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Kriegler  AB; Bernardo  D; Verschoor  SM 《Blood》1994,83(1):65-71
Corticosteroids have the ability to suppress the production of growth factors and cytokines and are thus implicated in the negative regulation of hematopoiesis. We have shown that the corticosteroids, prednisolone and dexamethasone, were able to effectively protect progenitor cells in four strains of mice against cell-cycle-specific antimetabolic chemotherapy agents. The highest levels of protection against 5-fluorouracil (FU; 200 mg/kg) were achieved when two or three intraperitoneal injections of dexamethasone were administered between - 7 and +3 hours at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg/injection (optimal dose) or by continuous infusion between -4 and +20 hours. This protective effect is manifested as an increase in the number of high proliferative potential colony-forming cells that survive in the bone marrow 3 days after treatment with FU from between 0.5% and 11% to between 10% and 34% of normal. The bone marrow progenitors and blood cell numbers return to normal from 3 to 5 days and 1 to 2 days earlier, respectively. Less dexamethasone than prednisolone is required to give an equivalent protective effect, which is consistent with their anti-inflammatory potency. These findings are further evidence of the negative regulatory role played by corticosteroids, and indicate that the treatment schedules of corticosteroids during cancer therapy need to be reexamined to obtain the maximum benefit from their use.  相似文献   
Effects of bile salts on intestinal glucose transfer differ in diverse animal preparations exposed to various bile acids. Radiolabeled glucose influx into rat jejunum in vitro was studied in buffer and compared to taurodeoxycholate, taurochenodeoxycholate, taurocholate, and deoxycholate. Jejunum was obtained from intact, bile-diverted, and colestipoltreated rats and in similar categories after abdominal x-irradiation. Taurodeoxycholate but not taurocholate inhibited glucose influx only in bile-fistula and colestipol-treated rats. Bile diversion increased and colestipol decreased glucose uptake from buffer. Added inhibitory effects of irradiation and bile salts were seen in bile-fistula animals. These data suggest that normal exposure to bile is chronically inhibiting jejunal glucose transport and that dihydroxy bile salts are responsible for this effect. They do not provide an explanation for the role of bile in the intestinal radiation syndrome.This work was supported in part by contract No. AT-(40-1) 3882 from the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.These data were presented in part at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, New Orleans, La. February, 1975.  相似文献   
Recent studies have suggested that autophagy is a key mechanism in maintaining the integrity of podocytes. The mammalian homologue of yeast vacuolar protein sorting defective 34 (mVps34) has been implicated in the regulation of autophagy, but its role in podocytes is unknown. We generated a line of podocyte-specific mVps34-knockout (mVps34pdKO) mice, which were born at Mendelian ratios. These mice appeared grossly normal at 2 weeks of age but exhibited growth retardation and were significantly smaller than control mice by 6 weeks of age, with no difference in ratios of kidney to body weight. mVps34pdKO mice developed significant proteinuria by 3 weeks of age, developed severe kidney lesions by 5–6 weeks of age, and died before 9 weeks of age. There was striking podocyte vacuolization and proteinaceous casts, with marked glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis by 6 weeks of age. Electron microscopy revealed numerous enlarged vacuoles and increased autophagosomes in the podocytes, with complete foot process effacement and irregular and thickened glomerular basement membranes. Immunoblotting of isolated glomerular lysates revealed markedly elevated markers specific for lysosomes (LAMP1 and LAMP2) and autophagosomes (LC3-II/I). Immunofluorescence staining confirmed that the enlarged vacuoles originated from lysosomes. In conclusion, these results demonstrate an indispensable role for mVps34 in the trafficking of intracellular vesicles to protect the normal cellular metabolism, structure, and function of podocytes.The podocyte plays an essential role in establishment of the size- and charge-selective permeability of the glomerular filtration barrier and in maintenance