is transmitted vertically with 100%-efficiency through conidia. Moreover, the plasmid is transmitted horizontally through hyphal contact from donor strains to vegetatively compatible and most incompatible strains. An allelic difference between the donor and recipient strain, at only one of the five nuclear incompatibility genes that were tested strongly inhibited, but did not absolutely prevent, the transfer of pCRY1 through hyphal fusions. In contrast, allelic differences in any one or several of the other four heterokaryon-compatibility loci suppressed the transmission of the plasmid only partially or not at all. The plasmid was also transmitted among incompatible strains by protoplast fusion without the concomitant transfer of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). A comparison of plasmid-bearing with plasmid-free isogenic strains revealed that pCRY1 significantly diminishes the pathogenic potency of some strains of the fungus, but does not affect the virulence of others. Collectively, the observations indicate that the introduction of deleterious mitochondrial genetic elements into natural populations may be a means for managing fungal pathogens. Received: 22 August 1999 / 9 December 1999  相似文献   
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