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In post-dilution haemodiafiltration only synthetic membranes have been used to date. Asymmetric cellulose triacetate (ATA?) is now available, whose characteristics are suitable for this technique.


To describe the in vivo performance and behaviour of this membrane, to identify its depurative effectiveness, use in clinical practice and its biocompatibility, both acute and after one month of treatment.


Observational prospective study of 23 patients who were dialysed for 4 weeks using an ATA? membrane and who maintained their prior regimen.


A total of 287 sessions were performed and 264 complete sessions were collected. With an effective time of 243.7 (17.6) min and a mean blood flow of 371.7 (23) ml/min, an average Kt of 56.3 (5.3) l was observed, as well as a convection volume of 27.1 (4.2) l, a filtration fraction of 29.9 (3.7) %, a urea reduction ratio (RR) of 81 (5.2) %, a creatinine RR of 74.7 (4.6) %, a β2-microglobulin RR of 76.5 (4.8) % and a retinol binding protein RR of 18.6 (7.6) %. There were no technical problems or alarms. Changing the heparin dosage was not necessary. No increases in C3a or C5a concentrations or leukopenia were observed in the first 30 min of the session. Neither the monocyte subpopulations nor IL-β1 or IL-6 were significantly altered after one month of treatment.


The new ATA? membrane achieves adequate Kt and convection volume, without technical problems and with good biocompatibility and inflammatory profiles. It is therefore a valid option for post-dilution haemodiafiltration, particularly in patients allergic to synthetic membranes.  相似文献   
Endocan expression is increasingly studied in various human cancers. Experimental evidence showed that human endocan, through its glycan chain, is implicated in various processes of tumor growth. We functionally characterize mouse endocan which is also a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan but much less glycanated than human endocan. Distant domains from the O-glycanation site, located within exons 1 and 2 determine the glycanation pattern of endocan. In opposite to the human homologue, overexpression of mouse endocan in HT-29 cells delayed the tumor appearance and reduced the tumor growth rate. This tumor growth inhibition is supported by non glycanated form of mouse endocan. Non glycanated human endocan overexpressed in HT-29, A549 or K1000 cells also exhibited an anti-tumor effect. Moreover, systemic delivery of non glycanated human endocan also results in HT-29 tumor growth delay. In vitro, endocan polypeptide did not affect HT-29 cell proliferation, nor cell viability. In tumor tissue sections, a stromal inflammatory reaction was observed only in tumors overexpressing endocan polypeptide, and depletion of CD122+ cells was able to delete partially the anti-tumor effect of endocan polypeptide. These results reveal a novel pathway for endocan in the control of tumor growth, which involves inflammatory cells of the innate immunity.  相似文献   
Semantics, phonology, and syntax are essential elements of aphasia diagnosis and treatment. Until now, these linguistic components have not been specifically addressed in follow-up studies of aphasia recovery after stroke. The aim of this observational prospective follow-up study was to investigate semantic, phonological, and syntactic recovery in aphasic stroke patients. In addition, we investigated the recovery of verbal communication and of aphasia severity. We assessed 147 aphasic patients at 1, 2, and 6 weeks, 3 and 6 months, and 1 year after stroke with the ScreeLing, a screening test for detecting deficits on the three main linguistic components, the aphasia severity rating scale (ASRS), a measure of verbal communication, and the Token test, a measure of aphasia severity. We investigated the differences in scores between the six time points with mixed models. Semantics and syntax improved up to 6 weeks (p < 0.001) after stroke, and phonology up to 3 months (p ≤ 0.001). ASRS improved up to 6 months (p < 0.05) and the Token test up to 3 months (p < 0.001). We conclude that in aphasia after stroke, various linguistic components have a different recovery pattern, with phonology showing the longest period of recovery that paralleled aphasia severity, as measured with the Token test. The improvement of verbal communication continues after the stabilization of the recovery of the linguistic components.  相似文献   
Alternative splicing of pre‐mRNAs can rapidly regulate the expression of large groups of proteins. The RNA binding protein TRA2B (SFRS10) plays well‐established roles in developmentally regulated alternative splicing during Drosophila sexual differentiation. TRA2B is also essential for mammalian embryogenesis and is implicated in numerous human diseases. Precise regulation of alternative splicing is critical to the development and function of the central nervous system; however, the requirements for specific splicing factors in neurogenesis are poorly understood. This study focuses on the role of TRA2B in mammalian brain development. We show that, during murine cortical neurogenesis, TRA2B is expressed in both neural progenitors and cortical projection neurons. Using cortex‐specific Tra2b mutant mice, we show that TRA2B depletion results in apoptosis of the neural progenitor cells as well as disorganization of the cortical plate. Thus, TRA2B is essential for proper development of the cerebral cortex. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:372–392, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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