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The concentrations of immunoglobulin E (IgE) were measured serially in 30 patients with severe burn injury. A characteristic finding was a rapid and dramatic increase of IgE in the serum of all patients, some of whom showed up to 20-fold increases. IgE was also found in considerable amounts in blister fluid and pleural effusions. In some patients raised IgE values were the only indicator of an anamnestic immediate allergie state. No correlation was found between the IgE levels and clinical characteristics of individual patients but significant changes scented to be present only in patients with a burn covering more than 20 per cent of the body surface area.  相似文献   
Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most frequent human neurodegenerations. The neurodegeneration in PD is related to cellular iron increase but the mechanisms involved in iron accumulation remain unclear. Transferrin receptor type 2 (TFR2) is a protein expressed on cell membrane and involved in the cellular iron uptake. We hypothesized that microRNA 221 could regulate the expression of TfR2 in an in vitro model of Parkinson's disease, SH-SY5Y cells treated with MPP+.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo evaluate the current management of gout in general practitioners and specialists in Buenos Aires city.Material and methodsmultiple choice, anonimous, survey, performed to 33 rheumatologists (REU), 52 Internal Medicine specialists (EMI) and 86 general practitioners (Otros).ResultsGout is a very common or usual disease for 51.5% of REU vs 11.5% EMI and 8.1% Otros. At diagnosis, uric acid crystals are identified by 51.5% REU vs 28.8% EMI and 26.7% Otros and tophi observed by 60.6% REU vs 30.8% EMI and 30.2% Otros. REU and EMI should indicate colchicine for acute gout in 75.8% and 80.8% respectively vs 7.7% of Otros. REU measure patient's height/weight and waist circumference less frequently than EMI (66.7% vs 92.3% and 45.5% vs 75% respectively).ConclusionsREU usually examine patients with gout but in a chronic stage. The identification of crystals in synovial fluid is low. The use ofcolchicine is still high. REU should improve the evaluation of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   
To elucidate the role of the small bowel and liver in sulfasalazine (SASP) metabolism, we performed studies in patients, cats, and rats. The role of the small bowel in absorption and metabolism of SASP was determined by the amount of administered SASP excreted in ileostomy effluents, and the concentration of serum and urinary SASP and its metabolites, sulfapyridine and 5-amino salicylic acid. Seventy-five to ninety percent of the drug was excreted in ileostomy effluents of 6 patients as SASP, and only 5% of the dose was sulfapyridine. In cats, ileostomy and portal venous cannulations revealed that 20--30% of administered SASP is absorbed from the small bowel without being metabolized. The role of the liver in SASP metabolism was established in vivo and in vitro. SASP metabolites were measured in bile, serum, and urine of 2 patients with a choledochal T-tube and in serum and bile in six cats and four rats. Twenty to fifty percent of the absorbed drug was excreted in bile as SASP and no detectable sulfapyridine appeared in the bile. SASP concentration in peripheral blood and urine ranged between 3 and 12 microgram/ml, and no significant amount of sulfapyridine metabolites were detected in the bile, serum, or urine of animals with an ileostomy. In vitro experiments with liver from cats and rats showed nearly complete reduction of SASP into metabolites. These studies reveal that SASP is not metabolized by the liver in vivo, and after absorption from the small bowel, 25--50% of the SASP is excreted unchanged in the bile, and the rest enters the circulation. Implications of these results in the treatment of patients with Crohn's disease of the small intestine are discussed.  相似文献   
We investigated the efficacy of a tablet-computer-based Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) application for use with three preschoolers with ASD and investigated participant preference for the app versus traditional PECS (i.e., with a physical communication book) once the participants demonstrated minimal levels of mastery of both. We implemented a single-case multiple baseline design to determine the efficacy of the app. Results indicated that participants rapidly demonstrated above-chance level mastery of the app. Following mastery, two participants demonstrated a preference for the app, while the other preferred the traditional PECS communication book.  相似文献   
Challenging behaviors with multiple functions are often difficult to treat as function-based treatments may interfere with one another. Noncontingent reinforcement may be one efficient and effective means of treating multiply controlled behavior. The purposes of this study were to compare the use of noncontingent tangible reinforcement (NCT) to noncontingent escape (NCE) with two young children with autism who engaged in multiply controlled challenging behavior. Second, we wished to examine the effect of NCT and NCE on compliance during discrete trial training. A reversal design with an embedded alternating treatment design was used to compare NCT and NCE. The NCT treatment resulted in greater reductions of challenging behavior than the NCE treatment for both participants. Compliance during discrete trial training increased under both NCT and NCE treatments.  相似文献   
A prevalence survey of nosocomial and community infections in a children's hospital was carried out in the wards of the Bambino Gesù Hospital, Rome, Italy. The overall prevalence of hospital-acquired infection (HAI) was 5.1%, with higher rates in surgical units and among children aged 1 to 5 years. The proportion of community-acquired infections was 9.2%, with higher rates in the infectious disease and internal medicine units and among children aged 6 to 11 years. The most frequent type of HAI was respiratory tract infection, with only a small number of urinary tract infections.  相似文献   
This study aims to determine the association between obesity-related behaviors (dietary practices, physical activity and body image) and body weight status among adolescents. A total of 382 adolescents (187 males and 195 females) aged 13 to 15 years in Kajang, Selangor participated in this study. Majority of the respondents were Malays (56.0%), followed by Chinese (30.1%) and Indians (13.9%). Dietary practices, physical activity and body image of the adolescents were assessed through the eating behaviors questionnaire, two-day dietary record, two-day physical activity record and multi-dimensional body image scale (MBIS), respectively. Body weight and height were measured by trained researchers. The prevalence of overweight and obesity (19.5%) was about twice the prevalence of underweight (10.5%). About two-thirds of the respondents (72.3%) skipped at least one meal and half of them (56.2%) snacked between meals with a mean energy intake of 1,641 ± 452 kcal/day. More than half of the respondents (56.8%) were practicing sedentary lifestyle with a mean energy expenditure of 1,631 ± 573 kcal per day. Energy intake (r = 0.153, P < 0.05), physical activity (r = 0.463, P < 0.01) and body image (r = 0.424, P < 0.01) were correlated with BMI. However, meal skipping, snacking and energy expenditure per kg body weight were not associated with body weight status. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that body image, physical activity and energy intake contributed significantly in explaining body weight status of the adolescents. In short, overweight and obesity were likely to be associated not only with energy intake and physical activity, but also body image. Hence, promoting healthy eating, active lifestyle and positive body image should be incorporated in future obesity prevention programmes in adolescents.  相似文献   
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