of the glomerular structural integrity. Although alterations in structural proteins of the podocyte are now recognized to contribute to kidney disease, much of the podocyte’s functions remain incompletely understood.1,2Autophagy is a tightly regulated intracellular process in which portions of cytoplasm, including proteins and organelles, are sequestered within double-membrane vesicles termed autophagosomes and are delivered to lysosomes for degradation and recycling of cellular components.3,4 Mammalian cells are postulated to use autophagy as a mechanism for turnover of long-lived proteins and removal of protein aggregates and damaged organelles, and as a survival strategy under metabolic stress, including conditions of nutrient deprivation.3,5 Recent studies suggest that autophagy is a key mechanism maintaining the homeostasis and integrity of podocytes.69The vacuolar protein sorting defective 34 (Vps34) was originally cloned from yeast and found to be essential for the sorting of hydrolases to the yeast vacuole.10 It was subsequently identified as the only phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) in yeast.11 The mammalian homologue of yeast Vps34 (mVps34) is also known as class III PI3K. Unlike the class I and class II PI3Ks, the class III PI3K, mVps34, can use only phosphatidylinositol as a substrate to generate a single product, phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate, by specifically phosphorylating the D-3 position on the inositol ring of phosphatidylinositol.11,12 Of interest, mVps34 has been implicated in the regulation of autophagy,1315 but the role of mVps34 in podocytes has not previously been explored.To determine the potential roles of mVps34 in podocytes, we inactivated the mouse mVps34 gene, Pik3c3, by creating a Pik3c3/mVps34-floxed mouse (mVps34flox/flox). Figure 1A depicts the structure of the mVps34 gene–targeting vector and the Cre-LoxP strategy for generating a conditional mVps34 knockout mouse. The LoxP sites were inserted to delete Pik3c3 exons 20–21, which code for the entire catalytic core and the key AsparDic acid-Fenylalanine-Glycine (DFG) motif,16 and the targeting vector was designed to render all the distal exons out of reading frame so the catalytic domain and the ATP binding domain of this kinase were deleted. As shown in Figure 1B, to delete mVps34 in podocytes, we crossed our mVps34flox/flox mice with a podocin-Cre mouse (Pod-Cre), which expresses Cre-recombinase exclusively in podocytes starting from the capillary loop stage during glomerular development,17 and generated Pik3c3/mVps34flox/flox;Pod-Cre(+) mice (subsequently called mVps34pdKO), which were compared with their sex-matched littermates with a genotype of Pik3c3/mVps34flox/flox;podocin-Cre(−) as control mice (hereafter called mVps34Ctrl). PCR of the genomic DNA from isolated glomeruli verified expected homologous recombination of mVps34 gene by podocin-Cre in mVps34pdKO, but not in mVps34Ctrl (Figure 1C). Immunoblotting confirmed significant deletion of mVps34 protein in the glomeruli of mVps34pdKO mice (Figure 1D).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Generation of an mVps34 gene (Pik3c3)-floxed mouse and deletion of mVps34 selectively in podocytes. (A) Strategy for making a conditional mVps34 knockout mouse. (B) Generation of renal glomerular podocyte-specific mVps34 knockout (mVps34pdKO) mice. (C) Podocin-Cre–mediated homologous recombination of mVps34 gene verified by PCR using isolated glomerular genomic DNA as template. (D) Effective deletion of mVps34 protein by podocin-Cre recombinase confirmed by immunoblotting analysis of isolated glomerular homogenates. FLPe, enhanced FLP; WT, wild type.Homozygous mVps34pdKO pups were born at expected Mendelian ratios (data not shown) and were indistinguishable from their mVps34Ctrl littermates at birth. No apparent phenotype was seen by 2 weeks of age. However, mVps34pdKO mice exhibited growth retardation and were significantly smaller by 6 weeks of age (Figure 2A), with a lower body weight (Figure 2B); however, there was no difference in the ratio of kidney to body weight (Figure 2C). The BUN levels of mVps34pdKO mice were statistically higher by 3 weeks of age, and all mVps34pdKO mice developed renal failure (Figure 2D) and died before 9 weeks of age. Furthermore, mVps34pdKO mice developed proteinuria by 3 weeks of age (Figure 2E). SDS-PAGE assays revealed that albumin is the major protein species in the urine, although other plasma