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In three groups of 10 patients, we have studied the effect onthe cardiovascular responses to laryngoscopy and intubationof bolus doses of saline or trimetaphan 0.05 mg kg–1 or0.1 mg kg–1 given 1.75 min before the start of laryngoscopy.Anaesthesia was induced with thiopentone 5 mg kg–1 i.v.and tracheal intubation was facilitated with vecuronium 0.2mg kg–1. During anaesthesia, ventilation was assistedor controlled with 1% enflurane and 50% nitrous oxide in oxygen.Patients receiving saline showed a significant increase in meanarterial pressure and rate-pressure product associated withtracheal intubation. These increases following tracheal intubationwere less in trimetaphan-treated patients compared with thoseof the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant differencein heart rate following tracheal intubation between the threegroups. These data suggest that trimetaphan may be used as asupplement during induction, to attenuate the hypertensive responseassociated with laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to investigate the ocular membrane permeability and the permeation mechanism of hydrophilic drugs such as thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), p-nitrophenyl β-cellopentaoside (PNP) and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). The penetration of hydrophilic drugs was measured across the isolated corneal and conjunctival membranes of albino rabbits using a two-chamber diffusion glass cell. The corneal permeabilities of hydrophilic drugs were much lower than those of beta blockers reported previously. The corneal penetration of TRH was the highest among the hydrophilic drugs studied. Scraping the corneal epithelium increased the penetration of hydrophilic drugs. Conjunctival membranes showed higher permeability to hydrophilic drugs compared with corneal membranes. The permeability of drugs was also analysed by Fick's equation. The partition parameter and diffusion parameter of TRH, PNP and LHRH in the cornea were lower than those in scraped cornea and conjunctiva. In addition to the data of fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran reported previously, the permeability coefficient of hydrophilic drugs through the cornea, scraped cornea and conjunctiva correlated with molecular weight of the drugs. The diffusion parameters of hydrophilic drugs decreased with an increase of molecular weight for all ocular membranes. The extent of dependency of partition parameters on the molecular weights of drugs varied according to the ocular membrane. These results indicate that ocular membranes are sufficiently different in permeation character and mechanism to control the extent and pathway for ocular absorption of hydrophilic drugs.  相似文献   
We performed radiofrequency current catheter ablation in two patients with nonischemic sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT). In one patient, two morphologically distinct VTs were induced by electrical stimulation. One showed right bundle branch block pattern and the other left bundle branch block pattern. The earliest site of activation during each VT was determined at the septum of the right ventricle. However, these two sites were close to the His-bundle elecfrogram recording area. In the other patient, a VT with a left bundle branch block pattern occurred spontaneously after the administration of isoproterenol. The earliest site of activation during VT was determined at the outflow tract of the right ventricle. During tachycardia, radiofrequency current ablation (40 W ± 30 sec) was delivered to the earliest site of activation, A few seconds after fulguration, each VT was terminated and additional radio-frequency currents were given near these sites. After the ablation, VT could not be induced by the electrical stimulations, nor did it recur. No side effects were observed and the atrioventricular conduction remained intact. We feel that nonischemic VTs could possibly be treated by using radiofrequency current catheter ablation.  相似文献   
To clarify the relationship between the direct transport from the rat nasal cavity to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the molecular weight of the drug, the transport of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled dextran (FD) with various molecular weights was investigated. FDs (average molecular weights 4400 (FD4); 9400 (FD10); 18 900 (FD20); 40 500 Da (FD40)) were administered nasally or intravenously to rats, and the concentrations in the plasma and the CSF were measured and compared. None of the FDs were detected in the CSF after intravenous administration. However, FD4, FD10 and FD20 were observed to appear in the CSF after nasal administration, whereas the concentration in the plasma was much lower than that after intravenous administration. FD40 was not detected even after nasal administration. In addition, the concentration of these FDs in the CSF decreased with the increase in the molecular weight of FDs. These findings show that drugs with a molecular weight up to at least 20 000 Da can be directly transported from the nasal cavity to the CSF and that the transport of FDs to the CSF is dependent on their molecular weights.  相似文献   
Pancreata of fetal, neonatal and adult cattle were studied immunohistochemically for galanin. The results revealed galanin-like immunoreactivity both in the endocrine cells and in the neural elements. The galanin-like immunoreactive endocrine cells (Gal-LIEC) were confined to the large islets, and were not observed in the islets of Langerhans and exocrine pancreas. They were first detected at the third prenatal month. Their developmental profile showed an increase from fetal to early neonatal stage with a subsequent decrease towards adulthood. The considerable number of Gal-LIEC from late prepartum to early postpartum stage may imply functional significance of galanin during the perinatal development of cattle. Coexistence of galanin and insulin was also observed which may suggest autocrine interaction between the 2 hormones.  相似文献   
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