Radial shock waves therapy (RSWT) differs from extracorporeal shock waves therapy (ESWT) in that it produces a non-focused wave that is dissipated radially at the skin. Few studies have yet explored the effects of RSWT on bone tissue. Osteoblasts in culture flasks were studied by polymerase chain reaction after treatment with RSW (500 impulses, 0.05?mJ/mm2). An inhibited osteoblastogenesis was observed, with a statistically significant reduction in type 1 collagen, osterix, bone sialoprotein and receptor activator NF kappa ligand expression at 24 and 48?h, of osteocalcin at 24, 48 and 72?h, and osteopontin at 48 and 72?h. These findings show that RSWT is not indicated for treatment of delayed fracture union, pseudoarthrosis, and complex regional pain syndrome. The observed reduction in the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kB ligand/osteoprotegerin ratio suggests that it has an inhibiting effect on osteoclastogenesis, which could make it a useful tool for applications in proliferative diseases. 相似文献
Although it has been hypothesized that some of the somatic mutations found in tumors may occur before tumor initiation, there is little experimental or conceptual data on this topic. To gain insights into this fundamental issue, we formulated a mathematical model for the evolution of somatic mutations in which all relevant phases of a tissue’s history are considered. The model makes the prediction, validated by our empirical findings, that the number of somatic mutations in tumors of self-renewing tissues is positively correlated with the age of the patient at diagnosis. Importantly, our analysis indicates that half or more of the somatic mutations in certain tumors of self-renewing tissues occur before the onset of neoplasia. The model also provides a unique way to estimate the in vivo tissue-specific somatic mutation rates in normal tissues directly from the sequencing data of tumors. Our results have substantial implications for the interpretation of the large number of genome-wide cancer studies now being undertaken. 相似文献
The incidence and characteristics of cement-asbestos pneumoconiosis were compared with those of asbestosis and cement pneumoconiosis in three homogeneous samples of cases. The clinical, functional, and radiological features of cement-asbestos pneumoconiosis are similar to those of classical asbestosis, but the observed changes are less common and occur after a longer exposure. 相似文献
A 70-year-old man with a painful vertebral metastasis was treated with combined percutaneous cryoablation and vertebroplasty
therapy (CVT) in one session. The patient was suffering from diffuse visceral metastasized cholangiocarcinoma. After several
weeks of back pain, magnetic resonance imaging documented a single L2 bone metastasis. In consultation with the oncologists,
palliative combined CVT was administered with the aim of obtaining pain relief and bone stabilization. In our experience this
combined treatment is safe and effective for immediate pain relief in painful bone metastases when other standard palliative
treatments have failed. 相似文献
Cell-to-cell signal exchange during antigen presentation deeply influences the profile and extent of the immune response. Together with the TCR/MHC-mediated signal, accessory signals are provided to the T cell by the antigen-presenting cell (APC), through specific receptor-ligand interactions that represent indispensable costimulation for T-cell activation and survival. The main costimulatory pathways are the B7 family members and the CD40-CD154 receptor-ligand pair. B7-1 and B7-2 costimulate T-cells by binding to CD28. Their binding is prevented by the neoexpression of CTLA4, a CD28 homologue that can deliver a negative signal. Another CD28-like molecule, called ICOS (inducible costimulator), has been described and binds B7RP-1, a third member of the B7 family, but not B7-1 and B7-2. The CD40-CD154 interaction works as a two way costimulatory system by triggering activation signals to both T-cell and APCs. Its importance is highlighted by the discovery that mutations of the CD154 gene are responsible for a severe human immunodeficiency. Disruption of the natural costimulatory interaction was highly effective for prevention and treatment in several experimental models of autoimmune disease and transplant rejection. This review focuses on the most significant advances in understanding the physiopathological events involving costimulatory molecules, and their impact on renal diseases and transplantation. 相似文献
Background: Recently, various studies have questioned the efficacy of intraoperative acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) in reducing bleeding and the need for allogeneic transfusions in cardiac surgery. The aim of the present study was to reevaluate the effects of a low-volume ANH in elective, adult open-heart surgery.
Methods: Two hundred four consecutive adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery were prospectively randomized in a nonblinded manner into two groups: ANH group (103 patients), where 5-8 ml/kg of blood was withdrawn before systemic heparinization and replaced with colloid solutions, and a control group, where no hemodilution was performed (101 patients). Procedures included single and multiple valve surgery, aortic root surgery, coronary surgery combined with valve surgery, or partial left ventriculectomy. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of ANH in reducing the need for allogeneic blood components. Routine hematochemical evaluations, perioperative blood loss, major complications, and outcomes were also recorded.
Results: No differences were found between the groups regarding demographics, baseline hematochemical data, and operative characteristics. There was no difference in the amount of transfusions of packed red cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrates, total number of patients transfused (control group, 36%vs. ANH group, 34.3%;P = 0.88), and amount of postoperative bleeding (control group, 412 ml [313-552 ml]vs. ANH group, 374 ml [255-704 ml]) (median [25th-75th percentiles]);P = 0.94. Further, perioperative complications, postoperative hematochemical data, and outcomes were not different. 相似文献
Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli(VTEC) infections cause most cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS); 10-30% of patients, however, are negative for VTEC infection. The etiology of HUS in VTEC-negative cases remains poorly understood. Before the association between VTEC infection and HUS was recognized, sporadic cases of HUS with enterovirus infection were reported in the literature. Since May 1988, most cases of HUS in Italy have been reported to the Italian surveillance system, and in 73% of these, evidence of VTEC infection was demonstrated. The aim of this study was to determine whether the frequency of enteroviral infections was different in the acute phase of VTEC-positive and VTEC-negative HUS. Eighty-nine patients were investigated for enteroviral infection, of whom 58 were VTEC positive and 31 VTEC negative. Two serum samples from each patient were examined for seroconversion to enterovirus (coxsackie, echovirus, and picornavirus) by a complement fixation test. Serological evidence of acute infection with non-polio enterovirus was found in 33 patients (37%) [20/58 (34.5%) VTEC positive and 13/31 (41.9%) VTEC negative]. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. These results demonstrate that there are no significant differences for enteroviral infection in VTEC-positive and VTEC-negative patients and, therefore, enteroviral infections should not be considered a cause of HUS in VTEC-negative children. 相似文献
Background Laparoscopic resection of benign tumors of the pancreas has been reported in adults, but only four cases of partial laparoscopic
pancreatectomy in children have been described in the English-language literature.
Methods We describe the case of an 11-year-old girl with a solid pseudopapillary tumor who was treated with a laparoscopic, spleen-preserving,
distal pancreatectomy. The specimen was extracted in an endoscopic bag retrieval system through a Pfannenstiel incision. Operative
time was 120 minutes, and minimal blood loss occurred. The literature is reviewed.
Results The postoperative course was uneventful. Twenty-two months after the operation, clinical follow-up (including assessment of
exocrine and endocrine pancreatic function) revealed nothing abnormal. The functional and aesthetic results were satisfactory.
Conclusions The technique used for our case is simple and reproducible, was completed safely within a reasonable operative time, and yielded
a good result. 相似文献