proteins also contributed to proteinuria (Figure 2F).Open in a separate windowFigure 2.Deletion of mVps34 in podocytes causing significant phenotypes after 2 weeks of age. (A–C) mVps34pdKO mice exhibited growth retardation and were significantly smaller by 6 weeks of age (A), compared with same-sex mVps34Ctrl littermates; body weight was significantly decreased (B) but ratio of kidney to body weight was similar (C). NS, not significant. (D) By 3 weeks of age, mVps34pdKO mice developed statistically higher BUN levels (knockout, 67.29±11.83 mg/dl; control, 31.80±3.91 mg/dl), which continued to increase further; values are means ± SEM (n=4 for each time point group; *P<0.05 and **P<0.0001 versus mVps34Ctrl groups at 3–7 weeks of age; no significant difference was seen among the different age groups between 3-week-old and 7-week-old mVps34Ctrl mice). (E and F) Deletion of mVps34 specifically in podocytes caused massive proteinuria by 3 weeks of age. (E) Urinary protein-to-creatinine ratios were significantly increased by 3 weeks of age in mVps34pdKO mice (values are means ± SEM [n=4 for each group; **P<0.0001 versus 1- or 2-weeks-of-age groups]). (F) SDS-PAGE assay (with Coomassie blue staining) confirmed that albumin is the major protein species in the urine, although other plasma proteins also contributed to the proteinuria. One microliter of urine from an individual 6-week-old mouse in each genotype group was loaded into each lane of the SDS-PAGE.mVps34pdKO mice showed normal glomeruli at 9 days of age, similar to mVps34Ctrl littermates (Figure 3A), suggesting that mVps34 is not essential for early podocyte development. However, mVps34pdKO mice developed severe kidney lesions by 5–6 weeks of age. Their glomerular podocytes showed striking vacuolization (Figure 3, B–D), with focal segmental (Figure 3, E and F) and global (Figure 3G) glomerulosclerosis. mVps34pdKO mice also had renal tubular dilation, numerous proteinaceous casts, and mild to moderate interstitial inflammation and fibrosis (Figure 3, B and C), which were confirmed by Masson trichrome staining (Figure 4A). Immunohistochemistry revealed massive fibronectin deposition along the Bowman capsule but moderate increases in the glomeruli and some periglomerular areas (Figure 4B).Open in a separate windowFigure 3.Podocyte-specific loss of mVps34 causing severe glomerulosclerosis. mVps34pdKO mice had normal renal histologic findings at 4 days of age (data not shown) and 9 days of age (A) but developed severe kidney lesions by 6 weeks of age, including striking glomerular podocyte vacuolization (B–D), focal segmental (E and F) and global (G) glomerulosclerosis, renal tubular dilation, proteinaceous casts, and mild to moderate interstitial inflammation and fibrosis (B and C), as indicated by hematoxylin and eosin (H-E) (A, B, and D) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining (C, E, F, and G). Original magnification, ×100 in A, B, and Upper panel C; ×200 in lower panel C; ×400 in D–G.Open in a separate windowFigure 4.Confirmation of renal fibrosis using Masson trichrome staining and immunohistochemical staining for fibronectin. (A) Masson trichrome staining highlighted tubulointerstitial fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis in mVps34pdKO mice at 6 weeks of age. (B) Immunohistochemical staining with an antibody specific for fibronectin revealed massive fibronectin deposition along the Bowman capsule, with a moderate increase in the glomeruli and some periglomerular areas of mVps34pdKO mice, compared with mVps34Ctrl mice.Electron microscopy revealed complete podocyte foot process effacement, with irregular and thickened glomerular basement membrane (Figure 5, A and B). The podocytes of mVps34pdKO mice contained numerous enlarged vacuoles (Figure 5, D and E) and increased number of double-membraned cytoplasmic vesicles characteristic of autophagosomes, which, however, had irregular inner membranes (Figure 5, C and F). Accumulation of these aberrant autophagosomes in mVps34pdKO mice is consistent with the fact that the enzymatic product of mVps34, phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate, is enriched on the inner membranes of autophagosomes.1820Open in a separate windowFigure 5.Micrographs of electron microscopy from mVps34Ctrl and mVps34pdKO glomeruli at 6 weeks of age. (A and B) A representative micrograph revealing complete podocyte foot process effacement (black arrowheads), with irregular and thickened glomerular basement