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Our objective was to evaluate the effect of a change in treatment protocols, suggested following an inspection visit by the regulatory authority, from single to double inseminations during donor insemination treatment cycles. We therefore conducted a retrospective audit of pregnancy rates in the reproductive medicine clinic of a major teaching hospital. All patients were treated for male factor infertility by donor insemination, without ovulation induction with gonadotrophins between October 1992 and December 1995. The main outcome measures were cumulative conception and live birth rates. During the study period 250 patients underwent treatment and 650 single insemination and 277 double insemination treatment cycles were undertaken. The pregnancy rate per cycle was 0.054 and 0.119 for single and double insemination respectively. After six cycles the cumulative pregnancy rates were 0.28 and 0.47 and the take-home baby rates were 0.25 and 0.37 for single and double inseminations respectively. The change in practice from single to double insemination resulted in a doubling of the pregnancy rate per treatment cycle. Cumulative pregnancy rates after two treatment cycles of double insemination were comparable with those achieved after six cycles of single insemination. These results have significant implications for both patients and purchasers.   相似文献   
The effect of inhaled amoebae on the pathogenesis of Legionnaires' disease was investigated in vivo. A/J mice, which are susceptible to replicative Legionella pneumophila infections, were inoculated intratracheally with L. pneumophila (10(6) bacteria per mouse) or were coinoculated with L. pneumophila (10(6) bacteria per mouse) and Hartmannella vermiformis (10(6) amoebae per mouse). The effect of coinoculation with H. vermiformis on bacterial clearance, histopathology, cellular recruitment into the lung, and intrapulmonary levels of cytokines including gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor alpha was subsequently assessed. Coinoculation with H. vermiformis significantly enhanced intrapulmonary growth of L. pneumophila in A/J mice. Histopathologic and flow cytometric analysis of lung tissue demonstrated that while A/J mice inoculated with L. pneumophila alone develop multifocal pneumonitis which resolves with minimal mortality, mice coinoculated with H. vermiformis develop diffuse pneumonitis which is associated with diminished intrapulmonary recruitment of lymphocytes and mononuclear phagocytic cells and significant mortality. Furthermore, coinoculation of mice with H. vermiformis resulted in a fourfold enhancement in intrapulmonary levels of gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor alpha compared with mice infected with L. pneumophila alone. The effect of H. vermiformis on intrapulmonary growth of L. pneumophila in a resistant host (i.e., BALB/c mice) was subsequently evaluated. While BALB/c mice do not develop replicative L. pneumophila infections following inoculation with L. pneumophila alone, there was an eightfold increase in intrapulmonary L. pneumophila in BALB/c mice coinoculated with H. vermiformis. These studies, demonstrating that intrapulmonary amoebae potentiate replicative L. pneumophila lung infection in both a susceptible and a resistant host, have significant implications with regard to the potential role of protozoa in the pathogenesis of pulmonary diseases due to inhaled pathogens and in the design of strategies to prevent and/or control legionellosis.  相似文献   
To facilitate identification of the effector mechanism(s) responsible for gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-mediated host resistance to Legionella pneumophila, a murine model of legionellosis in BALB/c mice with a targeted disruption in the IFN-gamma gene (gamma knockout [GKO] mice) was developed. Immunocompetent BALB/c mice and GKO mice were inoculated intratracheally with virulent L. pneumophila (10(6) bacteria per mouse), and bacterial clearance and the pulmonary inflammatory response were assessed. L. pneumophila did not replicate in, and was rapidly cleared from, the lungs of immunocompetent BALB/c mice, demonstrating that immunocompetent BALB/c mice are resistant to replicative L. pneumophila pulmonary infections. In contrast, similarly infected GKO mice developed persistent, replicative intrapulmonary L. pneumophila infections with extrapulmonary dissemination of the bacteria to the spleen. Histopathologic and flow cytometric analysis of L. pneumophila-infected lung tissue demonstrated that while immunocompetent BALB/c mice develop multifocal pneumonitis which resolves, similarly infected GKO mice develop diffuse pneumonitis with persistent neutrophil recruitment into the lung. Intratracheal administration of exogenous IFN-gamma to L. pneumophila-infected GKO mice facilitated intrapulmonary clearance of the bacteria, confirming the pivotal role of IFN-gamma in innate host defenses to L. pneumophila lung infection in this murine host. The potential role of endogenous reactive nitrogen intermediates, including nitric oxide (NO), in IFN-gamma-mediated resistance to L. pneumophila pulmonary infections in immunocompetent