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Eight patients with cutaneous T cell lymphomas (CTCL) and five with various other T cell malignancies were treated with mouse monoclonal antibody (MoAb) T101. Doses of 1 to 500 mg were administered weekly over a two-hour period and resulted in one complete remission (convoluted T cell lymphoma) and one partial remission (CTCL). Remission duration was 6 weeks and 3 months, respectively. Frequent toxicities were pruritus, hives, flushing, and shortness of breath. Supraventricular arrhythmias and blood pressure instability were also observed. Complete targeting of peripheral blood T cells was achieved with 1 mg of MoAb in the nonleukemic patients (WBC less than 10,000/microL), and free, bioavailable antibody was present at the next (10-mg) dose level. Even higher doses resulted in substantial antibody excess that persisted for as long as 6 weeks. Serum concentrations of MoAb decreased with increasing number of peripheral blood T cells, and 25 to 35 mg of T101 were required for induction of antibody excess in leukemic patients. Excess antibody induced antigenic modulation, which was of consequence only if MoAb excess persisted to the next treatment. In the original treatment, the rapidly administered MoAb was able to target and remove peripheral blood T cells before the development of antigenic modulation. Antimouse antibodies developed in three patients. Their presence rendered further therapy ineffective and was associated with an anaphylactic reaction in one patient. Development of these antibodies could not be predicted by lymphoproliferative assays. In these assays, however, the T101 protein strongly stimulated the mononuclear cells of the patient who reached the only complete remission of this trial. Immunologic stimulation by the MoAb thus might have played a role in this patient's antitumor response. In summary, therapy with MoAb T101 was specific but only modestly efficacious. Rapid infusion of nonmodulating doses of antibody provided excellent targeting and removal of peripheral blood T cells and might be a valid approach in future trials with immunoconjugated T101.  相似文献   
Guan  XY; Horsman  D; Zhang  HE; Parsa  NZ; Meltzer  PS; Trent  JM 《Blood》1996,88(4):1418-1422
Deletion of the long arm of chromosome 6 (6q) is one of the most common chromosomal alterations in human B-cell lymphomas. Conventional cytogenetic banding analysis and loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) studies have detected several common regions of deletion ranging across the entire long arm (6q), with no defined recurrent breakpoint yet identified. We describe here a strategy combining chromosome microdissection and fluorescence in situ hybridization (Micro-FISH) to determine a minimal region of deletion along chromosome 6. Seven clinical cases and one cell line of follicular lymphoma containing a t(14;18) and one case of diffuse lymphoma, also with a t(14;18), were used for this study. All nine cases had previously defined abnormalities of chromosome 6 determined by cytogenetic analysis. The results of chromosome dissection were unexpected and in contrast to the suggestion of disparate breakpoints by conventional chromosome banding. Specifically, Micro-FISH analysis provided evidence for a common breakpoint at 6q11 in seven of nine cases. After Micro-FISH analysis, all of the presumed simple deletions of chromosome 6 were carefully reanalyzed and shown to actually represent either nonreciprocal translocations (three cases), interstitial deletions (five cases), or isochromosome (one case). The recurrent proximal breakpoint (6q11) was detected in seven of nine cases, with the minimal region of deletion encompassing 6q11 to 6q21. By analogy to other tumor systems, the identification of recurring breakpoints within 6q11 may suggest that a gene(s) important to the genesis or progression of follicular lymphoma can be localized to this band region.  相似文献   
Adams  PS  Jr 《Radiology》1984,153(3):647-648
A fistula formed between the common iliac artery and the ureter following balloon dilatation of the distal ureter and stent placement in the presence of an ileal conduit. Possible causes are discussed.  相似文献   
SUMMARY Ninety-five patients (63 male, 32 female), age 45±2 years(mean±SEM) with chronic renal failure of varied aetiologywere randomized to receive either a conventional low proteindiet (0.6 g/kg/day protein, 800 mg phosphate; n=33), a low phosphatediet (providing approximately 1000 mg phosphate plus an orallyadministered phosphate binder, minimum protein intake 0.8 g/kg/day;n=30) or to control (minimum protein intake 0.8 g/kg/day, nophosphate restriction; n=32). Patients were reviewed for a minimumof 6 months before randomization and were withdrawn from thestudy if plasma creatinine exceeded 900 µmol/1, plasmaphosphate was > 2.0 mmol/1 or at the onset of uraemic symptoms. Following randomization patients were studied for an averageof 19±3 months. Mean plasma creatinine rose from 398±33to 600±50 µmol/1. Dietary protein intake was estimatedat 0.69±0.02 g/kg/day in the low protein group, 1.02±0.05in the low phosphate and 1.14±0.05 in the controls, phosphateintake was 815±43, 1000± 47, and 1315±57mg/day, respectively. Urinary urea excretion and protein catabolicrates were significantly reduced (p<0.01) only in those onprotein restriction, at 213±9 mmol/24 hours and 0.71g/kg/day, respectively. Phosphate excretion was significantlylower (p<0.05) in both the low protein group (17.9±0.8mmol/24 hours) and the low phosphate group (18.6±1.0mmol/24 hours) compared to controls. Changes in body weight,muscle mass and serum transferrin, albumin and immunoglobulinswere comparable between the groups. Mean blood pressure followingrandomization was 150/89±3/1 (low protein), 148/87±3/1(low phosphate) and 146/87±3/1 (controls). Progression of renal failure was analysed by rate of fall ofcreatinine clearance (ml/min/ 1.73 m2/month), by rate of deteriorationderived from reciprocal plasma creatinine against time plots(1/mmol/year) and to assess individual patient's response totreatment by two phase linear regression (‘breakpoint’)analysis of reciprocal plasma creatinine/time plots. Progressionwas analysed only in patients seen for at least 3 months followingrandomization. The rate of fall of creatinine clearance was not significantlydifferent between the groups (ANOVA): 0.56±0.08 ml/min/1.73m2/month (low protein, n=28), 0.44±0.07 (low phosphate,n=23) and 0.69±0.11 (control, n=27). In 50 patients (18low protein, 16 low phosphate and 16 control) whose rate ofprogression could be calculated before and after randomization,there was a fall in rate of progression averaging 0.18 ml/min/1.73m2/month in those on low protein diet and those on low phosphatediet, but a rise of 0.08 in the controls. These differenceswere, however, not statistically significant. Similar resultswere obtained when the rates of deterioration were calculatedfrom plasma creatinine. Significant individual improvements(p<0.01) in rates of progression by ‘breakpoint’analysis occurred in 17 patients: six on low protein, sevenon low phosphate and in four controls. Sixty-one (72 per cent)of the patients examined by this method showed no significantchange in the rate of progression while seven patients had acceleratedprogression. There was no difference in the requirement formaintenance dialysis facilities between groups. No significant benefit of protein and phosphate restrictionwas therefore demonstrated.  相似文献   
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