membrane in mVps34pdKO mice compared with mVps34Ctrl littermates (black arrows). (D and E) Lower-magnification image reveals numerous enlarged vacuoles (indicated by black asterisks) in the podocytes of mVps34pdKO mice, but not in the podocytes of mVps34Ctrl littermates. (C and F) Higher-magnification image shows the accumulation of aberrant double-membraned autophagosomes with irregular inner membranes in the podocytes of mVps34pdKO mice (small arrows). Magnifications are indicated by the scale bars in the corresponding micrographs.In an attempt to determine the origin of these enlarged vacuoles (Figure 5E), we determined that the lysosome-associated membrane proteins 1 and 2 (LAMP1 and LAMP2) were both markedly elevated (Figure 6A). Immunofluorescence staining revealed that the enlarged vacuoles were positive for both LAMP1 (Figure 6B) and LAMP2 (Figure 6C). In contrast, podocin levels were decreased markedly (Figure 6, B and C). Thus, the enlarged vacuoles may have originated from lysosomes. During autophagy, the cytosolic form of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3)-I forms LC3-phosphatidylethanolamine conjugate (LC3-II), which is recruited to autophagosomal membranes and plays a critical role in autophagy and thus has become a reliable marker for autophagosomes.21,22 We found LC3-II and even the cytosolic LC3-I were both markedly increased in the mVps34pdKO mice (Figure 6A).Open in a separate windowFigure 6.Increased protein levels of LAMP1 and LAMP2 localized to the membranes of the enlarged vacuoles in the podocytes of mVps34pdKO mice. (A) Immunoblotting of isolated glomerular homogenates revealed markedly increased protein levels of the lysosome markers, LAMP1 and LAMP2, as well as the autophagosome marker, LC3-II and the cytosolic LC3-I. (B and C) Immunofluorescence staining localized the increased protein levels of LAMP1 (B) and LAMP2 (C) to the enlarged vacuoles in the podocytes of mVps34pdKO mice; in contrast, podocin levels were markedly diminished compared with mVps34Ctrl mice (B and C). DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Original magnification, ×400 in B and C.Recent studies indicate that inactivation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) by either double knocking out Raptor (an essential protein for mTOR complex 1 activity) and Rictor (key for mTORC2 activity)23 or directly deleting the mTOR gene in podocytes24 caused a phenotype similar to what we have seen in our mVps34pdKO mice, including podocyte vacuolization, massive proteinuria, progressive glomerulosclerosis, and renal failure within 6 weeks after birth.23,24 Podocyte-specific mTOR deletion also caused an accumulation of autophagosomes and autolysosomes by disrupting autophagic flux in podocytes.24 Because mVps34 has been shown to lie upstream of the mTOR pathway,25,26 it is possible that mVps34 deletion in podocytes may result in the similar phenotype by inactivating the mTOR pathway. Surprisingly, when we examined the phosphorylation levels of the ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6), a downstream target of mTOR commonly used as an in vivo readout for mTOR activities, we found that the mTOR pathway was activated, rather than inactivated, along with increased levels of both LAMP1 and LAMP2 (Figure 7B). Proteinuria was not detected until 17 days of age (data not shown), but significant increases in both LAMP1 and LAMP2 had already occurred by 15 days of age, without increases in rpS6 phosphorylation (Figure 7A). Thus, mTOR activation, rather than inactivation, seen in 6-week-old mVps34pdKO mice (Figure 7B) might be secondary to proteinuria or dysregulated autophagy. However, our data in this study cannot rule out the possibility that mTOR inactivation by mVps34 knockout may be an early signaling event that leads to a phenotype similar to that seen in the podocyte-specific mTOR knockout mice.23,24 Future studies are required to clarify the precise interplay between mVps34 and mTOR.Open in a separate windowFigure 7.Deletion of mVps34 in podocytes increases the protein levels of LAMP1, LAMP2, and LC3 but does not activate the mTOR pathway before the onset of proteinuria. (A) Immunohistochemistry showed no apparent alterations in the phosphorylation levels of rpS6 in 15-day-old mVps34pdKO mice compared with their mVps34Ctrl littermates; however, these 15-day-old mVps34pdKO mice had increased levels of the lysosome-associated membrane proteins, LAMP1 and LAMP2. (B) The phosphorylation