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Abstract. A 38-year-old Japanese woman was hospitalized for susceptibility to respiratory tract infections. Clinical examinations revealed asymptomatic primary cholestasis, abnormally elevated immunoglobulin M (IgM) and antimitochondrial antibody, being consistent with asymptomatic primary biliary cirrhosis. Three years later her serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) decreased remarkably, whereas other immunoglobulins were unchanged. Immunological examinations on the peripheral blood lymphocytes demonstrated spontaneous over-synthesis of serum IgM and decreased synthesis of IgG due to abnormal function of both T and B cells. Our case suggests a new possible association between primary biliary cirrhosis and IgG deficiency.  相似文献   
Ocular membranes have been characterized by in-situ absorption of the ophthalmic β-blockers carteolol (hydrophilic) and timolol and befunolol (lipophilic) using a cylindrical cell. After introduction of drug solution into the cell on the cornea, sclera (bulbar conjunctival and scleral layer) or palpebral conjunctiva, the disappearance of the drug from the cell was determined as in-situ absorption. The ophthalmic drugs disappeared from the conjunctival and scleral membranes although disappearance from the cornea was hardly observed. The conjunctival membrane showed the highest permeability. Lipophilic drugs were more permeable than hydrophilic. In-situ apparent permeability coefficients of the ophthalmic drugs through the conjunctiva and sclera correlated with the lipophilicity of drugs. A high drug concentration in the aqueous humor was observed after corneal application. There is a relationship between concentrations of drugs in the aqueous humor and previously reported in-vitro apparent permeability coefficients of the drugs in the cornea. This in-situ method using a cylindrical cell is a useful method of investigating the ocular absorption of ophthalmic drugs.  相似文献   
Accidental transmission of contagious pathogens, especially hepatitis C virus (HCV), by needlestick or other means as an occupational hazard for medical staff is of concern. We retrospectively analysed cases of work-related accidental injury with pathogens such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), HCV, syphilis and human immunode?ciency virus (HIV) reported to the centres for disease control at 15 hospitals (total 5776 beds) in the Gunma prefecture, Japan, from December 1990 to August 1993 (24.7 months). There were 416 such cases (16.8 cases/month), with an incidence of 0.2–3.5 accidents per month per hospital. Such accidents occurred in 297 (71.2%) nurses, 98 (23.5%) medical doctors, 13 (3%) laboratory technicians, four (1.0%) hospital maintenance workers, one (0.2%) assistant nurse, one secretary and two others. There were 323 (77.6%) injuries caused by needlestick, 42 (10.1%) from suture needles or surgical knife cuts, 17 (4.1%) from blood splatters from patients into the eyes or mouth, 10 (2.4%) from contact with injured skin and 24 (5.8%) simple skin contacts. Of the pathogens, 60.3% were HCV, 22.6% HBV, 5.8% syphilis, 0.7% HIV and 10.6% were of unknown origin. Four cases (1.6%) of HCV infection were found and treated with one or two courses of interferon therapy, and HCV was subsequently cleared. All four patients were cured with interferon therapy. None of the HBV-injured cases resulted in infection, possibly because of prophylaxis with HB immunoglobulin and HB vaccine. No HIV or syphilis infection was contracted. In summary, chronic HCV infection acquired as an occupational hazard can be cured by appropriate treatment, such as with interferon, after early detection of the infection.  相似文献   
Interferon-related severe adverse events on the central nervous system are relatively rare, because interferon-alpha (INF-alpha) can not cross an intact blood-brain barrier. We experienced remarkable mental deterioration caused by INF-alpha administration in a 43-year-old man with renal cell carcinoma after surgical removal of a metastatic brain tumor. We detected a high concentration of INF-alpha in a cerebrospinal fluid sample, which was comparable to that in the serum at 24 h after the administration of INF-alpha; 5x10(6) IU i.m., suggesting that the blood-brain barrier was damaged somehow by the craniotomy. The mental deterioration improved shortly after discontinuation of the INF-alpha administration.  相似文献   
Abstract In a questionnaire survey among 1329 first-trimester pregnant women, both the husband support measures and unwanted pregnancy ('stressor' agent in pregnancy) showed significant effects on an elevated score of the cognitive disturbance subscale of the Zung's self-rating depression scale (SDS), while only unwanted pregnancies showed an effect on an elevated score of the dysphoric mood subscale of the SDS. However, no interaction was observed between the husband support measures and unwanted pregnancy, therefore the effect of the husband's social support on the cognitive disturbance score was not that of a buffer, but rather a main effector. Finally, multiple regression analyses showed that the dysphoric mood score was preceded by unwanted pregnancy, premenstrual irritability, public self-consciousness, and maternal overprotection; while the cognitive disturbance score was preceded by unwanted pregnancy, husband reduced 'given' and 'giving' support, maternal reduced care and overprotection, paternal reduced care, low annual income, low private self-consciousness, and smoking. These findings suggest that the husband's support for a pregnant woman is effective only in reducing cognitive symptoms, and that different symptomatic constellations have different sets of psychosocial correlates.  相似文献   
Multinucleate epidermal cells (MEC) originated from keratinocytes were observed histologically in 92 of 197 cases of non-neoplastic dermatoses, such as lupus erythematosus (26 of 70), lichenoid eruptions (26 of 47), Hailey-Hailey disease (5 of 5), psoriasis vulgaris (20 of 49) and so on. Most of these cells had two nuclei, and a few had three nuclei. MEC usually showed perinuclear bands of eosinophilic material which also showed positive staining for epidermal fibres (tonofilaments). In all cases of Hailey-Hailey disease, close correlation between formation of MEC and dyskeratotic tendency was observed. From these findings, it is concluded that the mechanism of formation of MEC in these dermatoses may be similar to that of Bowen's disease, in which dyskeratotic tonofilaments become entangled with the spindles of the mitotic apparatus so that normal cell division cannot take place. It seems likely that MEC are a manifestation not only of malignant dyskeratosis but also of benign one.  相似文献   
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