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In our study, the aim was to anatomically and histologically investigate the morphometric structures of the branches involved in the sural nerve and sural nerve formation.


The study was conducted on 46 lower extremities of 23 fetuses which were obtained from Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, with ages from 18 and 32 gestational weeks, without any external pathology or anomaly. During the study period, the posterior-side skin dissection of the lower extremity was performed with the aid of a surgical dissection microscope initially, and the structures forming the sural nerve and the sural nerve were exposed and made visible. Afterwards, sections were taken from these structures for morphometric measurements and histological examination.


The mean values and standard deviations of morphometric measurements obtained were determined. Separately, it was determined that there was no statistical difference between right-left sides and genders in morphometric measurements (p > 0.05). The sural nerve was determined to be differentiated into 4 types as A, B, C and D according to the way the nerve branches forming sural nerve join. In addition, differing characteristics pertaining to the sural nerve and branches were determined.


We are of the opinion that the data obtained in our study will be of use to neurologists, orthopedists and clinicians engaged in this region during interventional procedures.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus type 1 is an autoimmune disorder caused by lymphocytic infiltration and beta cells destruction. Curcumin has been identified as a potent inducer of heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a redoxsensitive inducible protein that provides protection against various forms of stress. A novel water soluble curcumin derivative (NCD) has been developed to overcome low in vivo bioavailability of curcumin. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the anti diabetic effects of the "NCD" and its effects on diabetes-induced ROS generation and lipid peroxidation in experimental type- 1 diabetes mellitus. We also examine whether the up regulation of HO-1 accompanied by increased HO activity mediates these antidiabetic and anti oxidant actions. Materials and methods Rats were divided into control group, control group receiving curcumin derivative, diabetic group, diabetic group receiving curcumin derivative and diabetic group receiving curcumin derivative and HO inhibitor ZnPP. Type-1 diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Curcumin derivative was given orally for 45 days. At the planned sacrification time (after 45 days), fasting blood samples were withdrawn for estimation of plasma glucose, plasma insulin and lipid profile . Animals were sacrificed; pancreas, aorta and liver were excised for the heme oxygenase - 1 expression, activity and malondialdehyde estimation. RESULTS: NCD supplementation to diabetic rats significantly lowered the plasma glucose by 27.5% and increased plasma insulin by 66.67%. On the other hand, the mean plasma glucose level in the control group showed no significant difference compared to the control group receiving the oral NCD whereas, NCD supplementation to the control rats significantly increased the plasma insulin by 47.13% compared to the control. NCD decreased total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol levels. Also, it decreased lipid peroxides (malondialdehyde) in the pancreas, aorta and liver. CONCLUSION: The (NCD) by its small dose possesses antidiabetic actions and that heme oxygenase induction seems to play an important role in its anti-diabetic effects. NCD also improves the lipid profile and oxidative status directly, proved by decreasing lipid peroxides (malondialdehyde) in pancreas, liver & aorta. The new water soluble curcumin derivative still retains the essential potencies of natural curcumin.  相似文献   
