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Thirty-seven children treated for bacterial meningitis with ampicillin in high doses were followed up with audiometric control. Defects were recorded in 6 cases. Two of these were ascribed to chronic otosalpingitis. In 4 patients with sensorineural hearing loss, 3 were unilateral, and in only one case was the damage bilateral. Even here there was a previous history of hearing loss. A suggested ototoxicity of ampicillin could not be confirmed.  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetic behaviour of alcuronium was studied in threepatients undergoing resection of an aortic aneurysm, and inanother two patients undergoing total hip replacement (groupI). A control group of five elderly patients undergoing relativelyminor surgery was included (group II). In group I patients,the values of the pharmacokinetic parameters such as plasmaclearance, elimination half-life and the apparent volume ofdistribution of the drug were found to be comparable to thoseobtained in normal young patients in previous studies. The groupII patients, however, were found to have a prolonged eliminationhalf-life as a result of reduced plasma clearance, possiblyan age-related effect. The differences between these two groupsof patients may be explained by the differences in the extentof haemorrhage and fluid replacement or changes in blood circulation,or both. However, alcuronium must still be used cautiously inboth groups of patients, especially in the light of a recentfinding that patients undergoing aortic reconstructive surgeryhave a high frequency of functional renal failure after operation.  相似文献   
赫梅生 《药学学报》1964,11(1):30-35
国外文献关于北五味子对条件反射的影响说法不一。本工作就此问题作某些探讨。以拍节音作为条件刺激结合食物强化对犬形成阳性条件反射,而后使其消退,并观察不同剂量的北五味子对消退抑制的影响。实验证明,在条件反射消退初期,对犬使用小剂量(0.03克/公斤)的北五味子能减弱消退抑制;0.05克/公斤时效果不定;0.1—0.2克/公斤时能加强消退抑制.但当消退抑制已巩固形成后,则北五味子不论剂量大小皆不表现任何影响。小剂量北五味子对消退抑制的影响在表现上与咖啡碱相似,但较后者为弱,因为后者当消退抑制巩固形成后仍能使消退抑制减弱。  相似文献   
Boxing is an official sport at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the fast development of world-class high strength training and sport science has made a significant impact on scientific training. Boxing needs high cardio-respiratory function, speed, muscle strength, and anaerobic and intensive physical demands including weight control covering the grading of athlete's.  相似文献   
JULIA HO  MD    GEORGE HRUZA  MD 《Dermatologic surgery》2007,33(12):1430-1433
BACKGROUND Postoperative bleeding can lead to complications such as hematoma, infection, dehiscence, and an unscheduled office visit. Topical hemostatic agents can be used to aid in hemostasis.
OBJECTIVE The objective is to familiarize physicians with topical hemostatic agents—hydrophilic polymers with potassium salts (Urgent QR powder) and microporous polysaccharide hemispheres (Bleed-X).
METHODS Two hemostatic agents, microporous polysaccharide hemospheres and hydrophilic polymers with potassium salt, are discussed. The literature is reviewed.
RESULTS Numerous types of hemostatic agents exist. Topical hemostatic agents are safe, cost-effective, and efficient.
CONCLUSION Microporous polysaccharide hemospheres and hydrophilic polymers with potassium salts can be an adjunct to hemostasis after cautery and ligation. Patients can apply hemostatic agents if they experience any bleeding leading to decreased office visits. Hemostatic agents used intraoperatively shorten bleeding time and enable the physician to use less cautery. Using hemostatic agents can lead to fewer hematomas, infections, and office visits.  相似文献   
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