BALB/c mice was subsequently assessed. Macrophage inducible nitric oxide synthetase (an enzyme responsible for the production of NO) was induced in alveolar cells from L. pneumophila-infected immunocompetent BALB/c mice (with maximal expression at 48 h postinfection) but was not induced in similarly infected GKO mice. However, administration of the NO synthetase inhibitor N-monomethyl-L-arginine did not significantly inhibit clearance of L. pneumophila from the lung of immunocompetent BALB/c mice (compared with that in similarly infected mice not administered N-monomethyl-L-arginine). In contrast, we have previously demonstrated that IFN-gamma-induced host resistance to replicative L. pneumophila lung infections in a susceptible murine host (A/J mice) is mediated, in part, by endogenous NO. Taken together, these studies identify a differing role of endogenous NO in IFN-gamma-mediated resistance to L. pneumophila pulmonary infection in susceptible and resistant murine hosts.  相似文献   
Follistatin is a specific binding protein which controls bioavailability of activins and inhibins which have an important role in fetal development. In the first trimester of pregnancy bioactive dimeric inhibins are found at high concentrations in the extra- embryonic coelomic fluid, but the distribution of follistatin and activins is not known. We have used recently developed immunoassays for follistatin, activin A and activin AB to determine their presence in the intrauterine compartments during early pregnancy. Follistatin was present in highest concentrations in the extra-embryonic coelomic fluid (11.72 +/- 1.70 ng/ml; median +/- SEM), with less in maternal serum (6.35 +/- 4.58) and lowest amounts in amniotic fluid (0.97 +/- 0.52). Follistatin concentrations in extra-embryonic coelomic fluid were highly correlated with both dimeric inhibin isoforms. Activin A was present in only barely detectable amounts in some samples of extra- embryonic coelomic fluid (41% of samples) and maternal serum (26%) and was undetectable in all amniotic fluid samples. Activin AB was undetectable in all compartments. The presence of follistatin in the amniotic and extra-embryonic coelomic fluids may regulate the availability of bioactive activins and inhibins which are released into the intrauterine compartments during the development of the fetus and placenta in early pregnancy.   相似文献   
Group A streptococcus (GAS) depends on a hyaluronic acid (HA) capsule to evade phagocytosis and to interact with epithelial cells. Paradoxically, GAS also produces hyaluronidase (Hyl), an enzyme that cleaves HA. A common assumption is that Hyl digests structurally identical HA in human tissue to promote bacterial spread. We inactivated the gene encoding extracellular hyaluronidase, hylA, in a clinical Hyl(+) isolate. Hyl(+) and an isogenic Hyl(-) mutant were injected subcutaneously into mice with or without high-molecular-weight dextran blue. The Hyl(-) strain produced small lesions with dye concentrated in close proximity. The Hyl(+) strain produced identical lesions, but the dye diffused subcutaneously. However, Hyl(+) bacteria were not isolated from unaffected skin stained by dye diffusion. Thus, Hyl digests tissue HA and facilitates spread of large molecules but is not sufficient to cause subcutaneous diffusion of bacteria or to affect lesion size. GAS capsule expression was assayed periodically during broth culture and was reduced in Hyl(+) strains relative to Hyl(-) strains at the onset and the end of active capsule synthesis but not during peak synthesis in mid-exponential phase. Thus, Hyl is not sufficiently active to remove capsule during peak synthesis. To demonstrate a possible nutritional role for Hyl, GAS was shown to grow with N-acetylglucosamine but not d-glucuronic acid (both components of HA) as a sole carbon source. However, only Hyl(+) strains could grow utilizing HA as a sole carbon source, suggesting that Hyl may permit the organism to utilize host HA or its own capsule as an energy source.  相似文献   
Pharmacologic stress testing with dipyridamole is useful in patients undergoing thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy who cannot adequately exercise. Because dipyridamole increases coronary blood flow by reducing the metabolism of adenosine, the authors compared the uptake and clearance of T1-201 following exercise stress testing (EST) and resting intravenous infusion of adenosine (AI) in crossover fashion in 20 healthy men. No perfusion defects or areas of redistribution were noted in any of the scans. Mean absolute myocardial T1-201 uptake was 1.3 times greater with AI than with EST. Mean absolute extracardiac uptake was 2.0 times greater with AI. Mean T1-201 myocardial clearance was virtually the same in all AI and EST views. During AI, 70% of the subjects experienced subjective side effects, mean arterial blood pressure decreased by 15%, and heart rate increased by 48%. The effects of adenosine on T1-201 kinetics in the myocardium are similar to those of EST. Adenosine may be useful as a pharmacologic stress agent in patients undergoing T1-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy.  相似文献   
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