Data regarding cardiovascular risk in subjects with non-functioning adrenal adenoma are limited. The objectives of this study are to investigate carotid intima media thickness (IMT) as an indicator of atherosclerosis in subjects with non-functioning adrenal incidentaloma (AI) and to evaluate the factors that could be associated with IMT. Forty-nine subjects without findings of hypercortisolism or other adrenal gland disorders, 34 body mass index (BMI)-unmatched controls (C) and 18 BMI-matched controls (BC) were enrolled. Participants underwent hormonal evaluation including morning cortisol, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), post dexamethasone suppression test cortisol (DST), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and urinary free cortisol. Anthropometric and metabolic parameters and carotid IMT were measured. AI group had increased BMI, blood pressure, waist circumference, post DST cortisol, uric acid, and homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) levels when compared with C. Blood pressure, uric acid and, post DST cortisol remained significantly elevated in AI versus BC. Average IMT was increased significantly in AI versus C (0.74 mm vs. 0.68 mm, P = 0.029) and insignificantly elevated in AI versus BC (0.74 mm vs. 0.67 mm, P = 0.086). In all participants, IMT was correlated with age, BMI, HOMA, waist circumference, morning cortisol, and uric acid. Morning cortisol was independently associated with HOMA levels in both AI group and all participants. Increased IMT in non-functioning AI was a consequence of insulin resistant state associated with subtle cortisol autonomy rather than a direct effect of cortisol. The correlation between morning cortisol and IMT may be associated with the effect of hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis disturbances on vasculature.  相似文献   
We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) using a rat model of ileal pouch-anal anastomosis and pouchitis. In the J pouch groups, tissue myeloperoxidase activities were significantly higher than native myeloperoxidase activities (P = 0.020; P = 0.015; P = 0.004, respectively). A statistically significant difference in total histological score was detected in the J pouch + 5% dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) group, compared to the J pouch control and the J pouch + 5% DSS + PHGG groups (P < 0.01 and P < 0.01, respectively). There was a significant overgrowth of aerobes and anaerobes in the J pouch + 5% DSS group. This study demonstrated that rectal administration of PHGG attenuates the severity of pouchitis in a rat model. In conclusion, PHGG may be an additional therapeutic strategy for the treatment of pouchitis.  相似文献   
A part from nephrolithiasis, renal involvement is rare in the course of Crohn's disease, particularly glomerulonephritis. On the other hand, while onset of Crohn's disease is strongly influenced by environmental and genetic factors, little is known regarding influence of these factors on extra intestinal manifestations. We report a familial case of glomerulonephritis that occurred in a 38-year old woman and her mother, 59 years old with a 7-year and a 37 year history of stenosing ileocolonic disease, respectively. Both of them developed peripheral oedema with nephrotic syndrome during the course of their Crohn's disease while they had no intestinal symptoms and were not receiving any maintenance therapy. Renal function was conserved in the former while the latter developed renal failure and had already small size kidneys on abdominal sonography. Thus, renal biopsy had been performed only in the former patient and had showed membranous glomerulonephritis. Investigations showed no other underlying disease than Crohn's disease. Through this report we emphasis possible genetic influence on extra intestinal manifestations, particularly glomerulonephritis, in Crohn's disease patients.  相似文献   

