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Summary Previously reported studies have shown clear differences among strains of inbred mice in response to a variety of novel situations and to certain pharmacologic agents. The purpose of the present study was to test the tenability of the hypothesis that such behavioral differences between genetically distinct groups may be a function of arousal system differences. To achieve this objective while using a pharmacologic method, the investigators assumed: (1) that the state of arousal of the organism is isomorphic to the effects of certain depressant and excitatory drugs; and (2) that a direct relation exists between quantitative differences in overt behavior and the cumulative effects of the drug. Four drugs were selected which could produce measurable changes on an arousal continuum from sleep (pentobarbital), through quiescence (chlorpromazine) and alertness (amphetamine), to convulsions (pentylenetetrazol). Similarly, four strains of mice were selected which show related differences in normal activity: BALB/c, C3H/An, DBA/2, and C57BL/6.Although significant strain differences appeared in base-activity levels as well as in the responses to the standard doses of the drugs and of the placebo, only the responses to pentobarbital and amphetamine were entirely consistent with an arousal hypothesis. The duration of the effect of pentylenetetrazol was also consistent but the latency of that effect was not. At best, the effect of chlorpromazine was that of a mild stimulant, contrary to the justification for its inclusion in this study. Clearly the rigid adherence to any one theoretical orientation in the interpretation of strain-activity phenomena is premature.This research was supported by an AEC contract, No. AT (40-1)-2186, with Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.  相似文献   
Abstract:The Chesapeake Bay osprey population has more than doubled in size since restrictions were placed on the production and use of DDT and other toxic organochlorine contaminants in the 1970s. Ospreys are now nesting in the most highly polluted portions of the Bay. In 2000 and 2001, contaminant exposure and reproduction were monitored in ospreys nesting in regions of concern, including Baltimore Harbor and the Patapsco River, the Anacostia and middle Potomac rivers, and the Elizabeth River, and a presumed reference site consisting of the South, West, and Rhode rivers. A sample egg from each study nest was collected for contaminant analysis, and the fate of eggs remaining in each nest (n = 14–16/site) was monitored at 7- to 10-day intervals from egg incubation through fledging of young. Ospreys fledged young in regions of concern (observed success: 0.88–1.53 fledglings/active nest), although productivity was marginal for sustaining local populations in Baltimore Harbor and the Patapsco River and in the Anacostia and middle Potomac rivers. Concentrations of p,p-DDE and many other organochlorine pesticides or metabolites, total PCBs, some arylhydrocarbon receptor-active PCB congeners and polybrominated diphenyl ether congeners, and perfluorooctanesulfonate were often greater in sample eggs from regions of concern compared to the reference site. Nonetheless, logistic regression analyses did not provide evidence linking marginal productivity to p,p-DDE, total PCBs, or arylhydrocarbon receptor-active PCB congener exposure in regions of concern. In view of the moderate concentrations of total PCBs in eggs from the reference site, concerns related to new and emerging toxicants, and the absence of ecotoxicological data for terrestrial vertebrates in many Bay tributaries, a more thorough spatial evaluation of contaminant exposure in ospreys throughout the Chesapeake may be warranted.  相似文献   
We describe a non-invasive approach for recovering RNA from the surface of skin via a simple tape stripping procedure that permits a direct quantitative and qualitative assessment of pathologic and physiologic biomarkers. Using semi-quantitative RT-PCR we show that tape-harvested RNA is comparable in quality and utility to RNA recovered by biopsy. It is likely that tape-harvested RNA is derived from epidermal cells residing close to the surface and includes adnexal structures and present data showing that tape and biopsy likely recover different cell populations. We report the successful amplification of tape-harvested RNA for hybridization to DNA microarrays. These experiments showed no significant gene expression level differences between replicate sites on a subject and minimal differences between a male and female subject. We also compared the array generated RNA profiles between normal and 24 h 1% SLS-occluded skin and observed that SLS treatment resulted in statistically significant changes in the expression levels of more than 1,700 genes. These data establish the utility of tape harvesting as a non-invasive method for capturing RNA from human skin and support the hypothesis that tape harvesting is an efficient method for sampling the epidermis and identifying select differentially regulated epidermal biomarkers.  相似文献   
Aging,physical activity,and cognitive processing: an examination of P300   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Physical activity appears to attenuate the decline of cognitive function typically observed in older men and women. The P300 component of the event-related potential (ERP) is particularly affected by aging and allows for basic neurobiological assessment of cognitive function. Three aspects of the P300 component (i.e. latency, amplitude, and area under the curve (AUC)), elicited by an oddball task, were derived to assess cognitive function in young and older participants (N=73) who were further classified as high- and low-active. The low-active elderly participants exhibited larger AUC values than those observed in all other groups which were undifferentiated. That is, the high-active elderly and the young participants exhibited smaller AUC values than the low-active older group. In conclusion, higher levels of physical activity in the elderly may be associated with a reduction in the neural resources allocated in response to simple cognitive challenge. This interpretation is consistent with the concept of psychomotor efficiency proposed by Hatfield and Hillman [The psychophysiology of sport: a mechanistic understanding of the psychology of superior performance. In: Singer RN, Hausenbias HA, Janelle CM, editors. Handbook of sport psychology. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley; 2001, p. 362-88].  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to highlight the diagnostic challenge of this elusive rare disease. A retrospective study of non-tuberculous spinal epidural abscesses (SEA) was carried out in Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, and Morriston Hospital, Swansea, from 1990 to 2000. Thirty-nine patients, consisting of 20 females and 19 males, with an age range from 20 to 85 years (mean: 61.1) were identified. Thirty-eight had localized back/neck pain. Eighteen were apyrexial. Twenty-nine demonstrated neurological deficit. All patients had raised inflammatory markers and gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was diagnostic in 34. The most commonly identified organism was Staphylococcus aureus. All underwent surgical decompression, of which 13 required stabilization. Three died, seven lacked sphincter control and nine had motor deficit at the end of 1 year. It was concluded that fever is not mandatory for the diagnosis of SEA. Patients with localized back/neck pain and raised inflammatory markers need urgent MRI.  相似文献   
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