levels of rpS6 were increased selectively in the vacuolated podocytes of mVps34pdKO mice at 6 weeks of age when massive proteinuria had already developed (as shown in Figure 2, E and F) and glomerulosclerosis occurred (as shown in Figure 3, B–G). (C and D) Immunofluorescence staining revealed markedly elevated levels of both LC3-II/I and LAMP-1 in mVps34pdKO mice by 15 days of age before the onset of proteinuria and remained elevated at 6 weeks of age when detrimental podocyte vacuolization was observed and severe glomerulosclerosis occurred. DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Original magnification, ×400 in A–D.Additional experiments with immunofluorescence staining revealed markedly increased levels of both LC3 and LAMP1 in mVps34pdKO mice at 15 days of age (Figure 7C) as well as 6 weeks of age (Figure 7D), consistent with the immunoblotting data shown in Figure 6A. As indicated in Figure 7C, some of the increased LC3-positive granules or punctate dots were co-localized with the increased LAMP1 (suggesting increases in autolysosomes), whereas others were not co-localized with LAMP1, indicating increases in autophagosomes. Double immunofluorescence staining confirmed that the increases in both LC3 (Figure 8A) and LAMP1 (Figure 8B) occurred only in nephrin-positive glomerular cells (the podocytes). Indeed, electron microscopy further confirmed that formation of numerous vacuoles (Figure 9, E and F) and an increase of autophagosomes (Figure 9, G and H) occurred only in the podocytes, with occasional focal foot process effacement (Figure 9, E and F), compared with mVps34Ctrl littermates (Figure 9, A–D). Thus, both marked elevations of LC3 and LAMP1/2 and the earliest ultrastructural alterations (podocyte vacuolization, focal foot process effacement, and increased autophagosome formation) had occurred before the onset of proteinuria.Open in a separate windowFigure 8.Podocyte-specific mVps34 knockout increases the protein levels of both LC3 and LAMP1, but not that of nephrin, by 15 days of age before the onset of proteinuria. (A) Triple immunofluorescence staining with the indicated antibodies verified that compared with their mVps34Ctrllittermates, mVps34pdKO mice showed markedly increased LC3 protein levels specifically in the nephrin-positive glomerular cells, which are podocytes. (B) Triple immunofluorescence staining also confirmed that increased LAMP1 protein levels were confined to the podocytes. In contrast, the nephrin protein level of Vps34pdKO mice was not increased, compared with that of mVps34Ctrl mice. DAPI, 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Original magnification, ×400.Open in a separate windowFigure 9.Lack of functional mVps34 in the glomerular podocyte disrupts the dynamics of intracellular vesicle forming and processing. Podocyte-specific mVps34 knockout resulted in striking ultrastructural podocyte vacuolization (E and F) and increased autophagosome formation (G–H) by 15 days of age before the onset of proteinuria, compared with mVps34Ctrl littermates (A–D). Focal foot process effacement was seen occasionally as indicated by a black arrowhead (F). Shown are representative micrographs of electron microscopy from three mice in each group with similar results. A scale bar is shown in each corresponding micrograph to indicate the magnification, with black asterisks representatively indicating enlarged vacuoles (F and H) and small white arrows representatively pointing to increased number of autophagosomes (F–H) in the podocytes of mVps34pdKO mice.Of note, previous studies suggested that mVps34 plays an indispensable role at the initiation step of autophagosome formation,1315,27 which would not be consistent with the increases in autophagosome formation (Figure 9) and a striking accumulation of autophagic vesicles in the enlarged autolysosomes of the mVps34-deleted podocytes (Figure 5, C and F). Thus, our results suggest the existence of an mVps34-independent mechanism that can initiate the formation of autophagosomes in the podocyte. Follow-up studies are required to define the precise roles of mVps34 and its interactions with many other autophagy-related genes (Atg). It is also important to determine whether endocytic pathway has also been disrupted and contributed to the enlarged vacuoles in the mVps34pdKO podocytes.In summary, this study represents the first report of podocyte-specific mVps34 knockout. The major findings include markedly increased LC3-II/I and LAMP1/2 