In this research we have used different cytokines and progesterone to enhance the immunomodulatory capacity of placental-derived stem cells (PLSCs) prior to their encapsulation. We assessed the effect of microencapsulation of the cells without (control) or after 3-day treatment with interferon gamma (INFγ), interleukin10 (IL-10), or progesterone (P4). Treated PLSCs demonstrated strong immunosuppressive effects on phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs). INFγ treatment resulted in the strongest immune inhibition among the treated groups. The treatments enhanced soluble human leukocyte antigen (sHLAG) secretion compared to control. The IL-10-treated group showed the highest effect on HLAG secretion compared to other groups. Alginate encapsulation of PLSCs did not affect cell viability, or sHLAG secretion. Also, after treatment the encapsulated PLSCs inhibited PHA-activated PBMNCs in the same manner as unencapsulated cells. We studied two groups of encapsulated PLSCs, one without perm-selective poly-l-ornithine (PLO)-coating and the other with PLO-coating, and measured levels of sHLAG secreted. We found no difference in sHLAG secretion between both groups. In summary, our data show that immunomodulatory function of the PLSC is not affected by encapsulation. These findings provide good promise for potential use of encapsulated PLSCs for immunomodulation treatment of disease by stem cell therapy.

The pathogenesis of Behçet’s disease (BD) is not fully understood and immunological abnormalities and genetic factors have been investigated. Because serum concentrations of mainly T helper 1 (Th1) type cells have been reported to be increased in BD, we aimed to investigate whether certain cytokine polymorphisms might represent a risk factor for developing BD. We genotyped 80 patients with BD and 105 healthy controls for interleukin (IL)-1 α (T/C ?889), IL-1 β (C/T ?511, T/C +3962), IL-1R (C/T pst11970), IL-1RA (T/C mspa111100), IL-2 (T/G ?330), IL-12 (C/A ?1188), interferon (IFN)-γ (A/T UTR 5644), and TNF-α (G/A ?238) polymorphisms. Analyses of cytokine polymorphisms were performed with PCR-SSP. The genotype and allele frequencies of the patients and controls were compared and the association between the polymorphisms of the cytokines with the clinical findings was investigated. Genotype distribution showed significant differences between the patients and the controls for the IL-1 α ?889, IL-1 β ?511, IL-1 β +3962, IL-1R, IL-12, IFN- γ, and TNF-α cytokines. We didn’t observe significant difference in genotypic frequencies of IL-1RA and IL-2 in our study. Comparison of the IL-1 α ?889, IL 1 β ?511, and IL 1 β +3962 genotype frequencies showed significant increase in CC genotype between the patients and the controls. The individuals with IL-1R TT polymorphism had a higher risk for BD compared to patients with CT/CC polymorphism. Comparison of IL-12, IFN- γ, and TNF-α, genotype frequencies showed significant increase in CA, AA, and AA genotypes between the patients and controls, respectively. The frequencies of genotypes according to the clinical features of the patients with BD did not show a significant difference (p?>?0.05). Our study suggests that development of BD might be determined by various cytokine gene polymorphisms. However, further studies on larger numbers of cases are needed before definite conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder with progressive degeneration of the hippocampal and cortical neurons. This study was designed to demonstrate the protective effect of caffeine on gene expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor neural receptor protein-tyrosine kinase-β (TrkB) as well as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and Ki-67 immunoreactivity in Aluminum chloride (AlCl3) induced animal model of AD. Fifty adult rats included in this study were classified into 5 group (10 rats each); negative and positive control groups (I&II), AD model group (III), group treated with caffeine from the start of AD induction (IV) and group treated with caffeine two weeks before AD induction (V). Hippocampal tissue BDNF and its receptor (TrkB) gene expression by real time RT-PCR in addition to immunohistochemical study of GFAP and Ki67 immunoreactivity were performed for all rats in the study. The results of this study revealed that caffeine has protective effect through improving the histological and immunohistochemical findings induced by AlCl3 as well as BDNF and its receptor gene expression. It could be concluded from the current study, that chronic caffeine consumption in a dose of 1.5 mg/kg body weight daily has a potentially good protective effect against AD.  相似文献   


We evaluated the vasodilatory effects of two antioxidants, vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and E (α-tocopherol), on radial artery and endothelium-dependent responses in patients awaiting coronary artery bypass surgery.


The study was performed in three groups. The first group took 2 g of vitamin C orally (n = 31, vitamin C group), the second group took 2 g of vitamin C with 600 mg of vitamin E orally (n = 31, vitamins C + E group), and the third group took no medication (n = 31, control group). After baseline measurements were taken of the radial artery lumen diameter, flow volume and lumen area in the non-dominant radial artery, occlusion was maintained for five minutes with a pressure cuff placed around the arm. The measurements were taken again at the time of deflating the cuff, and 60 seconds later. The measurements were repeated after medication in two of the groups and after placebo in the third group.


We compared values of the vitamin C group with those of the vitamins C + E group, and found that the latter were higher than those of the vitamin C group but not statistically significant. In the control group, there was no statistical difference.


Vitamin C or its combination with vitamin E significantly enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in the radial circulation of patients with coronary artery disease. Its combination with vitamin E was superior to vitamin C administration alone for endothelial enhancement but this difference was not statistically significant. We hypothesised that vitamin C or its combination with vitamin E may be used as antioxidants for arterial graft patency in patients undergoing coronary artery surgery.  相似文献   
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