but decreased podocin levels, causing a lethal accumulation of aberrant autophagosomes and enlarged autolysosomes, resulting in striking podocyte vacuolization, foot process effacement, glomerulosclerosis, and interstitial fibrosis, consequently leading to massive proteinuria and renal failure. Thus, there is no compensation by related genes in the mVps34pdKO mice, which all died before 9 weeks of age. In contrast, podocyte-specific Atg5 knockout mouse caused age-dependent late-onset glomerulosclerosis.69 mVps34pdKO mice reported herein exhibited a much more pronounced and severe phenotype than did the Atg5 knockout mice, even when 6-week-old mVps34pdKO mice were compared with the 24-month-old Atg5pdKO mice.9 In future studies, it will be important to determine whether mVps34 inactivation contributes to the pathogenesis of proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis in some cases of glomerulosclerosis, such as FSGS and diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   
We observed the presence of a new autoantibody, anti-erythrocyte protein 4.1, in a patient with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). Western blotting analysis revealed that IgG from the patient's plasma reacted with erythrocyte protein 4.1. However, among other patients with hemolytic diseases (six having AIHA and three each having either hereditary spherocytosis, elliptocytosis, or lead poisoning) as well as among control subjects, no antibody activity to protein 4.1 was observed. In addition to the anti-protein 4.1 antibody, two different kinds of anti-erythrocyte antibodies were detected by conventional serological studies in this patient. One of them was an anti-Ena-like antibody in the eluate from the patient's erythrocytes, while another was the anti-S-specific antibody in the plasma. An elution study and an absorption study using S antigen-positive erythrocytes demonstrated that the anti-protein 4.1 antibody differed from both the anti-Ena-like antibody and the anti-S antibody. Familial analysis of the patient revealed the same antibody in her brother, who did not have hemolytic anemia. These results demonstrate that anti-protein 4.1 antibody is considered to be included in the spectrum of anti-cytoskeleton autoantibodies, which have been observed in patients having increased cell lysis as well as in healthy subjects.  相似文献   
Relapse after autologous bone marrow transplantation for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) can be due either to the persistence of leukemia cells in systemic tissues following preparative therapy, or due to the persistence of leukemia cells in the autologous marrow used to restore marrow function after intensive therapy. To help distinguish between these two possible causes of relapse, we used safety-modified retroviruses, which contain the bacterial resistance gene NEO, to mark autologous marrow cells that had been collected from patients early in the phase of hematopoietic recovery after in vivo chemotherapy. The cells were then subjected to ex vivo CD34 selection following collection and 30% of the bone marrow were exposed to a safety-modified virus. This marrow was infused after delivery of systemic therapy, which consisted of total body irradiation (1,020 cGy), cyclophosphamide (120 mg/kg), and VP-16 (750 mg/m2). RT PCR assays specific for the bacterial NEO mRNA, which was coded for by the virus, and the bcr-abl mRNA showed that in two evaluable CML patients transplanted with marked cells, sufficient numbers of leukemia cells remained in the infused marrow to contribute to systemic relapse. In addition, both normal and leukemic cells positive for the retroviral transgenome persisted in the systemic circulation of the patients for at least 280 days posttransplant showing that the infused marrow was responsible for the return of hematopoiesis following the preparative therapy. This observation shows that it is possible to use a replication-incompetent safety-modified retrovirus in order to introduce DNA sequences into the hematopoietic cells of patients undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation. Moreover, this data suggested that additional fractionation procedures will be necessary to reduce the probability of relapse after bone marrow transplantation in at least the advanced stages of the disease in CML patients undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation procedures.  相似文献   
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